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Talking Head Talking Head Workshop presented by Martin Luerssen Richard Leibbrandt Darius Pfitzner School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics.

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Presentation on theme: "Talking Head Talking Head Workshop presented by Martin Luerssen Richard Leibbrandt Darius Pfitzner School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Talking Head Talking Head Workshop presented by Martin Luerssen Richard Leibbrandt Darius Pfitzner School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

2 The Ultimate Salesperson Come up with two products to sell Products should be as useless as possible One product for men, one for women? …or ask for other distinguishing features of the customer Create a Talking Head that wants to sell a product Customers might have a variety of questions and responses Make sure your Talking Head is ready for this! Should handle a standard sales dialogue as listed on the next two pages… Example queries (not comprehensive!) are presented Follow the instructions for the expected responses

3 The Sales Process (1) Hello? Who are you? I don't know you.  Introduce yourself. Then ask the customer for their name and gender. (Alternatively, you may ask for something other than gender, as long as it helps you decide which product to sell.) What are you trying to sell me? What do you want from me? Are you trying to sell me something?  Name and describe your product. Sell a different product depending on gender (or other distinguishing feature). Why do I need it? Do I need this? Why would I want that?  Convince the customer that he or she absolutely needs this product, by asking 3 or more yes/no questions. Make sure you have a good response to every combination of answers. Ask the customer to buy the product.

4 The Sales Process (2) I don't need that. I don't want this. Leave me alone. Bye. Goodbye.  Never let the customer leave. Say anything you like to create interest in the product. Be creative. Mention the customer's name at least once! I want one. Okay, I want one of these. I want this product. I want (product name). Give me (product name).  Ask whether the customer wants to pay by cheque, credit card, or cash. Confirm the customer's answer. If correct, thank the customer for the transaction and say goodbye. No. Nope. No way. Yes. Certainly. Of course.  Customers may respond to yes/no questions in varying ways. Be prepared for this.

5 Nonverbal Behaviour Put {EMOTE xxx} into your responses to trigger facial expressions where xxx is a valid facial expression You can queue multiple expressions within the EMOTE statement {EMOTE xxx yyy zzz} You can increase the duration of each expression {EMOTE xxx 0.5} Expression extended by half a second!

6 Valid Expressions (+ Default Length) absent (5.0 sec) anger (1.5 sec) bigeyes (1.0 sec) biggrin (3.0 sec) bigsad (4.0 sec) blink (0.2 sec) bliss (2.0 sec) brows (1.2 sec) downeyes (1.0 sec) downnod (0.8 sec) fear (1.5 sec) frust (2.0 sec) grin (1.5 sec) happy (2.0 sec) insulted (2.0 sec) leftblink (0.2 sec) leftbrow (2.0 sec) lefteyes (1.5 sec) lemon (3.0 sec) longkiss (3.0 sec) neutral (0 sec) rightblink (0.2 sec) rightbrow (2.0 sec) righteyes (1.5 sec) sad (2.0 sec) shock (1.5 sec) shortkiss (0.3 sec) sleepy (5.0 sec) surprise (1.0 sec) upeyes (1.0 sec) upnod (0.8 sec) wink (1.0 sec) wonder (2.0 sec) yeahright (5.0 sec)

7 EMOTE Caveats {EMOTE} can be defined anywhere in a chatbot response, but… {EMOTE} will always play an expression from the beginning of the response …or from the last {BREAK} statement! {BREAK 0.5} will pause the speech for 0.5 seconds (NB: you do not have to specify a time; zero is default) Any {EMOTE} after a {BREAK} will play after this pause

8 EMOTE Examples SMILE AND FROWN FOR ME {EMOTE happy 1.0 sad 1.0} SMILE FOR ME WHILE TALKING Okay, I will do that. {EMOTE happy 1.0} SMILE FOR ME AFTER TALKING Okay, I will do that. {BREAK} {EMOTE happy 1.0} SHOW ME SOME EMOTIONS {EMOTE bliss} {BREAK} Did you feel like this? {BREAK 0.5} Or is this what you feel? {BREAK} {EMOTE anger} {BREAK} Make up your mind!

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