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Parliamentary Procedure Fundamentals Mrs. Joehl 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Parliamentary Procedure Fundamentals Mrs. Joehl 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parliamentary Procedure Fundamentals Mrs. Joehl 2012


3 Why Use Parliamentary Procedure? Parli Pro Gone Wrong

4 Why Parliamentary Procedure? ▪To provide order in the meeting place. ▪To uphold the rule of the MAJORITY. ▪To protect the rights of the MINORITY


6 Meetings that Use Parli Pro County Board Meeting School Board Meeting 4-H Meeting FFA Meeting Church meeting ANY meeting where business needs to be discussed fairly and efficiently

7 THE CHAIRPERSON 1. The Chairperson PRESIDES over the meeting. 2. MUST know proper parli pro. 3. Know the use of the gavel. 4. Votes in the case of a tie. 5. Be professional.

8 An Effective Chairman…. Speaks load and clear Stand up straight honor members’ rights

9 USE OF THE GAVEL “THE SYMBOL OF AUTHORITY” ▪1 Tap - sit down - after a vote - for adjournment ▪2 Taps - come to order ▪3 Taps - stand in unison

10 VOTING ▪VOICE - if sure of outcome ▪HAND - when a specific count is necessary ▪SECRET BALLOT - when politics are involved

11 Review- Gavel Taps 1 Tap means… A. sit down B. after vote is cast C. adjournment (end the meeting) 2 taps means… Come to order (stop talking out of turn) 3 taps means… stand

12 Review- Purpose of Parli Pro Provide order in meeting place Run efficiently (timely) and fairly Uphold rule of ________________ MAJORITY Protect rights of _______________ MINORITY

13 Review- Chairman’s duties Facilitate (Preside over) meeting Protect rights of members Votes ONLY in case of tie Be professional and fair KNOW rules of Parli Pro

14 Making a Main Motion 1. Stand to be recognized 2. Make motion: “I move that…” 3. Second the motion: “I second the motion.” 4. Chair Restates Motion 5. Discussion 6. Vote 7. Chair announces outcome of vote

15 Main Motion should include… WHAT WHEN TIME WHO WHERE Any other pertinent info?

16 Why a Second? At least 1 other member agrees with the motion If no second, motion dies Do not stand to second motion

17 REVIEW- Main Motion 1. Stand to be recognized 2. Make motion: “I move that…” 3. Second the motion: “I second the motion.” 4. Chair Restates Motion 5. Discussion 6. Vote 7. Chair announces outcome of vote

18 Main Motion rules Requires a Second Debatable Amendable (can be changed) Simple Majority vote to pass (51%)

19 Parli Pro- Order of Meeting ONLY one Main Motion can be discussed at a time Other motions can be made that pertain to the main motion The motion must be adopted or rejected by a vote Or disposed of the “question” in some other way before new business is brought up

20 Secondary Motions-Subsidiary Assists in treating of or disposing of the main motion It becomes the immediately pending question Examples: An embarassing motion is on the floor- dispose of it without a vote Amend to change the motion Set motion aside to discuss at a later date

21 Secondary Motion- Lay on the Table Purpose: Stop discussion at the present time - Without setting time to revisit motion Can be taken “off the table” whenever the assembly decides

22 Secondary Motion- Lay on the Table Requires second No discussion Majority vote to pass

23 Subsidiary Motion- Previous Question Purpose: Stop discussion immediately and vote on pending motion

24 Subsidiary Motion- Previous Question Requires Second No discussion 2/3 majority vote

25 Subsidiary Motion- Limit or Extend Limits of Debate Purpose: If discussion is taking too long, but is still needed Examples: member can put time limit on debate, limit length of speeches or put limit to number of debates per member

26 Subsidiary Motion- Limit or Extend Limits of Debate Requires Second NO Debate Amendable 2/3 majority vote

27 Subsidiary Motion- Postpone Definitely Purpose: Postpone discussion of motion until later in the meeting or at another meeting - Certain time must be determined - (to a definite time)

28 Subsidiary Motion- Postpone Definitely Requires Second Debatable Amendable Simple majority to pass If passed, on to new business

29 Subsidiary Motion- Refer to Committee Purpose: Send a main motion to a few people to discuss and iron out the details - Small group called a “committee”

30 Subsidiary Motion- Refer to Committee Must state number of committee members Requires a second Debatable Amendable Simple majority to pass If passed, move to new business

31 Subsidiary Motion- Amendment Purpose: Change wording of main motion - If main motion would be better suited if altered from its original form before voting ADD, DELETE or CHANGE words

32 Subsidiary Motion- Amendment Requires second Debatable Amendable (once) Simple majority to pass If passed, go back to previous motion with amendment changes made

33 Subsidiary Motion- Postpone Indefinitely Purpose: Dispose of “question” without taking a vote Ex: if embarassing motion is made, it can be disposed of before vote is taken

34 Subsidiary Motion- Postpone Indefinitely Requires second Debatable NOT amendable Simple majority to pass If passed, move to new business

35 Secondary Motions- Incidental

36 Incidental Motions- Point of Order Purpose: Used to correct an error in parliamentary procedure Do not need to be recognized Example: Chairman didn’t allow member who made motion to discuss first; didn’t call for discussion before voting

37 Incidental Motions- Point of Order No Second No discussion No vote Chairman rules on the question involved Either Chair corrects it or call for Appeal decision of Chair

38 Incidental Motions- Appeal Decision of Chair Purpose: Used if you disagree with the ruling by the chair

39 Incidental Motions- Appeal Decision of Chair Requires a second NO Discussion Majority vote

40 Incidental Motions- Division of Assembly Purpose: Used when one disagrees with the announcement of the vote Example: If the “Nos” sounded to be in majority, but the Chair called in favor of the “Ayes” Usually recount with Rising Vote

41 Incidental Motions- Division of Assembly No Second No Debate Majority Vote If passed, revote by hand or rising vote

42 Secondary Motions- Privileged Motion Do not relate to pending business Take immediate and overriding importance over anything else Allowed to interrupt consideration of anything else

43 Privileged Motion- Raise Question of Privilege Purpose: If pressing situation is affecting the right or privilege of member or assembly Permits member to interrupt business to state an urgent request or motion Example: Noise, inadequate ventilation in room, etc

44 Privileged Motion- Raise Question of Privilege If simple- can be taken care of informally. But… Chair may need to make ruling as to whether it is admitted as question of privilege No Second, No Debate, No Vote- - Chair grants

45 Privileged Motion- Recess Purpose: Short intermission in business until specified time Requires Second No Debate Amendable Majority Vote

46 Privileged Motion- Adjourn Purpose: Used to close the meeting Can be done at any time Requires second No Debate NOT amendable Majority Vote

47 Privileged Motion- Fix Time to Which to Adjourn Purpose: Set the date and hour with which to adjourn Can occur at any time during meeting *Highest ranking over any motion Requires Second NO Debate Amendable Majority Vote




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