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Published byPriscilla Todd Modified over 9 years ago
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Summary of activities in 2007 Italy contribution on BREF Analysis Open Problems Methodology for domestic combustion Processes vs Combustion emissions Fugitive and diffuse PM emissions SNAP definition Address draft chapters Agree to the 2008 workplan AGENDA
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi EP Update priorities and connected work as fixed at Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry Report to plenary 7° TFEIP & EIONET meeting on Emission Inventory & Projection Thessaloniki, Greece, 31 october and 1-2 November 2006
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Plans for 2006/2007, Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry No.DescriptionBy whomBy whenSTATUS 1Complete input EFs and recommendation from analysis of BREFs to chapters Carlo TrozziCooperate with GB project OK 2Prepare a first draft of the solvents chapters, have a meeting to discuss them Carlo Trozzi, Riccardo de Lauretis Cooperate with GB project GB PROJECT 4Complete the primary Ni ChapterPieter van der Most and RIVM ? GB PROJECT 5Cooperate with EC GB tender winner in update GB Efs and attivity classification PanelTo continueOK 6Cooperate with industry (CONCAWE and others to define) to update emission factors especially for VOCs, PM, HMs and POPs PanelTo continue with GB project OK to continue
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Plans for 2006/2007, Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry No.DescriptionBy whomBy whenSTATUS 7Update emission factors of selected activities in the GB and harmonize all the chapters PanelCooperate with GB project Cooperate with GB project 8Resolution of ambiguos definition of processes & combustion in SNAP and GB SNAP group 2007 (draft) 9Use output of ESPREME and other projects to update EF’s and recommendations on HM in the Guidebook Stefan Reis, Sergey Kakareka 2007 (draft)OK 10Small Combustion methodology update PanelCooperate with GB project ?
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Define the main inputs of the Expert Panel to project team of editing authors (consultant) to restructuring the Guidebok Provide the project team of editing authors with all information and all relevant underlying material (methods/emission factors) useful to update the guidebook Support the project team in meeting the industry boards Analysis of all industrial BREF (ITALY Delegation) Summary of activities in 2007
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi 2007 Meeting Expert Panel meeting, Rome, 16 April 2007 Expert Panel meeting, Dessau, 23-24 may 2007 Expert Workshop on Industrial Processes Utrecht, 11 September 2007 Informal Meeting of EP with Consultant for GB update and Industry, London, 11 October
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi z The meeting was prepared: z Sending an invitation to all the people in Thessaloniki meeting z Individuating a list of industry reference people (the list was extracted from IPPC BREF documentation) z Sending a specific invitation to industry representative from the TFEIP chair z Inviting the Acting Head of the European IPPC Bureau in JRC Preparation of Rome meeting (industry partecipation to GB update)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi z CONCAWE (the oil companies' European organisation for environment, health and safety) z European Aluminium Association z CEPI- Confederation of European Paper Industries z EUROFER - European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries z CEMBUREAU - representative organisation of the cement industry in Europe z Eurometaux z CPIV - Comite Permanent des Industries du Verre Européenne Avenue Louise 89 z COTANCE - Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers z CERAME-UNIE Liaison Office of the Europ. Ceramic Industry z CIAA - Confederation of Food and Drink Industries of the EEC Rome meeting Invited industry organizations
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi z Carlo Trozzi co-leader of the Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry z Riccardo De Lauretis co-leader of the Expert Panel on Transport z Tinus Pulles TNO Built Environment and Geosciences z Jeroen Kuenen TNO Built Environment and Gceosciences z Nadine Allemand Expert Group on Techno-Economic Issues UNECE z Lourens Post CONCAWE (oil companies' Eur. org. for env. healt & safe.) z Brian Smithers CONCAWE z Ole Restad CEMBUREAU (organisation of the cement industry in Europe) z Eirik Nordheim European Aluminium Association z Fabrice RivetCPIV (European Glass Industries) z Rémi BussacEURELECTRIC (Union of the Electricity Industry) z Javier Pérez Rodríguez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid z Antonio Ferreiro Análisis Estadístico de Datos List of partecipant in Rome meeting
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Industry clearly expressed its interest in co- operating with the Guidebook project The Guidebook project team is eager to intensify the co-operation with industry the industries will have involved in revise the chapters of new Guidebook, also if the responsibility of the revision of the Guidebook will be on Commission supported by the Advisor Editorial Group the Guidebook project team is ready to retrieve all the relevant information on the new technologies available in the Expert Group on techno-economic documentation Conclusions of Rome meeting
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Report from previous meetings Main discussion about sector specific tests Dessau meeting
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Dessau meeting conclusions about sector specific tests (*) No.DescriptionPollutants 1COMBUSTION IN ENERGY AND TRANSFORMATIONE NOx /E CO2 2NON-INDUSTRIAL COMBUSTION PLANTSE NOx /E CO2 E VOC /E CO 4PRODUCTION PROCESSESNO TEST 5SOLVENT USEE VOC /Population 6WASTE TREATMENT AND DISPOSALNO TEST 7EXTRACTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOSSIL FUELSE VOC /Population E VOC /Gasoline distributed (*) Not all the people agree with the inter pollutants test at all
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Dessau Projections expert panel (PEP) meeting 25th May 2007 Identification of areas where the C&IEP and PEP can reciprocally help (Conclusion/Suggestion of EP leader presentation) Shared Emission factors definition Shared SNAP rubric definition Shared Activities rate evaluation methodologies Shared penetration factors
