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DO NOW 10/28/2015 1)What is the NEW PERIMETER? 2) What do you think would happen if you performed a reflection across the X and Y axis on the same figure?

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW 10/28/2015 1)What is the NEW PERIMETER? 2) What do you think would happen if you performed a reflection across the X and Y axis on the same figure?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW 10/28/2015 1)What is the NEW PERIMETER? 2) What do you think would happen if you performed a reflection across the X and Y axis on the same figure?



4 2.) WHAT IS X?18

5 What is the actual perimeter of the school library? SCALE 2 Inches = 11 Feet

6 QUESTION #3 The coordinates for “TRIANGLE” PAZ P( -3, -6), A( -5, 8), Z( -2, 4 ) What would be the new coordinates if it is translates 3 units up and 4 units left?

7 4.) Which of the follow statements is NOT true concerning a figure that has all of its vertices in Quadrant I? A.)If it is reflected across the Y-Axis it will end up in Quadrant II B.)If it has a 180 degree rotation it will end in Quadrant III C.)If it is dilated by a scale factor of 2 in would be enlarged D.) If it is reflected across the X-Axis it will end up in Quadrant III

8 QUESTION #5 Michael wants to find the length of the shadow of a tree. He measures the height of a fencepost and the length of the shadow it casts. The fencepost is 3.5 feet tall, and its shadow is 10.5 feet long. Next, Michael measures the height of the tree, and finds it is 6 feet tall. How long is the shadow of the tree?


10 7.) REFLECT ACROSS X-AXIS L(4, 2) L’________ O(-6, 3) O’________ S(0, 6) S’________ E(2, 4) E’________

11 QUESTION # 8 What is X

12 QUESTION #9 A garage floor measures 150 feet by 120 feet. A scale drawing of the floor on grid paper uses a scale of 1 unit : 15 feet. What are the dimensions of the drawing?

13 QUESTION 10 Quadrilateral JKLM has vertices J(-8, 3), K(-10, -3), L(-2, 3), and M(0, -3). Translated it 5 units right and 4 units down.

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