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G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 20061 Epitaxial Silicon Detectors for Particle Tracking Overview on Radiation Tolerance.

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Presentation on theme: "G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 20061 Epitaxial Silicon Detectors for Particle Tracking Overview on Radiation Tolerance."— Presentation transcript:

1 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 20061 Epitaxial Silicon Detectors for Particle Tracking Overview on Radiation Tolerance at Extreme Hadron Fluence Joint Project: Bucharest-Hamburg-Ljubljana with ITME (EPI), CiS (diodes), CERN (PS-p) work done in the RD 50 collaboration presented by: Georg Steinbrück Hamburg University  Motivation  Material parameters  Results for proton and neutron irradiated devices  S-LHC scenario: simulation and experimental data  Outlook

2 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 20062Motivation  LHC upgrade to Super-LHC Luminostity LHC: L ~ 10 34 cm -2 s -1  S-LHC: L ~ 10 35 cm -2 s -1 Expected radiation at inner pixel layer (4 cm) under S-LHC conditions: Fluence for fast hadrons: 1.6  10 16 cm -2 Dose: 420 Mrad  Proposed Solution: thin EPI-SI for small size pixels Si best candidate: low cost, large availability, proven technology thickness doesn’t matter (?) CCE limited at 10 16 cm-2 by e  20  m, h  10  m small pixel size needed, allows thin devices with acceptable capacitance for S/N  Needed data for prediction of S-LHC operational scenario:  Reliable projection of damage data to S-LHC operation  Full annealing cycles at elevated temperatures  Charge collection efficiency at very high fluences

3 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 20063 Material Parameters  Oxygen depth profiles SIMS-measurements after diode processing O diffusion from substrate into epi-layer interstial O i + dimers O 2i [O] 25 µm > [O] 50 µm process simulation yields reliable [O] (SIMS-measurements: A. Barcz/ITME, Simulations: L. Long/CiS)  Resistivity profiles SR  before diode process, C-V on diodes SR coincides well with C-V method Excellent homogeneity in epi-layers (SR-measurements: E. Nossarzewska, ITME) epi Cz-substrate O concentration dep. on thickness

4 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 20064 Quasi-Stable Damage Component N eff (t 0 ): Value taken at annealing time t 0 at which V fd maximal  No space charge sign inversion after proton and neutron irradiation Introduction of shallow donors overcompensates creation of acceptors  Protons: Stronger increase for 25 µm compared to 50 µm  higher [O] and possibly [O 2 ] in 25 µm (see SIMS profiles)  Neutrons: Similar effect but not nearly as pronounced most probably due to less generation of shallow donors and as strong influence of acceptors

5 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 20065 Shallow Donors, the real issue for EPI -Comparison of 25, 50 and 75 µm Diodes- SIMS profiling: [O](25µm) > [O](50µm) > [O](75µm) Stable Damage: N eff (25µm) > N eff (50µm) > N eff (75µm) TSC Defect Spectroscopy: [BD](25µm) > [BD](50µm) > [BD](75µm) SIMS profiling of [O] Stable Damage after PS p-irradiation Generation of positive space charge most pronounced in 25 µm diodes Defect spectroscopy after PS p-irradiation Generation of recently found shallow donors BD (Ec-0.23 eV) strongly related to [O] Possibly caused by O-dimers, outdiffused from Cz with larger diffusion constant Strong correlation between [O]-[BD]-g C generation of O (dimer?)-related BD reason for superior radiation tolerance of EPI Si detectors

6 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 20066 Examples of parameter evaluation from annealing: Fluence Dependence of N Y1  Introduction rate for protons: Independent of epi-layer thickness and annealing temperature g Y1 = 3.1  10 -2 cm -1  Introduction rate for neutrons: Value for 25 µm slightly lower compared to 50 µm, average value: g Y1 = 1.7  10 -2 cm -1 Amplitude in N eff

7 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 20067 Temperature Dependence of Temperature Dependence of  Y1 23 GeV protons  Arrhenius relation: 1/  Y = k 0  exp(-E a /k B T) Y1 component: E a = 1.3 eV, k 0 = 1.5  10 15 s -1 High resistivity FZ Si: M. Moll, PhD thesis Rises linearly  reliable extrapolation to operating temperature/room temperature! LT annealing No difference between FZ and EPI wrt. LT annealing!

