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  Учитель : Паршина А. М.  МОУ СОШ № 1  г. Морозовск,  Ростовская область.

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Presentation on theme: "  Учитель : Паршина А. М.  МОУ СОШ № 1  г. Морозовск,  Ростовская область."— Presentation transcript:

1   Учитель : Паршина А. М.  МОУ СОШ № 1  г. Морозовск,  Ростовская область


3  The Rostov region occupies an area of about 100.000 which is equal to the territories of Holland, Denmark and Belgium taken together. It is situated on the South of the East European plain and washed by the Taganrog bay of the Azov Sea.

4  The Rostov region has a glorious history.Many famous people:M. Sholokhov, Y.Vuchetich, A.Chekhov, A.Popov, I.Pavlov, PeterI, A.Pushkin and other outstanding people considered it their native place or lived here, or visited it.

5  The cities of Rostov Region are not only developed centres of industry and agriculture, but they have a lot of places of interest and are very picturesque.

6  In Starocherkasskaya stanitsa,for instance, you will find many monuments, dating back to those time when this stanitsa was the centre of the Cossack  ‘’free land’’ and was known as the town of Cherkassk.Stepan Rasin, K.Boulavin and Emelyan Pugachov lived in Cherkassk.Peter I, A.Suvorov and A.Pushkin who were interested in the Don Cossack life visited it.Cherkassk was founded in 1570 and soon became an administrative, military and trade centre of the Cossack Army.

7  One of the interesting ancient monuments in Starocherkassk is Voskresensky Cathedral-one big cupola in the centre and eight smallest ones around it, which attracts all the visitors of the ‘’old nest’’ of Don Cossacks.The history of Cathedral is closely connected with the historical struggle of the Cossacks against the Turks.

8  Each year more than one million Russian and foreign visitors come to see the Cathedral as each stone is evidence of the history of the Don region, cossacks and their struggle for freedom.

9  The exciting events of this period in history are connected with Peter I. Three times he visited Cherkassk (1694, 1696, 1709) and thanked the Cossacks for their services in the subjugation of Azov.

10  In 1805 Novocherkassk was founded and a capital of the Don Cossacks was transferred there.

11  A visit to Novochercassk is very exciting.This town has a rich museum of history of the Don Cossacks and many monuments of the past, described in ‘’Quiet Flows the Don’’ by M.Sholokhov.

12  Now Novochercassk again has resumed its status as a capital of the Don Cossacks.Many ceremonies take place on its square where The cathedral and a monument to Ermak are situated.

13  Novochercassk is a city of industrial establishments and higher iducational institutions.It has one of biggest electric locomotive worcs in the country.

14  The views of Novochercassk:

15  Azov is the oldest town of the Don region.It was founded in 1067.

16  Originally it belonged to the Turks but then Peter I joined Azov to Russia.Among its places of interest the remains of the gates built in the 14-th centure and the fortress wall are notable.

17  In 1696 when the Russian army occupied Azov Peter I decided to build a fortress on the shore of the Azov Sea.The cape was called Taganiy Rog-hence the name of the town is Taganrog.

18  At the beginning of the 20-th century a monument to Peter I was erected by the sculptor Antakolsky.  ‘’To the founder of Taganrog-Peter I,’’-is written on it.

19  Taganrog is proud of its famous son-Anton Chekhov. A small house where Anton was born in 1860, his gimnasium and other places became a place of pilgrimage for tourists from many countries.

20  Apollon Dashkov was the first governor of the town.He did a lot of good for the development of Taganrog.  The first theatre was opened in 1823.  The first electric lighthouse was built in 1877.

21  Every year a lot of people come to summer and autumn fairs which brought fame to Taganrog.Now it is a big Russian city with population of 300.000 people. It is a provincial city whith rich history.

22  1.Where is Rostov region situated?  2.What cities and towns of Rostov region do you know?  3.What places of Rostov region are connected with the name of Peter I?  4.What is Cherkassk?  5.What famous people is it connected with?  6.Voskresenskey Cathedral is one of the most interesting ancient monuments, isn’t it?  7.What does it look like?  8.How is Chercassk connected with Peter I?

23  1.Imagine that you are a guide and make a tour around Taganrog.Where would you take your tourists to and what would you tell them about it?  2.Imagine that you are a producer and want to stage one of Chekhov’s plays.Which one would you like to stage and why?What actors and actresses would you like to invite to play the parts in it?  3.Imagine that you have an opportunity to travel to the past of Taganrog. What historical events would you like to watch with your own eyes? Why?

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