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March 24, 2010 Integrated Project and Panel Work Plan FY 2010 OIDAP Quarterly Meeting St. Louis, MO Sylvia Karman OIDAP Member & Project Director.

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Presentation on theme: "March 24, 2010 Integrated Project and Panel Work Plan FY 2010 OIDAP Quarterly Meeting St. Louis, MO Sylvia Karman OIDAP Member & Project Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 24, 2010 Integrated Project and Panel Work Plan FY 2010 OIDAP Quarterly Meeting St. Louis, MO Sylvia Karman OIDAP Member & Project Director

2 3/24/2010 Social Security Administration 2 Presentation Overview SSA project activity since January 2010 How SSA is incorporating Panel recommendations Next steps for the project and the Panel

3 3/24/2010 Social Security Administration 33 Finalized Data Collection Instrument (DCI) and review protocol for initial-level case file reviews Completed pilot study consisting of 120 initial-level case file reviews Obtained sample of cases for full study consisting of 3,867 initial-level cases and 1,133 ALJ-level cases Revising DCI and protocol based on pilot results Initiation of full study expected to occur during last week of March Completion of initial-level case reviews expected by end FY 10 OIS Project Activity Since January 2010 OIDAP Meeting--Project Director’s Report Occupational and Medical Vocational Study

4 3/24/2010 Social Security Administration 44 Primary purpose is to test technical design issues It will also enable SSA to develop and test sampling methods, develop and test options for data collection, and inform policy development Project team is completing draft study design Once complete, the Panel and OISD Workgroup will have an opportunity to review and comment on the study design SSA expects to conduct the study in FY 2011 OIS Project Activity Since January 2010 OIDAP Meeting--Project Director’s Report OIS Design Study I

5 3/24/2010 Social Security Administration 5 OIS Project Activity Since January 2010 OIDAP Meeting--Project Director’s Report International OIS Investigation Initiated contacts with officials at the United Nations- International Labor Organization (ILO), European Union, U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand Conducted interviews with officials in Canada and the ILO Obtained documents from contacts describing their development and use of OIS Currently conducting follow-up contacts to obtain further information Draft report expected in June 2010 Final report expected in August 2010

6 3/24/2010 Social Security Administration 6 OIS Project Activity Since January 2010 OIDAP Meeting--Project Director’s Report Content Model Synthesized recommendations and comments received from Panel, stakeholder organizations and individuals, presenters and commenters at Panel meetings, the SSA User Needs Analysis study, and SSA stakeholder components Completed draft content model for agency discussions Began discussions with OISD Workgroup and SSA policy component Expect completion of draft content model in May 2010 Draft content model will be used to develop job analysis instrument

7 3/24/2010 Social Security Administration 7 Panel recommendations for communication with stakeholders and researchers—User Needs and Relations Subcommittee Taking steps to establish a web-based platform to operationalize recommendations Working with CIO’s office to define future web- based requirements Scheduled recording of on-demand webinars and electronic fact sheets OIS Project Activity Since January 2010 OIDAP Meeting--Project Director’s Report Communications

8 3/24/2010 Social Security Administration 88 OIS Project: Next Steps in FY 2010 Develop functional requirements for OIS Develop person-side and job-analysis instruments Develop job analyst recruitment, training, certification plans

9 3/24/2010 Social Security Administration 99 Recap Next steps for project in FY 2010: OIS Design Prep Content model, functional requirements & instruments Communications

10 Review Presentation Advisory Consultative 3/24/2010 Social Security Administration 10

11 Review “Deliverables" are recommendations from OIDAP to SSA on: the development of sampling and data collection plans for R&D; the creation of a process for recruiting job analysts, including methods for certification criteria and training; the establishment of associations (linkages) between human functions and the requirements of work that serve the disability evaluation process; and, “Deliverables" are advice from OIDAP to SSA on: relevant documents or reports SSA identifies that may affect or inform SSA's work on the OIS. Administrative: Annual report of activities of the OIDAP 3/24/2010 Social Security Administration 11

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