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CS-0110 Microsoft Excel 2007 Spring 2009 1. Excel Microsoft Excel is spreadsheet application. A spreadsheet is an electronic worksheet consisting of tables.

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Presentation on theme: "CS-0110 Microsoft Excel 2007 Spring 2009 1. Excel Microsoft Excel is spreadsheet application. A spreadsheet is an electronic worksheet consisting of tables."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS-0110 Microsoft Excel 2007 Spring 2009 1

2 Excel Microsoft Excel is spreadsheet application. A spreadsheet is an electronic worksheet consisting of tables of rows and columns of data that can be manipulated to store, process, and display data. 2

3 Spreadsheet Uses Spreadsheets are quite versatile and have many uses including the following: – Schedules – Grade sheets – Time sheets – Budgets / Invoices – Rosters – Data reports 3

4 MS Excel 2007 –Menu –Ribbon –Formula Bar –Table headers –Selected cell –Worksheet tabs


6 Table Basics A table is a set of rows and columns of cells used for representing data. 6

7 Columns A column is a vertical slice of a table, or a vertical set of cells. In Excel, these are given letter names – (e.g. A, B, C, …, Z, AA, AB,…) 7

8 Rows A row is a horizontal slice of a table, or a horizontal set of cells. In Excel, these are given number names – (e.g. 1, 2, 3, …) 8

9 Cell Cells can contain different types of data – Text (“Milk”) – Numbers (2) – Currency ($3.50) – Dates / Time (Jan 1 2008) – Formulae (=B3*C3) 9

10 Selecting cells Single cells are selected with a left click Multiple contiguous cells can be selected with – Click and drag – Shift + Arrows from a single selected cell Discontinuous cells can be selected with Ctrl + Click 10

11 Selecting cells (Cont.) Ctrl + Shift + Arrow selects to the end of a block of data from the current cell Ctrl + * selects the entire block of data around the current cell 11

12 Navigating The arrow keys move you from cell to cell Ctrl + arrow moves to the edge of a block of data With the scroll lock on, the arrow keys scroll the entire window instead of moving the current cell F2 modifies the current cell 12

13 Entering Data in a Worksheet AutoComplete speeds typing by completing entries in a cell, if the first few characters match an existing entry in the column. Auto Fill generates a series of values into adjacent cells, based on the value of the other cells. AutoCorrect automatically corrects and formats some text as it is typed.

14 Entering Data in a Worksheet Default column width is 64 pixels. – A pixel, or picture element, is a point of light measured in dots per square inch. Default font and size is Calibri, 11 points. There are 72 pts. in an inch, with 10 or 11 points being a typical font size.

15 Cell Formatting Font formatting very much like before – Also can define cell background color & borders Alignment menu similar, but also includes vertical alignment Type formatting also changes how Excel interprets data New, useful features include conditional formatting 15

16 Formulae Formulae allow you to do calculations using other cells as inputs Can consist of a mathematic formula using the following symbols: – + (addition) – - (subtraction) – * (multiplication – / (division) – ^ (exponentiation) – () (parentheses 16


18 Formulae Formulae always begin with “=“ They can use other cells as variables. – For example cell E1 could be defined as “= M1 * C1 ^2” – Ranges of cells take the form “Start:End” (e.g. A1:B3) Formulae can also make use of pre-defined functions. – “=SUM(A1:A10)” (Sum everything between A1 and A10) – “=AVERAGE(B2:E2)” (Average everything from B2 to E2) – “=MIN(C1:E10) + 25” (Take the smallest cell in C1 to E10 and add 25) 18

19 An Example – This shopping list demonstrates multiple data types and two functions – Changing any value will automatically re-compute everything. 19

20 Formulae Continued – Excel automatically color codes cell references and parentheses for you. – In addition to typing the formula in by hand, clicking on the “f(x)” button on the formua bar brings up a menu to walk you through it. Any time you see a button, clicking it will bring you back to the worksheet so you can select a cell. – Some popular functions sum, average, max, min, can automatically be computed by selecting a range and using the button. 20

21 Formulae Continued – Once you have one or more formulae entered in a row or column, or a series such as 1,2,3 or January, February, March, you can auto-fill that series across a number of cells – Select the beginning of the series and click and drag the black box in the lower left of the selection. – In a formula, references will be made relative to the cell unless fixed with a $ prior to the column or row. Selecting a reference and clicking F4 toggles the various possible combinations. $A4 will autofill with the column locked 21

22 Formulae Continued Order of operations: – Expressions that are placed within parentheses are processed first. – Exponentiation, if present, is performed next. – Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction. – Consecutive operators with the same level of precedence are calculated from left to right.

