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 Phone Gap is a mobile application development frame work based upon the open source apache cordova project. Developed by Nitobi software Bought by Adobe.

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Presentation on theme: " Phone Gap is a mobile application development frame work based upon the open source apache cordova project. Developed by Nitobi software Bought by Adobe."— Presentation transcript:


2  Phone Gap is a mobile application development frame work based upon the open source apache cordova project. Developed by Nitobi software Bought by Adobe. It allows the users to develop mobile application using HTML,CSS,J.S without losing the naive features Ex: Geolocation Camera Accelerometers

3  Cordova CLI  Phone Gap CLI – Supports cloud building. This is the additional feature supported in Phone Gap.

4  Build Apps with web standard on HTML5, CSS, javascript  Deploy to multiple platforms  Cloud Building

5 Hybrid applicationNative application Cross platform support YESNO DistributionYES(Possibility for app store’s rejection even in google play store) YES Performance for normal apps FastFaster Hardware intensive apps Performance is not so goodGood performance CostLower budget cost (With good web developer, Web based code can support multiple mobile platforms) Higher



8  Common debugging tools which is used in the web development can be used.  For platform specific debugging, corresponding SDK debugging tools can be used (xcode, Eclipse etc)


10 Performance:  Single Page is faster than Multi Page App Assets Load:  In Single Page, Most of the needed files are loaded at once or at least after the first page is loaded, whereas multi-page requires loading content each time user navigates to a new page

11 Page Transition:  In Single Page Application page navigation can be added like native application.  In Multi Page Application there is no animation supported in page navigation. Offline Support:  Single page should point to the cache manifest. When navigation to new HTML page with manifest attribute, the page itself is assumed to be part of application.  In multipage application all HTML pages should be list out in the manifest file.

12  Memory Management  More Complex  Modularity

13  To use the Native features of the mobile, we need to make use of the Plug in  For example to make use of the below features we need to make use of the plug in. -Compass, Contacts, Notification, Media, Storage


15  HTML templates decouples the UI definition (HTML markup) from your code.  Examples of Templates Engines Mustache.js Handlebars.js Underscore.js

16  In index.html: Handlebars JS Example Name Job Title Twitter {{#users}} {{fullName person}} {{jobTitle}} @{{twitter}} {{/users}} How to use templates?

17 In.js file: var source = $("#some-template").html(); var template = Handlebars.compile(source); var data = { users: [ {person: {firstName: "Garry", lastName: "Finch”}, jobTitle: "Front End Technical Lead", twitter: "gazraa” }, {person: { firstName: "Garry", lastName: "Finch”}, jobTitle: "Photographer”, twitter: "photobasics”}] }; Handlebars.registerHelper('fullName', function(person) { return person.firstName + " " + person.lastName;}); $('body').append(template(data)); How to use templates?

18  No need of SDK and IDE  Free for open source  QR quote for app installation

19  No need to generate UI on the server  No need to wait for data to display UI  Cache Everything  Use Hardware acceleration  Avoid Click events

20  Poor performance, especially if your app is graphically intense, i.e. a game.  Lack of pre-built UI widgets, transitions, standard controls, etc. Your development time can take longer, especially if you want a polished-looking app with a native look and feel.  New features of mobile platforms are not integrated immediately in the phoneGap.

21  

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