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 A meeting where the USSR, USA, and British leaders discussed how to deal with the world after WWII ends.

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3  A meeting where the USSR, USA, and British leaders discussed how to deal with the world after WWII ends.

4  Russia and all of the countries under the influence of their government.

5  A bomb, missile, or other device able to set of a nuclear explosion


7  The wall dividing Communist East Germany from free West Germany in the city of Berlin.

8  The supplying of West Berlin by aircraft since it was surrounded by Communist-controlled land.

9  The fear that Communists were trying to take over the country.

10  Goal—Form the biggest group of students possible without having any Communists in them.  Communist Goal—Get into the biggest group possible without the group discovering who you are.  One out of every 7 students in the room is a communist. I gave out 6 communist tokens.

11  The USA and USSR both trying to get to develop space technology first to prove they are the stronger country.

12  The War between Soviet backed communists in North Korea against the USA supported South.

13  War between Communists in North Vietnam and USA supported South Vietnam.

14  Use the pictures to try to determine these two things:  #1 What happened?  #2 How were the people involved effected by what happened? ,29307,2067393_2268608,00.html

15  The famous nuclear power station in Ukraine that failed and forced 350,400 people to move. The Soviet Union tried to cover up this disaster.

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