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OCR 4th Grade Unit 2: Dollars and Sense Selection 5 « Business Is Looking Up » Mama Akuba Tree of Life PCS.

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Presentation on theme: "OCR 4th Grade Unit 2: Dollars and Sense Selection 5 « Business Is Looking Up » Mama Akuba Tree of Life PCS."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR 4th Grade Unit 2: Dollars and Sense Selection 5 « Business Is Looking Up » Mama Akuba Tree of Life PCS

2 Word Knowledge The / l/ sound is found at the end of words spelled al, el, and ul e hospital careful principal label

3 Word Knowledge The long o sound is spelled _ow, o, o_e, and _oe window tomatoesvideo oppose

4 Word Knowledge A word that is made by joining two words without a hyphen is a closed compound word. flashlight doorstep notebook viewpoints

5 Word Knowledge These words from “Business is Looking Up” contain two syllables. echo predict expert stencil

6 Word Knowledge Identify the verb in the sentence above. pastWhat tense is the verb? Today there are no video games. Today there were no video games. were Change it to the present tense.

7 Word Knowledge What is the possessive pronoun in the sentence? my, It’s almost the size of our spelling notebook. our her,his,their, your its, The its is the possessive form but it’s is a contraction of it is.

8 Word Knowledge Which words in the sentence have two syllables? If you need an answer, ask an expert. answer,expert

9 Vocabulary advertise investment product designs sound

10 “Oh, how will you advertise?” Do fan clubs advertise for member in your school newspaper? advertise “context clues” tell people through print, by radio, or by television that you are selling something

11 We put our money together for an investment of $12.32. investment “context clues” The use of money to make a profit or more money

12 “A successful business needs a good product to sell or a useful service to offer.” product “context clues” something that someone sells

13 “When we’d smooth the roller over the stencil, there was a butterfly or flower or other designs.” designs “context clues” drawings or outlines made to serve as a guide or pattern

14 “A sound idea,” he said. sound “context clues” based on facts, truth, or good sense No one was hurt in the fire because the family had a sound plan of escape.

15 OCR 4th Grade Unit 2: Dollars and Sense Selection 5 « Business Is Looking Up » Mama Akuba Tree of Life PCS

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