23 Formulae Continued Use parentheses to specify the order in which operations should occur. Example: A formula to average three test scores of 100, 50, and 90 is =(100+50+90)/3. – The three values are added, then the result is divided by 3 to get a correct average of 80. – If the formula is =100+50+90/3, the result would be 180, because Excel would first divide 90 by 3 and then add 100+50+30.

24 Using Functions A function is a predefined formula that Excel has already provided. A function performs calculations by using specific values in a particular order or structure. Functions are grouped into categories such as Financial, Logical, etc.

25 Using Functions Functions can be inserted in several ways: – Use the Function Library or Insert Function button. – Use the Formula AutoComplete. – Copy a similar function from another cell and edit the arguments. – Select Insert Function from any of the displayed menus in the Function Library Group or press Shift + F3.

26 Using a Date Function The NOW function: – retrieves date and time from your computer's calendar and clock and inserts the information into the selected cell – result is formatted as a date and time – places a sequential number in the cell that corresponds to the date and time

27 Financial Functions Interest = The amount charged for use of borrowed money. Interest percentage = Rate. The initial amount of loan = Present value (Pv). Principal = The total amount that a series of future payments is worth now. The number of time periods (# of payments) = nper. The value at the end of the time periods is Future value (Fv). The future value is usually zero for loans.


29 Excel Workbook A workbook contains one or more pages called worksheets. – A worksheet is a grid of vertical columns and horizontal rows. – The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell. A worksheet: – can be grouped to enter data into multiple worksheets simultaneously – can copy and paste information from one worksheet to another – can be named and color coded to aid in locating detailed information

30 Navigating a Workbook

31 Using a Workbook Like all Office application files, workbooks can be saved, closed, and reopened. You can reopen a workbook: – using the list of Recent Documents – using the storage location you selected previously

32 Move, Copy, and Paste Cell Contents Data from individual cells and groups of cells can be copied to other cells: – in the same worksheet – to other sheets in the same workbook – to sheets in another workbook Data can also be moved from one place to another.

33 Move, Copy, and Paste Cell Contents

34 You can enter or edit data on several worksheets at the same time. – You can select or group multiple worksheets. – Data you enter or edit on the active sheet is reflected in all the selected sheets. Using Multiple Worksheets at the Same Time

35 Creating a Summary Sheet Summary Worksheets: – display and summarize totals from related worksheets Detail Worksheets: – sometimes referred to as related worksheets – display details of the information that affect the totals shown on the summary worksheet

36 Creating a Summary Sheet

37 Designing Worksheets Good design techniques can be instrumental in making your worksheet useful. To be most effective: – Use rows rather than columns for the most abundant data. – Consider how it will appear on flat paper. – Arrange the data so that it is easily charted.


39 Charts & Graphs – Excel supports a number of chart options that can be used to visualize your data. Create them by selecting the data you want included and clicking the chart you want from “insert” Selecting and clicking F11 will also allow you to insert a chart – Charts can be styled much like Word documents or PowerPoint slides via selecting the chart and clicking “Design” 39

40 Types of Charts – Basic charts Column, Bar, Line charts – Percentage based charts Pie and Donut charts, Stacked column and bar charts – Charts for 2 dimensional data Scatter plot, Surface chart 40

41 Chart Data Each cell is a data point. – Each data point is shown in the chart by a data marker: A data marker can be a column, bar, area, dot, pie slice, or other symbol. – Related data points form a data series. For example, a data series for January, February, and March.

