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MG, YWB and CS 1 Alice Shift model for 2009 Shift model for the global subsytems (HLT,DCS,ECS,CTP,Offline) Shift model for the detector subsytems : MTR+MCH.

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Presentation on theme: "MG, YWB and CS 1 Alice Shift model for 2009 Shift model for the global subsytems (HLT,DCS,ECS,CTP,Offline) Shift model for the detector subsytems : MTR+MCH."— Presentation transcript:

1 MG, YWB and CS 1 Alice Shift model for 2009 Shift model for the global subsytems (HLT,DCS,ECS,CTP,Offline) Shift model for the detector subsytems : MTR+MCH  each group responsible report the group opinion by email

2 MG, YWB and CS 2 Shift model for the global subsytems (HLT,DCS,ECS,CTP,Offline) Presented by Paul Kuijer SRC meeting on Monday 19 th ( ) –the shift model (copied from Atlas) appears to be quite complicated and somehow not convenient for shifters from abroad (coming specially at CERN for shifts) –CERN rules applies (see next slide) to CERN users (by default they already complies with the French law) –After some email exchange with Paul Kuijer (6/2/2009) : 6 days of work + 1,5 days of rest rule stands for everybody : CERN staff or external users the 5 days of work + 1,5 days of rest rule may concern Technical Staff at CERN like LHC operators but not shifters like us  have a look at Paul’s talk : no decisions taken yet and input is welcome

3 MG, YWB and CS 3 CERN rules Working hours –Standard working hours 8.30-17.30 –Standard working days Mo-Fri –Working week 40 h –Working day 8 h –Night work between 20.00 and 07.00 Night/weekend/overtime compensated for CERN staff –Money or time with factor >1 Minimum rest time applies also to users: –CERN responsible for safety at work –12 h / day –111 h / week –1½ days after 6 days of work –6 days/month Work of physicists not classified as shift work –Free booking –Less strict rules than for CERN technical staff

4 MG, YWB and CS 4 ALICE model 1 ? extracted from ( P. Kuijer4SRC meeting 19-1-2009 MoTuWeThFrSaSuMoTuWeThFrSaSu AAABBCC AABBCCC AABBBCC Use ATLAS shift block scheme Training shifts difficult to schedule (Mo?) No advantage in booking early to avoid night shift Keep ALICE working hours: Night 00-08, Day 08-16, Evening 16-24 Daily run planning meeting at 16.00 Keep ALICE credit accounting system 8 h shift = 1 credit 24 h on call = ½ credit Sharing according to M&O-A Alternative: Book individual shifts Transfer of information more problematic Difficult to keep track who was on shift yesterday? Difficult to find people from outside CERn for fragmented periods Decision to be taken in February Comments to Jan and Paul before Feb 21! Morning Evening Night

5 MG, YWB and CS 5 ALICE model 2 ? proposition made by J.Rak at the ALICE-TB

6 MG, YWB and CS 6 Shift model for the detector subsytems : MTR+MCH Same model for MTR and MCH : would be wise to have a common shift model with ALICE model 2 seems to be more popular in the MUON community: –Block of 6days is the MAIN rule to comply with (as much as possible) –Keep in mind the CERN rules (especially : 1½ days after 6 days of work) and book your shifts accordingly. We (SRC) cannot verify everything! –Comments and new ideas are of course welcome

7 MG, YWB and CS 7 Shift model for the detector subsytems : MTR+MCH Some comments/questions for the ALICE coordination : –Muon prefers block of 6 days of shifts the possibility to book a single 8-hours shift should be kept in the ALICE SMS tool even if the rule is to book 6 consecutives shifts  the 6 day block should not be imposed by the SMS we’d like to have the same shift model as the ALICE global service (ECS, CTP, DCS)  what is the ALICE choice/preference ? –whatever the model (5 or 6 days), it seems preferable to not mix morning, afternoon and night shifts. –what rules will be for the on-call shifts ? will they be booked "8 hour by eight hour", day by day, etc.? will it be possible for someone who is on shift to be on call for the remaining 16 hours of the day ?  rules for on-call shift need to be clarified –are shift hours carved in stone ? 8am- 4pm, 4pm- 12 pm, 12 pm - 8 am

8 MG, YWB and CS 8 Shift model for the detector subsytems : MTR+MCH Some comments/questions for the ALICE coordination : –Shift booking “rush” versus night shifts People tend to avoid night shifts : rush to be the first to book to avoid night shifts.  why not a rule saying that 1/3 of the total number of shift per institute has to be night shift ?  could we increase the credit of night shifts ? 1 night shift = 1.5 day shift  modify the shift duration to shorten night shift ? 7h00 to 16h00, 16h00 to 0h00, 0h00 to 7h00 –…

9 MG, YWB and CS 9 Shift model for the detector subsytems : MTR+MCH Inside MUON : –make sure ZDC and MUON choice agree –6 days model could overlap with two weekend ; this is not the case with a 5 days model. But at the end, a 6 day model should have less “dead time” –Shift booking “rush” “ the shifts should be assigned by the detector run coordinators (it is already the case in the SMS [I don’t think it is true. Christophe] ), in coordination with the lab representatives and sub-project leaders, on the basis of declared availability and trying to normalize not only day/night/lab load but also competence on different items”  I (Christophe) disagree : SRC do not have to assign shift : this is why the SMS tool exists. Nevertheless rules should be defined to avoid the rush booking. In addition this solution can not work when the number of lab/ people is large…

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