8 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 20068 Reliability check: Annealing at 20°C parameter20°C data fit80°C data fit Stable dam. N C -8.9·10 13 cm -3 -8.6 ·10 13 cm -3 Benef. Ann. N a 3 ·10 13 cm -3 5 ·10 13 cm -3 Rev. Ann. N Y1 2.2 ·10 14 cm -3 1.8 ·10 14 cm -3 Example: EPI 50 µm, Φp = 1.01·10 16 cm -2  20°C annealing results can be fitted with Hamburg model  Analyzed parameters agree reasonably well  Projection from our 60°C, 80°C-results to RT annealing reliable

9 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 20069 Charge Collection Efficiency  Charge collection efficiency measured with 90 Sr electrons(mip’s), shaping time 25 ns  CCE measured after n- and p-irradiation  CCE(Φ p =10 16 cm -2 ) = 2400 e (mp-value) Extracted trapping parameters coincide with those measured in FZ diodes for small Φ, for large Φ less trapping than expected !  No degradation of CCE at low temperatures !

10 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 200610 S-LHC CERN scenario experiment  Simulation: reproducing the experimental scenario with damage parameters from analysis  Experimental parameter:  Irradiation: fluence steps  2.2  10 15 cm -2 irradiation temperature  25°C  After each irradiation step annealing at 80°C for 50 min, corresponding 265 days at 20°C Excellent agreement between experimental data and simulated results  Simulation + parameters reliable!

11 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 200611 S-LHC operational scenario simulation results  RT storage during beam off periods extremely beneficial  Damage during operation at -7°C compensated by 265 d RT annealing  Effect more pronounced for 50 µm: less donor creation, same acceptor component  Depletion voltage for full SLHC period less than 300 V S-LHC: L=10 35 cm -2 s -1 Most inner pixel layer operational period per year: 100 d, -7°C, Φ = 3.48·10 15 cm -2 beam off period per year 265 d, +20°C (lower curves) -7°C (upper curves)

12 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 200612 Summary Thin low resistivity EPI diodes (grown on Cz) are extremely radiation tolerant No type inversion observed up to Φ eq = 10 16 cm -2 for protons and neutrons Radiation induced stable donor generation related most likely to O-dimers Elevated temperature annealing results verified at 20°C Dedicated CERN scenario experiment shows benefits of RT storage Simulation of real SLHC operational scenario with RT storage demonstrated 50 µm EPI Detectors withstand 5y SLHC with V op ≤ 300V (full depl.) Future plans: p-type epi, thicker n-type epi, thin Cz …..

13 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 200613 BACKUP

14 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 200614 Typical Annealing Curves Comparison EPI- with FZ-device: V fd development: short term: EPI increasing, FZ decreasing long term: EPI decreasing, FZ increasing  EPI not inverted, FZ inverted, already immediately after irradiation Typical annealing behavior of EPI-devices: V fd development: Inversion only(!) during annealing (  ) (100 min @ 80C ≈ 500 days @ RT)  EPI never inverted at RT, even for 10 16

15 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 200615 Parameterization of Annealing Results Annealing components:  Short term annealing  N A ( ,t(T))  Stable damage  N C (  ) N C = N C0 (1-exp(-cΦ eq ) + g C Φ eq g C negative for EPI (effective positive space charge generation!)  Long term (reverse) annealing: Two components:  N Y,1 ( ,t(T)), first order process  N Y,2 ( ,t(T)), second order process N Y1, N Y2 ~ Φ eq, N Y1 +N Y2 similar to FZ Change of effective “doping“ concentration:  N eff = N eff,0 – N eff ( ,t(T)) Standard parameterization:  N eff = N A ( ,t(T)) + N C (  ) + N Y ( ,t(T))

16 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 200616 Annealing Curves for 25 µm and 50 µm  Nearly identical time dependence, constant difference between both curves  Shift due to higher introduction of shallow donors in 25 µm epi-Si  Concentration of donors not affected by long term annealing  Radiation induced donors are stable at 80°C (verified by TSC)

17 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 200617 Reverse Annealing Time Constants  Protons: above 10 15 cm -2  Y1 and  Y2  constant Ratio  Y1 (60°C)/  Y1 (80°C) = 11 Ratio  Y2 (60°C)/  Y2 (80°C) = 10 below 10 15 cm -2  Y2  1/  eq  Neutrons: above 2  10 15 cm -2  Y1 and  Y2  constant  Y1 (50 µm) = 1.3  10 2 min,  Y1 (25 µm) = 3.3  10 2 min  Y2 (50 µm) = 2.9  10 3 min,  Y2 (25 µm) = 5.3  10 3 min

18 G. Steinbrück, University of Hamburg, SLHC Workshop, Perugia, 3-4 April 200618 Current Generation Result almost identical to FZ silicon: Current related damage rate α = 4.1·10 -17 Acm -1 (Small deviations in short term annealing)

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