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Mrs. A. Alvarez Ms. I. Espinoza September 8, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. A. Alvarez Ms. I. Espinoza September 8, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. A. Alvarez Ms. I. Espinoza September 8, 2015

2  Complete assignments.  Turn in all homework on time.  Listen and follow directions.  Respect others.  Use self discipline.

3  Verbal warning  Loss of conduct point and/or phone call to parents and/or  Lunch detention (no recess)  30 minutes after school  Parent conference  Referral to office  SEVERE DISRUPTION – Immediate referral

4  Hair length for boys- must pass the 3 way test.  No leggings, or jeggings are allowed unless worn with a top, blouse, skirt, or dress worn 2 inches above the knee.  No spaghetti straps, tank tops, or midriff showing.  No camouflage outfits.  Shorts and skirts MUST be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.  A copy of the dress code is provided on page 46 for boys and 47 for girls in the Student Parent handbook.

5  State law permits only 8 absences per semester  A note within 3 days of your student returning from an illness is necessary or the absence is unexcused and work/tests cannot be made up.  3 tardies = 1 absence for Perfect Attendance Award in May

6  All homework and important messages will be written in the planner daily.  Please write any notes or questions in planner. We check them every day.  We suggest that you sign your child’ planner/agenda on a daily basis.  We are creating lifelong organizational skills with the planners.  Planners are a great communication skill between student/parent/teacher when used purposefully.

7  Morning procedure is that every student will go to cafeteria – even if they are not eating breakfast.  Grade levels are dismissed to classrooms one at a time starting at 7:40.  Pick up after school is on the North side of the building.  Class begins promptly at 8:00 A.M.  Dismissal is at 3:30 P.M.

8  AR Reading is recommended every night. Spelling assignments are daily.  Homework should be approx. 90 minutes nightly, depending on how your child uses their time in class.  There will be occasional projects assigned.  Each missing homework assignment is a loss of a conduct point.

9  State law prohibits children from sharing food in school cafeteria.  Parents may bring outside food/drink for their child only. No sodas are allowed.  The goal is to encourage healthy life skills for all Texas children.  There is a list of healthy snacks on the Sharyland ISD website.  Meals may be paid for on SISD website.

10  Your child has a weekly goal based on their ZPD range from their STAR test.  Each child is given AR time during the school day and should read 20 minutes nightly.  Please check with your child for their weekly AR goals.  Rewards will be given to those students attaining their 6 week AR goals.  Family reading nights will be available every grading period.

11  STAAR Reading test is March 30, 2016.  STAAR Reading Test has approx. 46 questions. It tests main idea, summary, context clues, author’s purpose, point of view, sequencing, plot, inferencing, generalizations and much more. It is a timed test! (Only 4 hours allotted.)  Curriculum consists of basal reading and/or novel sets. Emphasis on vocabulary is included. Every day students will receive 60 minutes reading and 30 minutes STAAR preparation instruction integrated as part of reading.

12  The STAAR Math test will be administered Tuesday, March 29, 2016.  The test consists of approx. 50 problems and it’s a timed test, with only four hours allotted.  Every day students will have Math homework over the specific concept of the week plus STAAR questions.

13  The Science STAAR test will be administered on May 11, 2016.  Science will consist of a science journal, science vocabulary, and hands on lab work.  A Science journal, folder and index vocabulary cards will be maintained by each student.

14  Composition will be every other week. It will vary from narratives, poetry, autobiographies, biographies, research articles, observations of current events, etc.  Grammar grades will be taken from assigned text pages.

15  Spelling and Science vocabulary words are integrated into one list.  Lists will be in their planners on a weekly basis.  Science words will be kept in their spelling composition notebook and in their index cards.  Tests are given on Friday over both Science vocabulary and spelling words assigned.  Spelling words and Science definitions can be found on Mrs. Ochoa’s webpage.

16  United States history, civics, economics, and government are the essence of Social Studies.  There are daily readings and discussions.  Work is assigned to complement instruction.  Projects will be assigned in Social Studies.

17  At the end of every Academic unit there will be an assessment for all academic areas.  “Rigor” is a required method of instruction to prepare the students for state tests.  STAAR test questions are rigor based and require higher order thinking skills.

18  P.E. is 5 days a week. Your child must have a doctor’s excuse if they can’t participate.  Music is once a week. Library is once a week.  Recess is everyday after lunch.

19  G/T project required from grades 2 nd through 5th grade G/T classrooms  Done in class with teacher guidance and monitoring  One assignment per student  Check Ms. Espinoza’s website for information.

20  All 2nd and 5th grade students are required to complete a technology project.  Fifth graders are required to complete a Power Point presentation.  **Each student will need to have an external storage USB drive**

21  Grades are posted weekly.  You will receive a 3 week progress report to advise you of grades as well as a 6 weeks report card.  Students may bring a water bottle for after P.E.  SPTSO membership and Volunteering

22 “I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn. -Albert Einstein “I believe the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity is daring to dare” -Maya Angelou

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