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The reason we went to America was to steal Gold and works of art and other valuables from the Natives of America. Also to vandalize the culture of the.

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Presentation on theme: "The reason we went to America was to steal Gold and works of art and other valuables from the Natives of America. Also to vandalize the culture of the."— Presentation transcript:


2 The reason we went to America was to steal Gold and works of art and other valuables from the Natives of America. Also to vandalize the culture of the indigenous populations, in the name of the Spanish Crown and the Holy Catholic Church.

3 Francisco Pizarro - I am a a Spanish conquistador, i am conqueror of the Incan Empire and founder of Lima. Vasco Nunez de Balboa - I am a Spanish explorer, governor, and conquistador. I am best known for having crossed the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean in 1513 and becoming the first European to lead an expedition to the New World. Juan Ponce de León - I am a Spanish explorer. I became the first Governor of Puerto Rico by appointment of the Spanish Crown. He led the first European expedition to Florida, which he named. Francisco Vasquez de CoronadoI – I am a Spanish conquistador, who visited New Mexico and other parts of what are now the south-western United States between 1540 and 1542. Coronado had hoped to conquer the mythical Seven Cities of Gold. Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca – I am a Spanish explorer of the New World, I was one of four survivors of the Narváez expedition.

4 These are some of the products that we found in the New World (America): Coca Agave Amaranth grain Babaco Bell Pepper Capsicum Carica Papaya Cashew Cassava Chayote Chilli Pepper Cocoa Bean Common Bean Feijoa Guava Potato Italian Sweet Pepper Jerusalem Artichoke Maize Peanut Pineapple Pumpkin Squash Sweet Potato Tobacco Tomato Vanilla Avocado Breadfruit Pecan Sunflower

5 We went to the New World in 1519 and we were led by Hernán Cortés, who set up a base camp at Veracruz to prepare for an advance inland. Cortés marched inland with 400 men and secured an alliance with the city of Tlaxcala.

6 Potatoes- We brought back Potatoes because they aren't found anywhere else in the world and we thought they would be a good addition to the cuisine of the old world. Gold – We brought back Gold because Gold is very expensive and it would make us and Spain rich. Silver- We brought back Silver because, like Gold, it would make us a lot of money. Herbs- We brought back herbs because they could not be found in Spain, they might be able to heal people and the herbs we brought back added flavour to Spanish food.

7 When we got to the New World we found most of the Natives, Stole most of their belongings, for example Gold, Herbs, Pearls etc, and then enslaved them. Most of the jobs and the hard work that had to be done in the New World was done by our slaves.

8 We found all the Gold, Silver and Pearls the Natives had and stole them from them. When we got back to Spain other businessmen were interested in the riches we had found, we successfully sold these jewels to other businessmen and other people for a good price. This made us wealthy.

9 Apart from stealing all of the Natives belongings and enslaving some of them we also brought many diseases such as Small pox, chicken pox and measles to the Natives in the New World. These diseases killed a lot of the Natives as they did not have any cure for the disease we brought from Europe.

10 Unfortunately we treated the Natives extremely badly, we took most of their possessions, took food like potatoes off them and enslaved some of them. If the Natives did not do as they were told or did not give us their Gold we killed them. We also forced them to become Roman Catholic and to work in mines, ranches, and farms. We also made them pay taxes. (encomiendas)

11 We can tell the Queen that we took all of the valuable and useful items the Natives had. We will tell her the reasons why we took the Gold, Silver and Herbs and hopefully see will agree that we took the right things to make Spain rich.

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