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U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 1 ICS 202  2011 spring  Data Structures and Algorithms 

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1 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 1 ICS 202  2011 spring  Data Structures and Algorithms 

2 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 2 Outline 1.Abstract Data Types 2.Design Patterns Class Hierarchy Java Objects and the Comparable Interface Wrappers for the Primitive Types Containers Visitors Enumerations Searchable Containers Associations

3 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l Lec 1

4 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 4 1. Abstract Data Types A variable in a procedural programming language is an abstraction. The abstraction comprises a number of attributes: name, address, value, lifetime, scope, type, and size. Each attribute has an associated value (int x: the attribute name is x and the attribute type has value int) Assigning a value to an attribute is called binding(covering). The binding can be static or dynamic In Java the type of a variable is determined at compiler time – static binding however, the value of a variable is usually not determined until run time – dynamic binding

5 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 5 1. Abstract Data Types In this chapter we are concerned primarily with the type attribute of a variable The type of a variable specifies two sets: a set of values, and a set of operations. For int x, we know that x can represent an integer in the range [-2 31, 2 31 -1] and that we can perform operations on x such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The type int is an abstract data type (we don’t need to know how ints are represented or how the operations are implemented to be able to use them).

6 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 6 1. Abstract Data Types Object oriented programs need an appropriate collection of abstractions, and abstract data types to represent the abstracts. The abstract data types requires the specification of both a set of values and a set of operations on those values. In Java the class construct creates both a set of values and an associated(link) set of operations(Methods).

7 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 7 2. Design Patterns In this section we will show how a set of basic abstract data type has been designed as a hierarchy of Java classes. This section presents an overview of the class hierarchy and lays the ground-work for the following chapters.

8 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 8 2. Design Patterns: Class hierarchy Concrete Class Abstract Class Interface “extends” relation between classes and between interfaces “implements” relation between a class and the interface(s) it implements

9 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 9 2. Design Patterns: Class hierarchy A Java interface comprises a set of method declaration. An interface doesn’t supply implementations for the methods it declares. In effect, an interface identifies the set of operations provided by every class that implements the interface. An abstract class in Java is a class that defines only part of an implementation. It’s not possible to create object instances of abstract classes. In Java, an abstract class typically contains one or more abstract methods. An abstract method is one for which no implementation is given (method with out implementation).

10 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 10 2. Design Patterns: Class hierarchy An abstract class is intended to be used as the base class from which other classes are derived. By declaring abstract methods in the base class, it is possible to access the implementations provided by the derived classes through the base- class methods. there for, no need to know how a particular object instance is implemented or of which derived class it is instance. This design pattern uses the idea of polymorphism (having many forms)

11 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 11 2. Design Patterns: Class hierarchy The main idea is that a Java interface is used to define the set of values and the set of operations – the abstract data type. Then, various different implementations (many forms) of the interface can be made.

12 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 12 2. Design Patterns: Java Objects and the Comparable Interface All the Java classes, including arrays, are derived from the base class called Object. public class Object { public final Class getClass () ;// public String toString () ; // public boolean equals (Object obj) ; // to test if two objects are equals public int hashCode () ; // … } The equals method is overridden in the Integer class as follows: if obj1 and obj2 are Integers, then obj1.equals(obj2) is true when obj1.intValue() is equal to obj2.intValue().

13 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 13 2. Design Patterns: Java Objects and the Comparable Interface Java objects don’t provide a mean to test whether one object is “less than” or “greater than” another object. The Comparable interface solves this problem. public interface Comparable { boolean isLT (Comparable object); // less than boolean isLE (Comparable object); // less than or equal boolean isGT (Comparable object); // greater than boolean isGE (Comparable object); // greater than or equal boolean isEQ (Comparable object); // equals boolean isNE (Comparable object); // not equal int compare (Comparable object); // = (0) if // obj1= obj2; ( 0) if obj1>obj2 }

14 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 14 2. Design Patterns: Java Objects and the Comparable Interface The abstract class at the top of the class hierarchy is called AbstractObject All the other classes in the hierarchy are derived from this class. The AbstractObject implements the Comparable interface. All the methods defined in AbstractObject are final (they can’t be overridden). All the methods defined in AbstractObject except the method equals call the compare method.

