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MAST STORAGE RACK Philip Crist Max Carpenter Sean Ellis Gershom Obeng.

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Presentation on theme: "MAST STORAGE RACK Philip Crist Max Carpenter Sean Ellis Gershom Obeng."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAST STORAGE RACK Philip Crist Max Carpenter Sean Ellis Gershom Obeng

2 Current Progress 0 Met with shipyard right before break and finalized all requirements for design. 0 Finished preliminary Solidworks drawings 0 Created FEA models for cantilever deflection and simple beam analysis

3 Current Design 0 Durable frame constructed from I-beam steel 0 Rectangular base with I-beam supports bolted to the floor 0 Steel plate welded to base support beams 0 Vertical members welded with rigid L-brackets 0 Vertical members to attach various clamps 0 Bracing along vertical members 0 Drip pan to catch and drain residual oils 0 12’ x 12’ footprint 0 Weight requirement of approximately 10,000lbs

4 Empty Rack

5 Loaded Rack

6 Drain Pan

7 Clamp Assembly 0 Two machined pieces with approximate radius of masts 0 Three clamp diameters 0 3”, 6”, 14” D will accommodate all masts 0 Pieces can be bolted to vertical members and tightened down on the masts 0 Adjustable along vertical beam 0 2 clamps: 1 near bottom, 1 above midpoint

8 Clamp Assembly


10 FEA Simple Beam

11 FEA Model

12 Cantilever Beam

13 Analysis Data Base Stress (psi)Yield Strength (psi)Deflection (Inch) 1000 Ibs51.0632,000NA 3000 Ibs153.1832,000NA Vertical Members Stress (psi)Yield Strength (psi)Deflection (Inch) 731332,0000.0105 Clamp Stress Yield Strength (psi) Factor of Safety 3/4 10-UNC752.0636,00047.869 1/2 13-UNC176836,00020.358

14 Updated Gantt Chart

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