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2nd Junior High School of Paralia E-twinning project “Dish stories” Survey on European teens eating habits Results.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd Junior High School of Paralia E-twinning project “Dish stories” Survey on European teens eating habits Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd Junior High School of Paralia E-twinning project “Dish stories” Survey on European teens eating habits Results

2 The majority of the participants were girls.

3 The majority of our participants are Greek.

4 Unfortunately, most of the children stated that they like junk food!

5 An overwhelming majority of the children admitted that there is always healthy food at their home.

6 Most of our participants said that they have 3 meals daily.

7 Almost all of our participants agreed that breakfast is the main meal of the day.

8 The majority of our participants always think about how healthy some food is before they eat it

9 Unfortunately most of our participants do not check how much fat and how many calories are in their food.

10 Most of our participants do not have 3-5 portions of fruit and vegetables daily.

11 Fortunately most of participants try not to eat foods which are cooked in fat.

12 An overwhelming number of people do not eat one or more servings of food rich in carbohydrates at each meal.

13 The majority of people eat two-three servings of dairy products.

14 Most of participants have fish and meat at least 2-3 times a week.

15 An overwhelming majority of people exercise at least 3 times a week.

16 Most of the participants do not eat before they exercise.

17 A big number of our participants drink 8-10 glasses of water every day.

18 The majority of our classmates rarely buy food from the school canteen

19 Fortunately the majority of people choose healthy snacks.

20 Most of the people snack when they are bored or stressed.

21 A big number of our participants do not eat or snack when they watch TV or do their homework.

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