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Curriculum Development Placing Priority on Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Development Placing Priority on Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Development Placing Priority on Planning

2 Today’s Objective To present planning tools used for DLIELC curriculum projects To present planning tools used for DLIELC curriculum projects To show how increased transparency and accountability impact project completion time To show how increased transparency and accountability impact project completion time

3 Today’s Agenda Timelines, Deadlines, Project Tracking Reverse planning Reverse planning The PERT Chart The PERT Chart Work-based Structure Work-based Structure The Gantt Chart The Gantt Chart

4 Preparing quizzes An email from a project officer: “The book’s due by July 31 st. We need CDT quizzes by the same date. So let's count back: week of 27-31July for curriculum staff to take the CDTs, make revisions, & hand off final to Testing; Record & proof scripts - week of 20-24 July; make revisions from Testing review - week of 13-17 July; testing review - from 29 June to 10 July (only two weeks including two days off for 4th July holiday); that leaves 4 weeks in June (1- 26) to write & compile the remaining quiz items.”

5 Reverse Planning (Resident Quizzes - 3 Forms) A. June 1 –Start quizzes (150 items required) B. June 26 –Complete quiz draft and kits C. June 29 –Review by LEAT (2-3 weeks) D. July 10 –Receive completed LEAT review E. July 13 –Enter edits F. July 20 –Record audio (with Media’s help) G. July 27 –CDT prep by Testing Section (LEAT); quality control H. July 31 –Send out quiz release letter

6 PERT Chart Start quizzes Quiz Review Enter edits Record audio Finalize quizzes CDT prep CDT quality control Quiz Release June 1-26 ALC Team June 29-July 10 Testing July 13-17 ALC Team July 20-24 Media July 31 ALC Team July 30 ALC Team July 27-30 Testing July 24 ALC Team

7 Critical Path (days in parentheses) 1 start 2 review 3 edit 4 record 5 edit audio 6 CDT prep 7 quality control 8 release A (20 days) ALC Team B (10 days) Testing C (5 days) ALC Team D(5 days) Media H(1 day) ALC Team G(1 day) ALC Team F(5 days) Testing E(1 day) ALC Team

8 VALUE-ADDED WORK An important concept:

9 Curriculum Flow Chart CW = course writer PO = project officer CW makes revisions and returns to PO. CW or PO develops materials in chunks (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, skills, quiz items). Peers proof and provide feedback. Afterwards, PO reviews first draft. Does PO approve final draft? PO or CW makes more revisions. CW develops next chunk. Are all the chunks of a text developed and approved by the PO? PO edits and sequences text, places graphics, obtains more feedback, makes final revisions, completes final formatting, and prints a final draft. Final Book Quizzes go to Testing. Yes No Yes No Final ST and IT go to Editorial.

10 Value-Added Stream in Green CW makes revisions and returns to PO. CW or PO develops materials in chunks (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, skills, quiz items). Peers proof and provide feedback. Afterwards, PO reviews first draft. Does PO approve final draft? PO or CW makes more revisions. CW develops next chunk. Are all the chunks of a text developed and approved by the PO? PO edits and sequences text, places graphics, obtains more feedback, makes final revisions, completes final formatting, and prints a final draft. Final Book Quizzes go to Testing. Yes No Yes No Final ST and IT go to Editorial.

11 Project boards enhance accountability

12 and offer transparency for a team project work-based structure

13 GANTT Chart – Resident Quizzes TASKS12345678 CRL Write items Compile 3 tests Testing review Finalize 3 test kits Record Audio CDT preparation Week #12345678

14 7-Jul14-Jul 21-Jul28-Jul 4-Aug11-Aug 18-Aug25-Aug 1-Sep8-Sep 15-Sep22-Sep 29-Sep6-Oct 13-Oct20-Oct 27-Oct3-Nov 10-Nov17-Nov 24-Nov1-Dec

15 Conclusion The ultimate goal of a project is completion. PERT charts, flow charts, Gantt charts, and truly meaningful timelines are tools that help focus on value-added work. They provide transparency, increase accountability, enhance communication, and can help get the job done right and on time.

16 Following 2 slides optional & for discussion purposes. They are not part of this presentation.



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