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Rate Time = Distance By, Tracy and Co. Finding the rate of a moving object can be done when given 2 out of 3 statistics; just like in regular “solve.

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Presentation on theme: "Rate Time = Distance By, Tracy and Co. Finding the rate of a moving object can be done when given 2 out of 3 statistics; just like in regular “solve."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rate Time = Distance By, Tracy and Co.

3 Finding the rate of a moving object can be done when given 2 out of 3 statistics; just like in regular “solve For X” problems. As the only hard part is putting the numbers in the right place, this type of math is used all over The world, sometimes when someone in a profession uses it so often it can be done in their head. This kind of math Is used in all kinds of occupations.


5 There are 5 types of rate problems 1. Going to the same place in same direction 2. Going somewhere and returning 3. Total distance in going different directions 4. Coming together from 2 different places 5. Same direction with different speeds

6 = Same place, Same direction Can be used to catch up With car chases by

7 = Going some place and Returning. Can be used by Amtrak When making schedules For trains. Also by Pilots and conductors estimating Time of arrival when running late.

8 RT = R Item 1 ITEM 2 FOR Put the rates in the rate column and the time in the time column. If there is Not one of those write X. Multiply to make the distance. Then set item 1 and 2 equal to each other.Then solve for your variable. Put final answer in a Complete sentence explaining what was asked. =

9 Example Question : Slow Speed Sheila forgot her briefcase at work and Fast Driving Fred is trying to catch up to her. Slow Speed Sheila drives at 60 miles per hour and Fast Driving Fred drives at 80 miles per Hour. If he leaves the office 15 minutes after she left, how long Will it take Fred to catch up to Sheila?

10 Ex. 60x = 80x – 1200 add 1200 to both sides and subtract 60x from each side 1200 = 20x divide by 20 X = 60 X – 15 = 40 It takes Fred 45 minutes to get to S.

11 Total distance given,when going In opposite directions Not used often,however,CAN be used in Air Force Drills. Firing a weapon from an Airplane and having to outrun The shock (this also includes other math though)

12 And Coming to meet in the middle Used by the Navy and Air force on Aircraft carriers to calculate when an airplane can land

13 Two bicyclists start towards each other from towns that are 31.8 miles apart. If one bicyclist Travels 5.2 miles per hour and the other travels 5.4 miles per hour, how long will it take Them to meet? 10.6X = 31.8 add B1 and B2 together And set them equal to 31.8 as it says In the problem X=3 Solve for X It will take 3 hours for them to meet

14 ------ Going the same place except at different rates Can be used to estimate average rate in Bicycle races. Can also Be used to measure rate in Street races (if anyone actually bothers)

15 Example: Two twins, Hyper Henry and Mellow Marsha work at the same place. But like to drive Separately. Mellow Marsha travels 50 miles per hour, and Hyper Henry travels 70 Miles per hour. If they both start from the same place at the same time and travel in The same direction, after how many hours will they be 40 miles apart? 70X – 50X= Subtract the lesser from the larger 20X=40 solve for X X=2 It will take 2 hours before they are 40 miles apart.

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