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Development Tools in Component-Based Structural Computing Environments Uffe K. Wiil Aalborg Univ. Esbjerg.

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Presentation on theme: "Development Tools in Component-Based Structural Computing Environments Uffe K. Wiil Aalborg Univ. Esbjerg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development Tools in Component-Based Structural Computing Environments Uffe K. Wiil Aalborg Univ. Esbjerg

2 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 2 Overview Why development tools? Construct development environment UML Tool Development scenario Experiences with service development Related work and conclusions Open issues and future work

3 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 3 Why Development Tools? Ease the construction of new services – Specification – Development Lowering the entry barrier for developers – Specification of services at a high level of abstraction (UML and IDL) – Use of well-defined design patterns and templates to generate component service skeletons

4 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 4 Why Development Tools? A lesson learned with HOSS – Rapid development of services Same lesson learned with Construct – E.g., development of a metadata service, wrapper and integration with Emacs in two days Is this not how computer scientists work? – Specific -> General(generalization) – General -> Specific(specialization)

5 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 5 Construct Development Environment The 5 steps in service development – UML diagram(UML Tool) – IDL specification(Emacs) – Compilation(CSC inside Emacs) – Service semantics (Emacs) (method bodies) – Compilation(Javac inside Emacs)

6 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 6 Construct Development Environment

7 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 7 UML Tool

8 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 8 UML Tool

9 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 9 UML Tool

10 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 10 Development Scenario Jakob is a graduate student taking a structural computing class – we have plans for one! Hands-on experience is a requirement Decides to build a simple navigational structure service as his class assignment – Based on anchors and links only! Decides to base development on existing development tools – in this case Construct

11 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 11 Development Scenario Create package

12 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 12 Development Scenario Define anchor class (1)

13 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 13 Development Scenario Define anchor class (2)

14 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 14 Development Scenario Define anchor class (3)

15 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 15 Development Scenario Create an association

16 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 16 Development Scenario Resulting UML diagram

17 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 17 Development Scenario Generated IDL specification

18 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 18 Development Scenario Documentation (1)

19 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 19 Development Scenario Documentation (2)

20 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 20 Experiences with Service Development Navigational service – Wrappers for Netscape, Emacs, UML Tool Metadata service – Wrappers for Netscape, Emacs Storage service Taxonomic, spatial, data mining, and cooperation services

21 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 21 Related Work Rational Rose ( – Construct is public domain – Construct is based on an open systems philosophy with re-use and integration of existing tools, services and applications ArgoUML ( – Also public domain – Worth an investigation!

22 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 22 ArgoUML

23 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 23 Conclusions We have demonstrated that development tools can lower the entry barrier for developers! – Services can be specified at a high level of abstraction in UML or IDL – Component skeletons are ”auto-generated” We propose to the OHSWG that UML is adopted as one of the primary ways to specify service interface – together with IDL

24 Uffe K. Wiil Open Hypermedia Systems 7 24 Open Issues and Future Work The development environment – Smoother integration of tools (control integration) – Keep developing our own tools? – Use exsiting tools such as ArgoUML? What is the appropriate component model? – Construct as it is? – Java Beans / RMI? – CORBA?

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