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Implementer’s Group May 2015 Meeting Debrief and Upcoming Meeting Prep May 19, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementer’s Group May 2015 Meeting Debrief and Upcoming Meeting Prep May 19, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementer’s Group May 2015 Meeting Debrief and Upcoming Meeting Prep May 19, 2015

2 Agenda for Today Introductions May Meeting Debrief Implementing the HP Conversion Measure Upstream (Retail) Lighting Question Upcoming Items Wrap up 2

3 May Meeting Outcomes MH Calibration and Related Measures Identified a last minute question that needed more time to address Plan to bring this back to the RTF in the very near future Industrial Motors Pump VFD Standard Protocol RTF deactivated this standard protocol due to the lack of regional uptake – Applicability of the standard protocol might have been too narrow uptake – Many programs are currently treating these as custom projects anyway Might be interest in developing a measure around the new Federal standard work and national labeling efforts Highlighted the need to apply “sponsorship” concept to standard protocols too 3

4 May Meeting Outcomes (cont) Delivery Verification Guidance RTF adopted the delivery verification guidance (and handful of related measure specification changes for the first batch of measures Includes a 30 day review period of the “complex” measure specifications – Weatherization Weatherization – Performance Based Duct Sealing Performance Based Duct Sealing – Commissioning Controls and Sizing Commissioning Controls and Sizing – Please send Jennifer any suggested revisions Significance of this decision: – RTF is generally comfortable with the RTF defining “what” data needs to be collected for delivery verification – The Guidelines have guidance on custom measures that is a good starting point for “how” data could be collected – There may be times when the RTF wants to say more on the “how” and this will need to be considered on a case by case basis 4

5 April Meeting Outcomes (cont) Update on QC Results for the SF HVAC and Weatherization Measures Set of complex workbooks with a thorough QC review that identified some errors in our workbooks – Presentation walks through the changes and impacts on the measure Presentation RTF adopted two changes related to these measures: – SF Weatherization for houses with heat pumps: RTF adopted a change in category to Planning until the RTF knows more about HP control and airflow practices – SF Heat Pump Conversion measure: RTF capped the size of HPs in the analysis to 5-tons and changed the category to Planning until the RTF knows more about HP sizing (and airflow and control) practices – NOTE: The Research Strategy approved by the RTF for the CC&S UES addresses all these questions, and the results can be used to inform these two measures 5

6 Speaking of the HP Conversion Measure… 6

7 How Implementers are Running the HP Conversion Measure? In December, the RTF adopted updates to the SF Heat Pump Conversion UES, which includes different savings estimates for houses with “poor”, “fair”, or “good” insulation The RTF developed a calculator for determining poor, fair, or good insulationcalculator Questions for today: – How are implementers collecting this information (or planning to collect this information)? – What is coming through your programs in terms of poor, fair, or good insulation. 7

8 Upstream (Retail) Lighting Question 8

9 Data on HOU by Lamp Type in Commercial? Some percentage of lamps purchased through retail programs are installed in commercial applications We have rough estimates: – 15% of lamps purchased in retail are used in commercial settings – Hours of use (HOU) may be 3x more than they would be in residential applications To account for these lamps in our savings estimate for retail programs, we need better data on HOU in commercial spaces for different lamp types 9 This is likely to vary by lamp and space type

10 Upcoming RTF Agenda Items 10

11 Upcoming Agenda Items Potential for June MH SEEM Calibration Update Residential Lighting – CFLs, LEDs and Specialty CFLs (Proven UES) – Subcommittee meeting on Appliances – Refrigerator/Freezer Decommissioning (Proven UES) Grocery Display Case LEDs – Reach in Cases (Proven UES) Grocery ECMs for Display Cases (Proven UES) CVR/VO Update Heat Pump Water Heaters (Planning UES; addition of Tier 3) 11

12 Potential for July MH HVAC Measures (Proven and Planning UES) MH Weatherization Measures (Proven UES Performance Based Duct Sealing MH (Planning UES) Low-e Storm Windows (new UES) Thermostatic Restriction valves (new UES) Prescriptive Duct Sealing (Planning UES) Delivery Verification update 12 Other Upcoming Items

13 And Beyond… NC MH Measures (two Proven UES) Multifamily Weatherization (Proven UES, Out of Compliance) Residential Advance Power Strips (Planning UES) Res HP Upgrades for New Construction (Proven UES) Behavior Standard Protocol (Standard Protocol, Under Review) Non-Residential Lighting Code Compliant (new Standard Protocol) Non-Residential Lighting Retrofits Update (Provisional Standard Protocol) 13

14 Next Steps Jennifer will develop notes to send this week Future Implementers Group topics?? 14

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