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Switch Fabric Team Members Xuan Bao Jacob Cox Bryan Fleming Wenzhong Wu 20 February 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Switch Fabric Team Members Xuan Bao Jacob Cox Bryan Fleming Wenzhong Wu 20 February 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Switch Fabric Team Members Xuan Bao Jacob Cox Bryan Fleming Wenzhong Wu 20 February 2009

2 Switch Fabric Receive Handle Block Diagram

3 Switch Fabric Receive Handle Interface Interfaces to Receiver Interface: Output: Data_Read: out std_logic; --read enable signal to Rcv FIFO, handshake Length_Read: out std_logic; -- read enable signal to Rcv length FIFO Packet_Finished: out std_logic; handshake --packet end signal Packet_ Error: out std_logic; --packet error signal Input: Data: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --data bus Packet_Length: in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); --packet length bus and validsignalbus Connection_Ready: in std_logic_vector; --input handshake Check_Counter: in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); --Rcv’s counter value, for protecting from counter error Input_Port_Number: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); Interfaces to Data FIFO: Output: Data_Output: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --prepare data for transmit side

4 Switch Fabric Receive Handle Interface Data_wrreq: out std_logic; --write enable to data FIFO Input: FIFO_Empty: in std_logic; --1 port in from FIFO Interfaces to Address FIFO: Output: Address: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --output to address FIFO Address_InputPortNumber: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --expose input port number to address lookup Address_wrreq: out std_logic --write enable to address FIFO Input: Address_FIFO_Empty: in std_logic; Interfaces to Length FIFO Output: Packet_Length_Output: out std_logic_vector(10 downto 0); --expose length information to transmitter handle Length Wrreq: out std_logic;

5 Switch Fabric Receive Handle 8 Function

6 Switch Fabric Receive Handle 8 State Machine

7 Switch Fabric Receive Handle 8 Simulation Results

8 Switch Fabric Transmit Interface 11..0 12 8 3 SF_fifo2xmt_interface ODL_empty[2] ODL_empty[1] ODL_empty[0] Clk xmt_dwtreq xmt_lwtreq i_O_FIFO rd_D_FIFOi_O_FIFOi_L_FIFO xmt_wordsused i_D_FIFOo_D_xmt i_L_FIFOo_L_xmt reset TRANSMIT PORTSTRANSMIT PORTS 12 8

9 Xmt Interface to Xmt SF_fifo2xmt_interface ODL_empty[2] ODL_empty[1] ODL_empty[0] Clk xmt_dwtreq xmt_lwtreq i_O_FIFO rd_D_FIFOi_O_FIFOi_L_FIFO xmt_wordsused i_D_FIFOo_D_xmt i_L_FIFOo_L_xmt reset XMT Data Fifo(0) XMT Length Fifo(0) XMT Length Fifo(1) XMT Length Fifo(2) XMT Length Fifo(3) XMT Data Fifo(3) XMT Data Fifo(2) XMT Data Fifo(1) 12 8

10 Switch Fabric Transmit Interface Data Write Request Drop Packets Final Data Packet Write Length

11 SF_ODLFifo_XmtInterface_Xmt0to3 Data Enters Data_FIFO 1000 0010 Write Requests to the Transmit FIFOs Number of words already in the Transmit FIFO

12 SF_fifo2xmt_interface Clk xmt_dwtreq xmt_lwtreq i_O_FIFO xmt_wordsused i_D_FIFOo_D_xmt i_L_FIFO o_L_xmt reset rd_D_FIFO rd_O_FIFO rd_L_FIFO SF_FIFO_monitor ODL_empty[2..0] Clk xfer_D_req Send_L i_O_FIFO o_read_D o_read_L i_L_FIFO xfer_L_req reset o_read_O o_L_FIFO 8 CounterC i_count [11-0] Clk o_Snd_L i_read_L reset o_count[11-0] ODL_empty[2] ODL_empty[1] ODL_empty[0] 12 & xmt_port_monitor Clk reset SF_PacketComing xmt_wordsused 12 SF_PacketLength SF_PacketFinished SF_dwtreqSF_lwtreqxmt_lwtreqxmt_dwtreq counter_fifo_monitor_merger

13 SF_fifo2xmt_interface Merger of FIFO_Monitor, Counter, and Port_Monitors results in successful initiation, countdown, and termination of data transfer. Fifo Empty Signals

14 CounterC o_count[11-0] i_count [11-0] “x000” Clk o_Snd_L s_snd_L <= '0‘ s_en <=’0’ reset = ‘0' i_read_L = ‘1‘ & reset =‘0’ F s_snd_L <= '0‘ s_en <=’1’ T T F s_count =i_count- 1 & reset =‘0’ T s_snd_L <= ‘1‘ s_en <=’1’ s_count = i_count s_count [11-0] F s_snd_L reset s_en i_read_L

15 SF_FIFO_monitor ODL_FIFO = “000” Send_L = ‘1’ s_i_O_FIFO = “000 to 111” reset = ‘1’

16 Idle ODL_FIFO =0000 Reset =0 F T T F Get_Length F Reset =0 T Send_Data F Reset =0 T NS_FIFO<=0000 NS_length<=x0000 s_o_read_L<=0 s_o_read_O<=0 o_read_D<=0 xfer_D_req<=0000 xfer_L_req<=0000 Get_Length Idle NS_FIFO<=i_O_FIFO NS_length<=i_L_FIFO s_o_read_L<=1 s_o_read_O<=1 o_read_D<=0 xfer_D_req<=0000 xfer_L_req<=0000 Send_L =0 F T s_o_read_L<=1 s_o_read_O<=1 o_read_D<=0 Send_Data xfer_D_req<=0001 xfer__L_req<=0001 xfer_D_req<=1110 xfer_L_req<=1110 xfer_D_req<=0010 xfer_L_req<=0010 xfer_D_req<=0100 xfer_L_req<=0100 xfer_D_req<=1000 xfer_L_req<=1000 xfer_D_req<=1101 xfer_L_req<=1101 xfer_D_req<=1110 xfer_L_req<=1110 xfer_D_req<=1011 xfer_L_req<=1011 xfer_D_req<=0000 xfer_L_req<=0000 CS_FIFO=0000 CS_FIFO=other ASM of FIFO_Monitor FSM

17 SF_FIFO_monitor Read Signals Asserted for Output and Length FIFOs Read Signal Asserted for Data FIFO on the next clock Write signals asserted for Transmitters All FIFOs have Data = 0 Send Length indicates a count is complete

18 counter_fifo_monitor_merger

19 Switch Fabric Transmit Interface Write Signals Asserted two clocks after all FIFOs have data

20 Output DestinationPacket LengthFifo Empty Signals Fifo Read Signals Length Write Signals Terminate

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