42 Conditional Formatting – New to Excel 2007 Conditional formatting turns the data itself into a chart, or color-coded map Apply as with most styles via the dropdown in the Home menu Different types, all based on the value of the cell – Bar charts – Color gradients – Icon Sets 42

43 Bar Chart

44 Pie Chart

45 Line Chart A line chart displays trends over time. – Time is displayed along the bottom axis. – Data point values are connected with a line. – To compare more than one set of values, each group is connected by a different line.

46 Line Chart


48 Freeze Panes Freeze Panes command takes selected rows or columns and then freezes them into place. – The locked rows and columns become separate panes. – A pane is a portion of a worksheet window bounded and separated by other portions, such as vertical or horizontal bars.

49 Freeze Panes

50 Using Goal Seek Goal Seek is a method to find a specific value for a cell by adjusting the value of one other cell. – Goal Seek works backward from the desired outcome, to find the input necessary to achieve the goal. – Goal Seek is one of Excel’s What-If Analysis tools.

51 Using Goal Seek

52 Sorting – It is often useful to sort data numerically or alphabetically for visualization purposes. – To do so in a plain worksheet, select a cell region (including the headers if present), and click “Sort & Filter” Button ( ) in the home menu of the ribbon – If it is just one column of data, it’s sufficient to select “Sort A to Z” or “Sort Z to A” from the dropdown 52

53 Custom Sorting – If your data consists of multiple columns, it is usually best to do a “custom sort” also selectable from the drop down. – From here you can select the column(s) you want to sort by and in which order. Lower levels only apply for ties in the upper levels 53

54 Sorting Issues – If you have a related span of data, be sure to select the whole thing before sorting! If you do not, Excel will not know to keep the data together and you will end up with corrupted results! 54

55 Excel Tables – These are new to Excel 2007 Define a specific sub-region of cells as a connected set of related data Easier to sort (see header dropdowns) – Avoid previously mentioned corruption problem Can be filtered by value (also in dropdowns) Style nicely like charts, Word Documents or PP Slides – e.g. contrasting header row, alternating row colors, etc… – To create a table, enter the data as before Then click “Format as Table” on the home tab of the Ribbon 55

56 Excel Tables 56

57 Why Pivot Tables? – It’s easy from the previous table to calculate the average height of ALL people in the table, but some things can’t be calculated easily. What’s the average height of freshmen? How many male English majors are there? Are seniors on average older than freshmen? – Pivot Tables take an array of data and allow you to easily calculate statistics like these based on groups defined in the data itself. 57

58 Pivot Tables – To create a Pivot Table, select your data (including headers), and click “PivotTable” from the “Insert” tab of the Ribbon By default Pivot Tables go into new worksheets – Doing this introduces a side bar on the right. From here you can select the variables and features you are interested in. 58

59 Constructing Pivot Tables – The column headers are listed on the top, checking them adds them to the PivotTable – Row Labels indicate the groups The order determines how the groups are nested – The values are functions run over the groups e.g. count, sum, average… These are set by clicking the dropdown on a value and then “Value Field Settings” 59

60 All Data 60 The data is shown as a nested tree Each level can be collapsed as desired Each group becomes more specific the deeper into the tree it goes

61 A Different Ordering… 61 Depending on how you order the groupings you can get different statistics…


63 Printing in Excel Page Layout View prepares your data for printing. – Rulers measure data, set margins, hide or display row and column headings, and change the page orientation. – Headers or footers print at the top (header) or bottom (footer) of every page of a worksheet. – Page Layout View shows you how the data and/or chart will appear when printed.

64 Printing in Excel


66 Using the Excel Help System The Help system provides information about Excel’s features. The Help system displays step-by-step instructions for performing many tasks.

67 Some information in these lectures is influenced by or derived from Prof. George Novacky, Dr. Yasir Khalifa, Shayne Evans, PJ Dillon, John Knox and/or Mohammad Hammoud’s CS-0110 lecture materials. Unless otherwise cited, images are all created personally, or obtained from stock.xchng or the Wikipedia Commons under either a royalty-free or GNU license.stock.xchngWikipedia Commons 67

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