15 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 15 2. Design Patterns: Java Objects and the Comparable Interface public abstract class AbstractObject implements Comparable { public final boolean isLT (Comparable object) { return compare (object) < 0; } public final boolean isLE (Comparable object) { return compare (object) <= 0; } public final boolean isGT (Comparable object) { return compare (object) > 0; } public final boolean isGE (Comparable object) { return compare (object) >= 0; } public final boolean isEQ (Comparable object) { return compare (object) == 0; } public final boolean isNE (Comparable object) { return compare (object) != 0; } public final boolean equals (Object object) { if (object instanceof Comparable) return isEQ ((Comparable) object); else return false; } //... }

16 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 16 2. Design Patterns: Java Objects and the Comparable Interface public abstract class AbstractObject implements Comparable { protected abstract int compareTo (Comparable arg); // abstract method public final int compare (Comparable arg) // call like { if (getClass () == arg.getClass ()) // are obj1 and obj2 instances of // the same class return compareTo (arg); // called to do the comparison else return getClass().getName().compareTo( arg.getClass ().getName ()); // comparison based on the names } // of the 2 classes. Ex. If obj1 is instance of Opus5.StackAsArray and obj2 is // instance of Opus5.QueueAsLinked then obj1 < obj2 }

17 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l Lec 2

18 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 18 2. Design Patterns: Wrappers for the Primitive Types The primitive types in Java are void, boolean, char, short, int long, float, and double. For each primitive type, the Java language defines a class that wraps the primitive. The wrapper classes are Void, Boolean, Char, Short, Int Long, Float, and Double. The wrapper classes are derived from the Object class. They provide an equals method to test for equality. The methods isLT, isGT, IsGE, isEQ, isNE are not supported by the wrapper classes because they don’t implement the Comparable interface.

19 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 19 2. Design Patterns: Wrappers for the Primitive Types public class Chr extends AbstractObject // wrapper class to implement the { // Comparable interface protected char value; public Chr (char value) { this.value = value; } public char charValue () { return value; } protected int compareTo (Comparable object) { Chr arg = (Chr) object; return (int) value - (int) arg.value; } //... }

20 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 20 2. Design Patterns: Wrappers for the Primitive Types public class Int extends AbstractObject { protected int value; public Int (int value) { this.value = value; } public int intValue () { return value; } protected int compareTo (Comparable object) { Int arg = (Int) object; long diff = (long) value - (long) arg.value; if (diff < 0) return -1; else if (diff > 0) return +1; else return 0; }

21 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 21 2. Design Patterns: Wrappers for the Primitive Types public class Dbl extends AbstractObject { protected double value; public Dbl (double value) { this.value = value; } public double doubleValue () { return value; } protected int compareTo (Comparable object) { Dbl arg = (Dbl) object; if (value < arg.value) return -1; else if (value > arg.value) return +1; else return 0; } //... }

22 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 22 2. Design Patterns: Wrappers for the Primitive Types public class Str extends AbstractObject { protected String value; public Str (String value) { this.value = value; } public String stringValue () { return value; } protected int compareTo (Comparable object) { Str arg = (Str) object; return value.compareTo (arg.value); } //... }

23 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 23 2. Design Patterns: Containers A container is an object that contains within it other objects An interface Container is defined to be implemented by the various data structure classes public interface Container extends Comparable { int getCount (); // returns the number of objects in the container boolean isEmpty (); // returns true if the container is empty boolean isFull (); // returns true if the container is full void purge (); // deletes the objects of the container void accept (Visitor visitor); // will be discussed later Enumeration getEnumeration (); // will be discussed later }

24 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 24 2. Design Patterns: Containers public abstract class AbstractContainer extends AbstractObject implements Container { // base class from which actual container are derived protected int count; // to count the number of items in the container public int getCount () // returns the number of items in the container { return count; } public boolean isEmpty () { return getCount () == 0; } public boolean isFull () { return false; // by default the container has an infinity capacity } //... }

25 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 25 2. Design Patterns: Visitors public interface Visitor // a visitor is an object that has two methods visit and { // isDone void visit (Object object); boolean isDone (); // to determine whether a visitor has finished its // work }

26 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 26 2. Design Patterns: Enumerations public interface Enumeration { // a class to access one-by-one all of the objects in a container boolean hasMoreElements () ; // returns true if the container // has more elements Object nextElement ( ) throws NoSuchElementException ; // returns the pointer of the next element of the container }

27 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 27 2. Design Patterns: Searchable Container public interface SearchableContainer extends Container { boolean isMember (Comparable object); // to test whether the given object instance is in the container void insert (Comparable object); // to put an object in the container void withdraw (Comparable obj); // to remove an object from the container Comparable find (Comparable object); // to locate an object in a container and to return its reference }

28 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 28 2. Design Patterns: Associations An association is an ordered pair of objects. The first element is called the key. The second element is the value associated with the given key. Associations are useful for storing information in a data base. A data base can be viewed as a container that holds key-and- value pairs.

29 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 29 2. Design Patterns: Associations public class Association extends AbstractObject { protected Comparable key; protected Object value; public Association (Comparable key, Object value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } public Association (Comparable key) { this (key, null); } public Comparable getKey () { return key; } public Object getValue () { return value; } //... }

30 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l 30 2. Design Patterns: Associations public class Association extends AbstractObject { protected Comparable key; protected Object value; protected int compareTo (Comparable object) { // used to compare associations Association association = (Association) object; return (association.getKey ( ) ) ; } public String toString ( ) { // used to return the textual representation of the association String result = "Association {" + key; if (value != null) result += ", " + value; return result + "}"; } //... }

31 U n i v e r s i t y o f H a i l END

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