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1607 J AMESTOWN First permanent settlement John Smith/Pocahontas What is the story? Whose perspective is correct? What really happened?

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2 1607 J AMESTOWN First permanent settlement John Smith/Pocahontas What is the story? Whose perspective is correct? What really happened?



5 E NGLISH C OLONIZATION How does it compare to Spanish Colonization? What is the value of the English Colonies? What purpose do they serve?

6 P URPOSE OF C OLONIES Strengthen Mother Country. Source of Raw materials. Market Place for finished products. Mercantilism: an economic system developing during the decay of feudalism to unify and increase the power and especially the monetary wealth of a nation by a strict governmental regulation of the entire national economy usually through policies designed to secure an accumulation of bullion, a favorable balance of trade, the development of agriculture and manufactures, and the establishment of foreign trading monopolies trading

7 P URPOSE OF C OLONIES Military Base. Release valve for excess population. Export System of govt., values, religion.

8 W HY DID I NDIVIDUALS COME TO THE N EW W ORLD ? To make money. Liberty / Freedom. Adventure/ exploration. Fleeing from Justice.

9 T REATY OF T ORDESILLAS 1494 North America claimed by Spain 1588 Defeat of the Spanish Armada by England sparks confidence.

10 V IRGINIA C OMPANY Started with 6 million acres Indian massacre spawns investigation by the crown. Charter revoked due to dismal conditions Royal Colony 1624-1776

11 V IRGINIA C OMPANY Laws approved by King House of Burgesses Oldest assembly in colonies All adult free men could vote for Burgesses Some level of independent thinking.

12 V IRGINIA C OMPANY Tobacco dominates the economy. Labor intensive 2-3 times the wages in Virginia than in England.

13 H EADRIGHT S YSTEM Settlers received 50 acres of land if they paid for their own voyage. Pull factor What type of settler/pilgrim?

14 I NDENTURED S ERVANTS Cannot pay for voyage. 4-7 year term Headright goes to the master/planter. 80% of immigrants Rich get richer Land not available for the poor

15 L AWS ( SLAVES, SERVANTS ) Indenture can be double for running away. Slave status inherited from mother. Baptism or conversion to Christianity does not emancipate. (compatable

16 L AWS ( SLAVES, SERVANTS ) Killing a slave is legal. Use of force to suppress rebellious slaves.

17 L IFE IN THE C HESAPEAKE Religious to a certain extent. Most people are Protestant Real religion was tobacco and trying to make money.

18 M ERCANTILIST ASSUMPTIONS What was good for England should determine policy.

19 Y EOMAN F ARMER Subsistence farming:

20 B ACON ’ S R EBELLION 3 developments: 1) Ample supply depresses tobacco prices. Planter profits decrease. 2) Mortality rate declined most people outlived indenture. 3) Planter Elite formed compound their success.

21 B ACON ’ S R EBELLION Land was in short supply. Indian lands protected and off limits. New freed men from Indenture had to get land on the frontier Population growing.

22 R EBELLION C RUSHED Bacon dead Reforms and Bacon’s laws repealed. New Governor in place. Little effort to stop encroachment of Indian land Better to fight the Indians

23 M OVE TOWARD S LAVE SYSTEM Labor needs of Planters met. Slaves more expensive but never became free. Difference between planters and yeomen diminish. White = Free White majority maintained

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