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How might the belief of reincarnation provide a form of social control? Bell Ringer.

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Presentation on theme: "How might the belief of reincarnation provide a form of social control? Bell Ringer."— Presentation transcript:

1 How might the belief of reincarnation provide a form of social control?
Bell Ringer

2 Read 10 Min

3 How did the experiences of Siddhartha Gautama influence his religious and ethical beliefs? TPS

4 Finish Buddhism/Hinduism ppt

5 Cut/Paste Map

6 Seafaring Traders BC Minoans dominated trade in the Eastern Med. Origination – Crete Known for their fine art/painted pottery. Due to location became excellent “stepping stone” in trade throughout Mediterranean world. Many of the early parts of Greece are still a mystery to us/much like which civilization??? Sir Arthur Evans in 1890’s discovered early Greeks, discovered the capital city Knossos, named the civilization Minoa after great King Minos Two distinct cultures developed in early Greece Minoans Mycenaean's.

7 Minoans Developed on Crete as early as 3000 BC/Lasted 2000 years
Great sailors/traders over Aegean Sea. Colonies grew up on dozens of Aegean islands. Ships always commuting between islands and Crete. Legend of Wealthy King Minos/deadly labyrinth/half-bull/ beast called Minotaur trapped/prisoners in maze and ate them alive. mythology/videos/labyrinth-of-the-minotaur Sacrifice of animals, bones of 17 year old and 3 priests right before collapsed.

8 Continued…. Had sturdy homes/private rooms/basic plumbing/brightly colored artwork on walls What do you believe the most important geographical feature for them was, why? TPS The Sea On paintings images of ships, both trade/sailing, fishing, play Women played major role in society Know that because many images of priests are women Frescoes suggest played dangerous games involved leaping over charging bulls during festivals. Much that is written about Minoan civilization is speculation/guesswork Why, bc cannot decode writing system called Linear A Civ. Diminished possibly due to a volcanic island near Crete erupted(one of largest ever) Why would this matter? LL Nevertheless , the Mycenaean's conquered from the Greek mainland

9 Phoenicians took over as great sea traders once Minoans were gone, no real hub for them just many city-states Remarkable shipbuilders and seafarers. (as far as Britain and around Africa) Important city-states included Sidon & Tyre – both known for Red-Purple Dye from rotted snails 60,000 snails for 1 lb of dye, Carthage in N. Africa Legacy was their alphabet, to record transactions quickly created symbols to represent sounds. System was phonetic – one sign equals one sound. Word alphabet comes from first two letters of the Phoenician alphabet: aleph and beth.

10 Minoan Partner Work – Seafaring traders

11 Mycenaean States Built small kingdoms/fought often
Name comes from great fortress they built , Mycenae. (My-see-knee) Considered 1st Greeks because they spoke a form of the Greek language Early kingdoms traded with Minoans/copied there writing to develop their own system. Has been translated. Like Minoans became great traders. After conquer of Crete trade increased even more. Mycenaean society dominated by intense competition/warfare/powerful kings. How does this differ from Minoans, similar? TPS Taxed trade and farming to raise money for palaces/high walls

12 Mycenaean continued… Lions Gate, 10 feet tall , 10 feet wide…. Last remaining state of Mycenaean culture Lion’s Mycenae Showed off strength by building great monuments Many quests/inspired legends Trojan War/unsure if real/ Greeks led by Mycenae, fought a powerful city in Turkey Called Troy Written of by homer in the Iliad/Odyssey Paris of Troy took Helen of Sparta from Husband. Trojan horse ended war. Archeologists believe may have found Troy War, droughts, famine, invasion from the outside, end of trade, by 1100’sBC mostly ruins. Dark age followed, people fled cities, struggled to farm, fought neighbors and locals. Even lost use of writing for several centuries.

13 Partner work origins of Judaism
Pp finish with section assessment

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