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Period 2, 5, & 6 We will examine how World War I came to an end and some of the impacts the war had on Americans. – Chapter 11.2 Notes – Women in Combat.

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Presentation on theme: "Period 2, 5, & 6 We will examine how World War I came to an end and some of the impacts the war had on Americans. – Chapter 11.2 Notes – Women in Combat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Period 2, 5, & 6 We will examine how World War I came to an end and some of the impacts the war had on Americans. – Chapter 11.2 Notes – Women in Combat – Crossword Review – Review Questions

2 Zimmermann Note What did Germany plan to start in February? What support does Germany offer Mexico if it declares war against the US? How would Mexico be rewarded for their participation? What other country is mentioned in the note as a possible ally to Germany? How does Germany plan to compel England to make peace?

3 Propaganda Posters Worth 15 Points – Score is based on use of color, use of space, and meeting the criteria listed below. Points will not be lost for your artistry. Use the examples from the packet to create a propaganda poster from the American perspective during World War I. You can not use your poster to be derogatory/rude to a particular group or person. Make sure to have the following… – An audience the propaganda is aimed at. – A goal you want to get the audience to do. – An emotion you want the audience to feel.

4 Raising an Army Selective Service Act—men register, randomly chosen for service African Americans in segregated units, excluded from navy, marines Soldiers train for 8 months, often drill with fake weapons Women in army, navy, marines as nurses secretaries, phone operators


6 Fighting in Europe After 2 1/2 years fighting, Allied forces are exhausted, demoralized American troops bring numbers, freshness, enthusiasm

7 New Problems of War New weapons and tactics lead to horrific injuries, hazards Troops amidst filth, pests, polluted water, poison gas, dead bodies Constant bombardment, battle fatigue produce “shell shock” Physical problems include dysentery, trench foot, trench mouth


9 The Collapse of Germany November 3, 1918, Austria-Hungary surrenders to Allies German sailors, soldiers rebel; socialists establish German republic - Kaiser gives up throne Germans exhausted; armistice, or truce, signed November 11, 1918

10 Provisions of the Treaty Treaty of Versailles also known as Wilson’s 14 Points creates 9 new nations, Established League of Nations to prevent war Places various conditions on Germany: - cannot have an army - Alsace-Lorraine returned to France - pay reparations, or a war guilt clause Germany cannot pay $33 billion in reparations that Allies want



13 Consequences of the War In U.S., Accelerates social change for African Americans, women Communist, fascist governments form Treaty of Versailles does not settle conflicts in Europe



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