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Augsburg For Adults… Know Yourself! Exploring Meaningful Work Heidi Lender, M.A. Assistant Director Strommen Career and Internship Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Augsburg For Adults… Know Yourself! Exploring Meaningful Work Heidi Lender, M.A. Assistant Director Strommen Career and Internship Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Augsburg For Adults… Know Yourself! Exploring Meaningful Work Heidi Lender, M.A. Assistant Director Strommen Career and Internship Center

2 Introductions & Video Clip...  Name  As a child - What did you want to be when you grew up? What did you play?  Ratatouille

3 Life Purpose...  “Purpose is already within us. It is there waiting to be discovered. If we open ourselves up to what’s inside of us, we’ll discover it. And once we discover it, we will have to try to live it, even if it seems totally impractical.” - Richard Leider - Richard Leider

4 Stats… According to MNCareers, we spend 86,000 Hours* of our lives working!!! It better be something you enjoy! The single greatest predictor of Heart Attacks is Monday morning between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. - DeAngelis Researchers believe this is because we face a week of work that we really don’t want to do. (*86,000 hours is figured at 40 yrs working 50 weeks/yr)

5 Know Yourself  Answering the question – Who Am I?  Values, Skills, Strengths, Interests, Passions  What would you do if you could do anything?  What did you want to be when you grew up?  Finding Meaningful Work is related to how similar our personality and interests fit with the actual work environment  Is my work in line with my values?  Am I using the skills and strengths I most enjoy?  Do I work with people who share my interests/passions

6 The Party  Go by the sign that you think you have the most in common with – where would you fit in the best?  Discuss what brought you to that group  What did you all have in common with one another?

7 Strong Theory and Background  What people do is a reflection of their interests  People of similar interests will be satisfied in those occupations given their values, knowledge and abilities are also the same  There are 6 Interest Areas, which make up your Holland Code: RIASEC

8 REAlistic: the doers  These People Like to work with their hands to build and maintain things  Practical, “Hands-On”, and Dependable  Values Common Sense and Maintains Traditions  Enjoys the Outdoors and Athletics  Dislikes working behind a desk

9 Realistic: occupations  Computer Networking  Engineering  Physical Education / Trainer  Forestry  Electronics Technician  Building/Construction  Law Enforcement Officer  Military

10 Investigative: The Thinkers  These people like to investigate and solve problems  Attracted to the Math and Sciences  Strategic Thinkers  Like unstructured work environments that allow freedom in work styles – Ability to work alone  Like to observe and analyze others  Value academic and professional recognition  Look forward to the future, not the past

11 Investigative: occupations  Science – Biology and Chemistry/Research  Computer Science  Medicine  Physics / Engineering  Psychiatry / Psychology  Economics  Math / Science Teacher

12 Artistic: The Creators  These people can be referred to as “The Creators” “The Creators”  Like to use their talents to create unique products  Enjoys music, art, drama, anything cultural  Can be considered Artistic even if they are not good at art  Enjoys beauty, and originality, and independence  Likes flexibility and unstructured settings

13 Artistic: Occupations  Actors / Actresses  Authors  Designers / Architects  Musicians / Music Therapy  Advertising / Public Relations  Museums / Libraries  Education  Attorney

14 Social: the helpers  Likes to work in situations that allow them to help others  Motivated by helping others rather than by things  Good listening and interpersonal skills  Humanistic, cooperative, supportive, tactful, friendly, outgoing  Likes Harmony  Wants to make a difference  Likes flexibility

15 Social: occupations  Counselors / Social Workers  Teachers  Health Education / Nurses  Corporate Training  Human Resources  Recreation Leaders  Event Planners  Community Education

16 Enterprising: the persuaders  Enjoys working with others to persuade, sell, lead, manage  Leads others towards some organizational goal or economic gain  Self-confident, sociable, ambitious, energetic, verbal, assertive, optimistic, competitive  Enjoy positions of leadership, power, status

17 Enterprising: Occupations  Small Business Owner / CEO  Sales  Management  Politicians / Advocacy / Lobbying  Clergy  Public Relations  Fund Raising

18 Conventional: The Organizers  Likes activities requiring attention to detail, organization, accuracy, data systems, filing systems  Enjoys mathematics and data management  Practical, organized, systematic, accurate, dependable, conscientious, efficient, quiet  Likes to organize others  Doesn’t mind being managed  Lives in orderliness  Solves problems by organizing

19 Conventional: occupations  Banker / Financial Services  Accountant  Office Manager  Event Planning  Data Management  Paralegal  Tax Consulting

20 Reflection  What did you learn about yourself?  How will this be helpful as you plan your future career options?  Knowing this… what will your next steps be in your career process?  Come into the CIC office to confirm this self-evaluation of activity

21 Career and Internship Center Services Know Yourself Exploring Your Options Preparing for Your Job Search Prof.Dev. / Other Self Exploration Self Exploration Career Assessments Career Assessments Research majors and careers Research majors and careers Informational interviews/ job shadows Informational interviews/ job shadows Internships Internships Resumes/ cover letters Resumes/ cover letters Practice interviewing Practice interviewing Perform a job search Perform a job search Job fairs Job fairs Plan for grad school Plan for grad school Employer information Employer information Promotions Promotions Career Transitions Career Transitions

22 Career Resources Wiki Questions?

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