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War in Korea and Crisis in the Congo HOW EFFECTIVE HAS THE UN BEEN?

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Presentation on theme: "War in Korea and Crisis in the Congo HOW EFFECTIVE HAS THE UN BEEN?"— Presentation transcript:

1 War in Korea and Crisis in the Congo HOW EFFECTIVE HAS THE UN BEEN?

2 Q: Why was there a war in Korea?  A: The North invaded the South

3 Q: Wait a second. Remind me, who were the leaders of North and South Korea in 1950 again? A: Syngman Rhee (ROK) A: Kim Il-Sung (DPRK)

4 Q: Why did the North invade the South?  A: Since 1910, the Korean peninsula had been occupied by both the Japanese  Following the surrender of Japan in 1945, Korea was administered by both the USA and USSR- the Soviet zone was everything north of the 38 th parallel and the American zone was everything south of the 38 th parallel  Therefore, North Korea had a communist government but South Korea had a non-communist government  The Cold War originated in Europe but soon spread; Mao’s Communists winning the Chinese Civil War was the first Cold War event in Asia  North Korean leader Kim il-Sung asked Stalin if he could invade the South  Stalin said: “Yes!”

5 Q: This might sound stupid but why did Stalin agree to such a thing?  A: The Cold War was on  Stalin was a pragmatist  He thought the US were not interested in South Korea  They seemed to be more interested in Japan  He thought there was an opportunity, following the establishment of the PRC, to bring the entire Korean peninsula into the Soviet sphere of influence?

6 Q: Who fought the Communist North?  A: South Korea!  And UN forces

7 Q: Hold on a second! The UN? I thought this was the Cold War! Surely the US were involved?  A: Well they were, but Truman saw this as a perfect opportunity to show the world that the UN could be more effective than the League of Nations  This was a clear case of aggression from one country towards another  So the UN sent troops to defend the South  These forces included US soldiers but also troops from UK, Canada, Colombia, Australia, Belgium, France, Philippines, Greece, Ethiopia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Turkey and Thailand

8 So this cartoon was kind of true! A: Yes, Truman called it a “police action” in order to get approval from Congress

9 Q: Hang on- If there were UN troops in Korea, a Security Council Resolution needed to be passed. Why didn’t the USSR or China veto it?  A: Well, neither country turned up when they were debating the resolution

10 Q: Holy Moley! Why not?  A: The USA was stopping China from taking their seat on the Security Council because they had refused to recognize the new government there. Technically their were two Chinas- The People’s Republic of China (PRC- the Mainland) and The Republic of China (ROC- Taiwan). The USA said that Taiwan should have China’s seat.

11 Q: Very sneaky! But what about the USSR?  They were boycotting the UN in support of the PRC

12 Timeline- actual events  March 1949- Kim-Il Sung fails to gain permission from Stalin to invade South Korea  June 1949- USA complete withdrawal from South Korea  September 1949- USSR successfully detonate their first atomic bomb  December 1949- Mao seizes power in China and establishes the PRC  January- US Secretary of State Dean Acheson announces the Outer Pacific Defense Perimeter; South Korea is not included in this  April- Stalin permits a DPRK invasion of ROK on condition that PRC would provide support if needed (Mao not present at this meeting)  May- Kim-Il Sung meets with Mao, who agrees to Soviet condition  June- DPRK invade ROK; UN passes resolution 83 authorizing use of force in defence of ROK

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