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Uthrect & London workshops Workshops aim at discussing GB zero order drafts with relevant industry experts looking at remaining problems and data gaps Discussion about the Tier concept Discussion about splitting process and combustion emissions Industry is not very happy with the reporting format (NFR), because of the split between combustion and process emissions Discussion about fuel or product based EFs for process with combustion (ex. cement, glass,...)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Uthrect meeting partecipants Carlo Trozzi (leader Expert Panel for Combustion & Industry) Bart van Konijnenburg (Royal VNP, on behalf of CEPI) Ton Schrijvers (CORUS, on behalf of Eurofer) Claude Lorea (Cembureau) Jose M. Adzet (AIICA, on behalf of Cotance) Fabrice Rivet (VGI-FIV) Ruud Beerkens (TNO, also representing the Glass Industry) Guy Teckels (CPIV) Nicola Brophy (AEA, project team member) Tinus Pulles (TNO, project team member) Wilfred Appelman (TNO, project team member) Jeroen Kuenen (TNO, project team member)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi London meeting partecipants Tom Massey RWENpower/Eurelectric John Stockdale Britglass Neil Haines Corus Grp/Eurofer Brian Smithers CONCAWE Nadine Allemand CITEPA Mike Woodfield AEA, Chair Justin Goodwin AEA Nicola Brophy AEA
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Italy contribution on BREF Analysis APAT (Italy Environmental Protection Agency) financial support the work and supervise it The work was realized in the spring/summer 2007 by Techne Consulting A report was produced that incorporate also the sectors already analysed in the last years and included in previous revision on Guidebook The work has regarded the only individuation and extraction of relevant emissions factors from the BREF documentation and presentation in Tables A report will be send to the TFEIP segretariat and to the consultant in the next weeks
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi List of industrial BREF ( all included in the work )
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Heavy metals and EXPREME Project The task of EP finalized to: The Use output of ESPREME and other projects to update EF’s and recommendations on HM in the Guidebook was resolved with the contribute to German delegation, see the relation to plenary: Improvements of HM information in the Guidebook Jochen Teloke (Germany)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Methodology for domestic combustion Processes vs Combustion emissions Fugitive and diffuse emissions SNAP definition Open Problems
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi From Thessaloniki meeting New GB must indicated the possible sources of data and possible surrogate methodology particularly regarding technologies penetration (very important for small combustion installations) referring to different Tiers Domestic Combustion needs Tier 3 (emissions estimate model) methodologies to be developed; EP collect information from member states in order to recommend an unified user methodology in input GB project; EP recommend that this activity will be funded in the frame of GB project Small Combustion methodology update
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi where we have boilers or heaters in which the combustion is not affected by the process we are in sector 0301 Combustion in boilers, gas turbines and stationary engines; fuel consumption have to be allocated to 0301 if the fuel is in contact with the products (steel, cement,...) we have combustion processes with contact (0303 Processes with contact); the emissions factors must be preferably expressed in function of output of the process (g/Mg steel, g/Mg cement,...) and can be different for different fuel used; emissions factor in function of fuels burned can be included in the chapter but only as references; fuel consumption do not have to be allocated to 0301 Processes vs Combustion emissions 1
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi if the steam are in contact with the products (for examples sometimes processes of drying paper) we have: the emissions for steam generation that can be different for different fuel used: we are in sector 0301 Combustion in boilers, gas turbines and stationary engines; fuel consumption have to be allocated to 0301 combustion process (combustion with contact) in the activities 030321 Paper-mill industry (drying processes); the emissions factors must be preferably expressed in function of output of process (g/Mg paper,...) and allocate to SNAP 04…; no fuel consumption Processes vs Combustion emissions 2
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi if the exhaust gases of boilers and heaters are in contact with the products (for examples sludge drying,...) we have combustion processes with contact (0303 Processes with contact); the emissions factors must be preferably expressed in function of output of the process (g/Mg sludge,...) and can be different for different fuel used; emissions factor in function of fuels used can be included in the chapter but only as references; fuel consumption do not have to be allocated to 0301 Processes vs Combustion emissions 3
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Fugitive and diffuse emissions The EP recommend to the consultant to take into consideration all the relevant process actually not included in the GB (see also, but not only, the new SNAP proposal)
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi SNAP nomenclature Coordination of activities for updating SNAP versions keeping them in line with methodological advances and new reporting requirements Maintenance of SNAP correspondence with other nomenclatures: CRF, NFR, RAINS/GAINS, NACE, PRODCOM, … Repository and clearing-house centre for (SNAP/NFR) emissions inventories/projections oriented to facilitate inter-countries control checks of the their (SNAP/NFR) emissions inventories Projections scenarios nomenclature: Harmonization of names and contents
Task Force on Emission Inventory & Projection Expert Panel on Combustion and Industry 23-24 October 2007, Dublin (Ireland) Balances and perspectives Dublin (Ireland), 23-24 October 2007Carlo Trozzi Revision Process Consultant send to EP leader the list of relevant chapters for review EP leader circulate the list and ask to EP member cooperation in review project EP leader prepare a program for review the GB chapters included time and people
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