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Yvonne Desmond DIT Library Services

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Presentation on theme: "Yvonne Desmond DIT Library Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yvonne Desmond DIT Library Services

2 Scholarly Publishing Information Super Highway Digital Present

3 Hybrid Approach Academic Rigour Availability/Accessibility Transparency

4 Outputs Traditional Journal Article, Book, Edited Book, Book Chapter, Working Paper, Technical Paper, Commentary, Review. Citations Journal Level Metrics New Blogs, Mentions, Captures, Downloads, Media, Videos, Patents, Social Media. Impact Item level metrics

5 Traditional Outputs Measures to quantitatively analyse academic literature based on citations Logic – Citations indicate research is important, being talked about, is of an excellent quality? Crude measure

6 Bibliometric indicators Trends, publication types, journals used, research field Citations – Average, trends, normalised, share of output in worlds top 10%, top 1%. individual/institutional/ government metrics.

7 There are others…. Qualitative methods Peer Review Funding Awards Patents Open Access Bibliometrics not the only game in town but is seen as more objective and transparent

8 Web of Science Documents 2008-2015

9 Normalised citation impact 2008-2015

10 Publish in a Journal Impact Factor of the journal (JIF) – Averages the number of citations received by a journal in a given year by the number of articles published in the previous two years Journal Citation Reports Publishers Website JIF will change every year



13 Other measures SCImago Measure of scientific influence of a journal that accounts for both the number of citations received by that journal and the prestige of the journals where the citation is coming from. Eigenfactor Rating of the total importance of a scientific journal according to the number of incoming citations from highly ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the E than those from poorly ranked journals

14 Citation Databases Databases that count citations Databases that provide bibliometrics/Analysis Web of Science (2661) + Incites Scopus (3820) + Scival Take the data and tell the stories individual – Institution-National-International High quality and high curation

15 Google Scholar Metrics provide an easy way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly publications. Deals with last 5 years Larger publications Prone to duplications, no quality control. Publish or Perish Software program that uses Google Scholar and (since release 4.1) Microsoft Academic Search Total number of papers and total number of citations Average citations per paper, citations per author, papers per author, and citations per year H Index The average annual increase in the individual h-index The age-weighted citation rate An analysis of the number of authors per paper. Better for the SS/Humanities

16 Author Profile Claims your research and brings all your citations together H Index – Author H index of 20 – Author had 20 papers each of which has been cited more than 20 times. – Alternative to total citations which can be skewed by a few highly cited papers. Set up citation alerts in WOS, Scopus, Scholar Check how you look in Scopus/WOS

17 Recap Name and Affiliation clean RIS/Populated Orcid ID Impact Factor of the Journal Is it indexed WOS/Scopus? Self citations..often excluded Review papers cited more Papers broad areas cited more

18 New Outputs Citations, downloads, views, captures, referrals, social media, Wikipedia, Slideshare, YouTube, LinkedIn, Community sites, academic social networking sites (ResearchGate) How an article is used/cited, reproducibility, feeding into policies, social media impact, societal impact

19 Altmetrics New ways of measuring different forms of output…referred to as “societal impacts” More article level metrics Alternative to “only using citations” Not alternative to citations Accrue more rapidly than citations Can be easily manipulated Better for SS/Humanities

20 PlumX PlumX tracks metrics from over 30 sources – with new ones added frequently. Allows for fact that not all metrics are created equal. An article that is downloaded is different than a tweet about the same article. Categorizes the metrics into 5 categories : citations, usage, mentions, captures, and social media.


22 Widget can go anywhere

23 Academic Social Networking Sites ResearchGate, Academia. edu Network with peers and share Can upload publications Copyright applies Infringement can lead to takeover

24 Open Access Gold Open Access Author pays publisher for rights Green Open Access Use final print version Obtain publisher’s permission National Principals are for Green atement.pdf atement.pdf Copyright still applies!

25 Attribution Attribution, no derivatives Attribution, non commercial share alike Attribution, share alike Attribution, non- commercial Attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives

26 Open Access Journals Member of DOAJ Member of Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association Quality of the Editorial Board Contact details Visibility of costs associated with publishing Predatory publishers – Check Scholarly Open AccessScholarly Open Access

27 Institutional Repository: Arrow Complementary publishing Dissemination Use Authors final proof Monthly/annual counts of downloads 1 url for open access publications Handles all formats Managed by the library

28 DCU DIT RCSI UCD WIT DKIT UCC NUI M UL MI DBS NUI G Marine I HSE Teagasc Connaught / Ulster Alliance (ITS, LKIT, GMIT) Ireland’s Open Access Repository Network Greater discoverability Higher impact All research outputs Harvested Ireland’s OA Repository network: 18+ institutions All universities, many other research institutes National Open Access Portal: RIAN ( ) – RIAN: Higher Education Authority- funded Searched TCD


30 Datasets Open Science Funders driving this Data Management Plan Can be taken into Arrow Accrues citations To ensure wider dissemination, increased impact and online sharing.

31 Research Strategy Make it easy to find your research Be strategic about where you publish Think about citations Use one version of name Populate your orcid id Maximise the open access advantage Upload your datasets (if you can!) Talk about your work on social media


33 Bibliometrics/Arrow Yvonne Tel:4027807 Brian Widdis… Tel:4027812 Librarians... at every DIT Library!


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