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. Main results of UNECE consultation on national plans for 2020 round and possible support activities Paolo Valente United Nations Economic Commission.

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Presentation on theme: ". Main results of UNECE consultation on national plans for 2020 round and possible support activities Paolo Valente United Nations Economic Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Main results of UNECE consultation on national plans for 2020 round and possible support activities Paolo Valente United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Workshop on Population and Housing Censuses for countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (Geneva, 28-29 September 2015)

2 Tentative plans for 2020 round - EECCA Census method and use of admin. data CuntryDateCensus methodUse of admin. data ArmeniaOct. 2021Full field enumerationYes, as frame or control AzerbaijanApr. 2019Full field enumerationYes, as frame or control BelarusOct. 2019Full field enumerationYes, as frame or control GeorgiaNot decided Kazakhstan2020Full field enumerationYes, as frame or control Kyrgyzstan2020Full field enumerationNo Rep. of MoldovaNot decidedFull field enumerationYes, as frame or control Russian Fed.Oct. 2020Full field enumerationYes, as frame or control Tajikistan2020Full field enumerationYes, as frame or control Turkmenistan??? Ukraine2016Full field enumeration Uzbekistan???

3 Tentative plans for 2020 round - EECCA Use of internet response option CuntryUse of internet response optionComment ArmeniaNo AzerbaijanNo BelarusNo Georgia-- KazakhstanYes, possiblyExpected take –up 30% KyrgyzstanNo Rep. of MoldovaYes, possibly Russian Fed.Yes, possiblyExpected take –up 30% TajikistanYes, possibly (in major cities)To be tested in 2017 pilot Turkmenistan? UkraineNo Uzbekistan?

4 Country Support demanded (topic/type of support) Armenia Methods for planning and conduction of register based census, and data processing (assistance) Republic of Moldova Study visits in a country with census based on administrative/register data totally or partial. Demand for support for 2020 round - EECCA Methodology

5 Country Support demanded (topic/type of support) AzerbaijanTechnical equipment (assistance) KazakhstanUse of IT and GIS (workshop) Republic of Moldova Support on technology. Study visits in a country with traditional census using internet response option. Russia Workshops on the subject of online census, including online census arrangements, data collection process, connection of datasets collected by various means. Tajikistan Software development for processing and compiling of pilot census data Training for the compilation of electronic questionnaires (online survey) (Estonia) Methodological and technical support for the preparation of electronic maps UkraineUsage of electronic portable mobile devices in census to support data collection. Application of GIS technologies for census planning and execution and dissemination (workshop) Demand for support for 2020 round - EECCA Technology

6 Country Support demanded (topic/type of support) Armenia Dissemination activities. Technical assistance to the testing activities (assistance) Belarus Possibility of holding population census together with agricultural census Publicity, information and advertising campaign (experience of other countries) Personal data processing and validation. Conducting post census research Quality assessment of population census and its results Republic of Moldova Quality management and assurance, field and other operational activities, communication UkraineEnsuring confidentiality and protection of census information (workshop) Demand for support for 2020 round - EECCA Operational aspects

7 Country Support demanded (topic/type of support) Belarus Relevance of the data collected (need to include questions on disability, religious affiliation) Republic of Moldova Migration TajikistanMethodological support on migration statistics (especially labour) Demand for support for 2020 round - EECCA Information content

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