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~Sociology~ Applying to Experiential Learning Internship & Co-op Created by Daniel Farr, August 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "~Sociology~ Applying to Experiential Learning Internship & Co-op Created by Daniel Farr, August 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 ~Sociology~ Applying to Experiential Learning Internship & Co-op Created by Daniel Farr, August 2015

2 Internship – Finding a Site  First step towards applying for an internship is locating a site.  You may draw from personal networks, volunteer locations, employment locations, etc.  For ideas of past internship sites, please see the posted site signs from past semesters.

3 Site Guidance If you are struggling to come up with an appropriate idea for an internship, as it might link to your career aspirations or interests, a great resources is Jessie Edens McCrary in the Career Services Department. She is the Career & Internship Advisor for the College of Humanities & Social Sciences Contact Information:   770-423-6555  Willingham Hall 223A

4 Applying for Internship or Co-op credits  Once you have located your site you must apply before you can register  Applications are filled out online and then go through an approval process before you can register  In the university’s “Class Schedule Search” system, both Soci3396 & Soci3398 will always appear closed – once you are fully approved you will receive permission to register

5 Step one: Career Services Website

6 Step Two: Humanities & Social Sciences

7 Step Three: After you Scroll down – “Internship & Co-op Information”

8 Step four: How do I apply… Sociology

9 Step five: Apply

10 Log-in and fill out application

11 Tips for Filling Out Form  Have your full site information available  Name of site/organization & location  Site supervisor name & contact information (including email address)  Description of activities to be undertaken  Be sure you apply for the correct number of credits for your experiential learning per number of hours per week (see prior videos on internship and co-op)

12 How the approval process works  Once you have submitted your application it will be sent to your internship/co-op site coordinator for approval.  Once your site coordinator has approved, it comes to the department coordinator for approval.  Finally, it then proceeds to Career Services for approval.  You may check on the status of your application during this process

13 Where to Check Status – Career Services website

14 Once approved, now what?  Once you have been fully approved you must register for your course!  You should receive an email from Career Services informing you that you are approved (for particular course/CRN) and that you are now able to register.  When you register, please be sure you do so for the correct number of credits (as was approved in your application)

15 Words of Caution  Failure to register in a timely fashion may result in you being unable to earn credit for an internship or co-op in a semester  Failure to enter/confirm the correct number of credits when you register may result in lost credits, course failure, or repeating of course if the situation cannot be resolved

16 Getting Started  Once the semester you are registered for begins you should have access to a D2L section as linked to the course.  Therein, you should find an updated course syllabus and calendar, along with appropriate guidance on assessments, submissions, and course expectations

17 Can I start early?  Some students may wish to start their internship hours early (perhaps doing some hours in the break between semesters), this must be approved in advance by the internship coordinator  This cannot happen unless your internship application has been fully approved  At least 50-60% of total internship hours must occur during the registered semester  Time logs and field notes must be maintained for the entire time at internship; additionally, submission deadlines may be modified per internship coordinator request *Co-op hours must occur during the registered semester.

18 What if I finish my hours early?  Finishing your internship hours early in a semester may be acceptable, but is contingent upon discussion with and approval by site coordinator with additional approval by internship coordinator.  It is inappropriate to suddenly stop attending an internship once you reach your requisite hours – doing so, without site approval is unprofessional and will have negative grade consequences.

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