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Back To School Parent Night Welcome to 6 th Grade August 9 th, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Back To School Parent Night Welcome to 6 th Grade August 9 th, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back To School Parent Night Welcome to 6 th Grade August 9 th, 2011

2 The Teachers Mrs. Rona Lezama– Science Mrs. Jodi Pearson – Math Mrs. Brandy Samberg – Language Arts Ms. Chanel Smith – Social Studies

3 PAL PAL President: Suzanne Driver Please join PAL! –PAL does so much for us as teachers

4 6 th Grade Science Curriculum The Scientific Method Space Science-Our Solar System and beyond Geology – Rocks, Minerals, Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Soil Energy Transfer The Water, Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles Food Chains and Interdependence Sound and Light Human Impact on the Environment

5 T HE SCIENCE CLASSROOM Academic Assistance Hours: Thursdays 7:30-8:00 am and 3:30-4:00 pm. Lab safety rules must be followed at all times. Some assessments may be re-done. This will be announced when applicable. Grading Percentages and Policy 40% Tests and projects 40% Labs, quizzes and classwork 10% Homework 10% Participation To succeed, students need to study for at least 10 minutes every night.

6 6 th Grade Math: Mrs. Pearson Rational Numbers –Integers –Fractions –Decimals –Percents Exponents –Prime factorization –Scientific/Standard Notation Probability –Simple and Compound –Independent and Dependent –Theoretical and Experimental What are we learning about this year? Algebra –Order of operations –Expressions –Equations –Inequalities –Ratios –Proportions Geometry –Angles –Perimeter –Area –Circumference –Transformations

7 Things You Need to Know About Math Class Homework Every night Online Must show work –Blue Stamp Sheet –Red vs. blue stamps –No late HW –Cumulative HW grade Warm-Ups –Collected bi-weekly Academic Assistance –Wednesdays –7:30-8:00 am –3:30-4:00 pm Grading Scale –35% Tests –25% Quizzes –25% Classwork –15% Homework

8 Points 12345678 EOG Percentile 77-7980-8283-8586-8889-9192-9495-9798-100 Points 1234 EVAAS 80-8485-8990-9495-100 Points 0123 Numeric Grade below 8485-8990-9495-100 Points 012 Teacher Recommendation Do not recommendRecommendHighly Recommend Total Points: Math Plan-Advanced Math

9 Language Arts Vocabulary/Conventions  Use of a dictionary and thesaurus  Parts of Speech  Root Words  Prefixes  Suffixes  Context Clues  Vocabulary Extension  Grammar Basics Reading  Literary Devices  Literary Elements  Critical Thinking Skills  Comprehension Skills  Generate Questions  Make Inferences and Predictions  Draw Conclusions  Make Connections  Evaluate and Solve Problems  Explore a Variety of Genres  Author’s Craft  Evaluate Argument Writing  Summary  Reading Response Journals  Foundations of Argument  Writer’s Purpose

10  Grading scale  Tests and Projects = 30%  Quizzes = 25%  Class Work = 25%  Homework = 10%  Participation = 10%  Reading Log  Homework –  Pink stamp sheet  Daily Warm-Ups-collected bi-weekly  Academic Assistance Hours  Thursdays, 7:30am – 8:00am and 3:30pm-4:00pm

11 Social Studies Curriculum at a Glance The World of Geography Earth’s Human Geography Europe and Russia (Culture, Geography and History) Maya, Aztec and Inca Civilizations South America (Culture, Geography and History) Country Profiles in Europe, Russia and South America

12 Additional Information Projects The students will have projects that they will need to complete during class time. * European Country Project **South America Project ***There will be several mini projects that will be conducted in class as well. Studying Students are encouraged each night to look over their worksheets/ notes for 10 minutes. Although it may not be written in their planners, each student is required to study nightly. Current Events Each month students are required to complete a current event and turn it in for a grade. Quizzes Students will have a quiz each Friday to ensure that they understand the material learned from that week. Academic Assistance Offered every Wednesday morning from 7:30-8:00 and Wednesday afternoon from 3:30-4:30.

13 Grading Scale A = 100 – 93 B = 92 – 85 C = 84 – 77 D = 76 – 70 F = 69 &

14 Team Information Projects Honor Policy REFOCUS Student of the Week Discipline Policy

15 Team Information Continued Make Up Work Zero Hour Tardy Policy Academic Assistance

16 Academic Assistance Days/Times Mrs. Pearson and Ms. Smith Wednesdays: –7:30-8:00 am –3:30-4:00 pm Mrs. Lezama and Mrs. Samberg Thursdays: –7:30-8:00 am –3:30-4:00 pm *Please Note: Due to carpool, some weeks there may only be morning Academic Assistance. Please refer to teacher websites.*

17 Home/School Communication Engrade ( Contact Information – – – –

18 Websites Mrs. Lezama –http://mrslezama6thgradescience.pbworks.com Mrs. Pearson –http://pearsonewa.pbworks.com Mrs. Samberg –http://sambergewa.pbworks.com Ms. Smith –http://smithewa.pbworks.com

19 Mrs. Price 5 th and 6 th grade Exceptional Children's Teacher. Inclusion Model – The integration of a special education teacher into the regular education classroom to meet the individual needs of specific learners.

20 Questions?

21 Thank You for Coming! Here’s to a great sixth grade year!! This PowerPoint will be posted on each of our Websites.

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