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Topic: Chemistry Aim: Describe the different states of matter that exist. Do Now: Take out your phase changes reading notes. HW: Periodic Table Activity.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Chemistry Aim: Describe the different states of matter that exist. Do Now: Take out your phase changes reading notes. HW: Periodic Table Activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Chemistry Aim: Describe the different states of matter that exist. Do Now: Take out your phase changes reading notes. HW: Periodic Table Activity due Friday Properties Reading due Monday

2 The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called 1.groups 2.periods 3.noble Gases 4.families

3 The columns of the periodic table are called 1.groups 2.periods 3.noble gases 4.metalloids

4 Which statement regarding elements in the same family is true? 1. They have identical properties. 2. They have very different properties. 3. They have the same atomic number. 4. They have similar properties.

5 Elements at the left of the periodic table are known as 1.Nonmetals 2.Metals 3.Noble Gases 4.Metalloids

6 Elements at the right of the periodic table are known as 1.Nonmetals 2.Metals 3.Noble Gases 4.Metalloids

7 Elements farthest to the right of the periodic table in group 18 are known as 1.Nonmetals 2.Metals 3.Noble Gases 4.Metalloids

8 Physical change No new substances were produced. Salt is dissolving in the water.

9 Physical change No new substances were produced. It is still glass even though it is broken.

10 Chemical change New substances were produced because of the baking.

11 Chemical change Iron oxide (rust) is produced.

12 Chemical change CO2 and ash produced.

13 1. Describe the shape and volume of a solid. Definite shape and volume


15 2. How are the particles in a solid held together? Bonds The atoms in diamond, a pure form of carbon, are held together by covalent bonds.

16 Solid NaCl is held together by ionic bonds.

17 3. Identify the motion of parties in a solid. Vibrating in place

18 4. Explain the shape of a liquid. DO NOT HAVE a definite shape. Takes the shape of the container it is in.

19 5. Do liquids have a definite volume? Explain. Liquids HAVE a definite volume. (GRADUATED CYLINDER)

20 6. Describe the motion of particles in a liquid. The particles can move over, around, and past one another. Particles are COHESIVE

21 7. Describe the shape of a gas. DO NOT HAVE a definite shape. Can take the shape of a closed container.

22 8. Describe the volume of a gas. DO NOT HAVE a definite volume.


24 9. Describe the motion of gas particles. Particles are not bonded to other particles. Each particle moves freely through space.



27 Plasma Plasmas are a lot like gases, but the atoms are different, because they are made up of free electrons and ions of an element gaseselectrons

28 Plasma is different from a gas, because it is made up of groups of positively and negatively charged particles.

29 Natural plasmas aren't found around you that often. Man- made plasmas are everywhere. Fluorescent light bulbs are not like regular light bulbs. Inside the long tube is a gas. Electricity flows through the tube when the light is turned on. The electricity acts as an energy source and charges up the gas. This charging and exciting of the atoms creates glowing plasma inside the bulb. The electricity helps to strip the gas molecules of their electrons.

30 You also see plasma when you look at stars and the sun. Stars are big balls of gases at really high temperatures. The high temperatures charge up the atoms and create plasma.

31 When the sun boils and bubbles, particles escape from the star hurtling particles of plasma, known as solar wind, into space. It takes these winds around 40 hours to reach Earth. When they do, they can cause the dramatic displays known as the aurora borealis. The Northern Lights is are only visible in the North sky from the Northern Hemisphere.


33 Let’s summarize… Identify the phase being described (solid, liquid or gas): 1.No definite shape or volume. 2.Takes the shape of the container it is in and has a definite volume. 3.Made up of high energy atoms. 4.Atoms are tightly packed together. 5.Molecules are cohesive. 6.Has a definite shape and volume. 7.Takes the shape of a closed container.

34 Draw the solid, liquid and gas phases in the boxes at the end of your notes. SOLID GAS LIQUID







41 The elements oxygen, sulfur, selenium and tellurium are all found in the same group (16) on the table. What do we know about the elements in that family? They have the same (BUT NOT IDENTICAL) properties.

42 1.In what family is neon found? 2.What do we call those elements in that group? Family 18 Noble gases

43 Which element is a metalloid? 1. S (Sulfur) 2. Si (Silicon) 3. Ba (Barium) 4. Br (Bromine)

44 Explain what occurs to the atomic number when moving from left to right on the periodic table. Atomic number increases.

45 A substance that cannot be changed into simpler substances by a chemical change is called a (an) 1. element. 2. liquid. 3. solid. 4. mixture.

46 click here to see animations of a solid, liquid and gas

47 animations Molecular level phases

48 Review: Identify the solid, liquid and gas! Support your answer.

49 The particles of a substance are closest together in a.a solid b.a liquid c.a gas d.plasma

50 The particles of a substance move most readily in a.a solid b.a liquid c.a gas

51 The particles of a substance that does not have a definite volume or shape is a.a solid b.a liquid c.a gas d.plasma

52 Attractive forces are very strong between particles in a.a solid b.a liquid c.a gas d.plasma


54 Which of the following substances cannot be broken down by chemical change? 1.sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ) 2.ammonia (NH 3 ) 3.water (H 2 O) 4.potassium (K)

55 Which diagram represents a mixture?

56 Which three elements have the most similar chemical properties? 1. Ar, Kr, Br 3. B, C, N 2. K, Rb, Cs 4. O, N, Si

57 Which element is in Group 2 and Period 7 of the Periodic Table? 1. magnesium (Mg) 3. radium (Ra) 2. manganese (Mn)4. radon (Rn)



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