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Water Sustainability PSA Exhibition At the start of the Water Unit you were introduced to the concept of sustainability. One definition of sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Sustainability PSA Exhibition At the start of the Water Unit you were introduced to the concept of sustainability. One definition of sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Sustainability PSA Exhibition At the start of the Water Unit you were introduced to the concept of sustainability. One definition of sustainable is “to live in a way that meets our needs without risking the ability of future generations to meet their needs”. Then we studied the water cycle and distribution, the unique properties of water, types of water contamination, and water treatment. To conclude the Water Unit, you will work in a group to prepare a short Public Service Announcement (PSA) video on a Water Sustainability Issue. You will present your video to your classmates and middle school students at the end of the exhibition. The Essential Question Since water is a social equity, environmental, and economic issue, how are we responsible for water as a sustainable resource?

2 In order to make an effective and scientifically credible PSA video, you should do the following: What should we do in our PSA video?  Describe a water sustainability issue in detail  Analyze the 3 E impacts of the issue (social equity, environmental, and economic)  Use chemistry concepts that connect, relate, support your PSA  Communicate a clear message or call to action

3 How will I be assesed for this exhibition?


5 “Why do we care? Acid rain has a huge impact on rivers, and lakes, building and statues and on people. The biggest impact is on aquatic environments. Most fish eggs can’t hatch in acidic water, for example, and even if there are organisms that can withstand the acidification, it disrupts the ecosystem because the food chain may be broken.” “Acid rain also breaks down the materials of buildings and statues, as you can see here in Washington. [Video available of buildings in Washington being destroyed.] It costs money to clean this up or rebuild when we have to.” “Because clouds don’t stay inside countries or states, acid rain pollution often affects the people who didn’t make the pollution. In other words, the pollution from a coal-powered plant here in the United States can cause acid rain to fall on forests and rivers in Mexico or Canada, and they are left with the costs.” Describe the 3 E Impacts

6 Coal is one of the cheapest ways to create electricity, but it creates terrible problems for the future through air pollution. We need to build wind farms & use solar energy, both of which don’t pollute as much. Many countries including the US now have laws that power plants can’t emit sulfur dioxide (the compound that makes acid rain), but we need to think about how much electricity we use, and how often we take cars, busses & other motorized transport. Walk and bike whenever you can, and save electricity by buying less stuff. Remember: the planet is your responsibility, and your pollution today can impact people, animals and the environment all over the planet. Communicate a Clear Message


8 Acid Rain Storyboard & Scripting

9 Act it out Narrate Demo & Explain Voice Over Video Insert Image or Video Voice Over Image Moving Flashcards Paper Animation


11 In order to make an effective and scientifically credible PSA video, you should do the following: What should we do in our PSA video?  Describe a water sustainability issue in detail  Analyze the 3 E impacts of the issue (social equity, environmental, and economic)  Use chemistry concepts that connect, relate, support your PSA  Communicate a clear message or call to action

12 Always use the SAME camera and flashdrive Rehearse with script, then film the scene Always leave 1 or 2 seconds of silence at the beginning and end of each scene for editing Stay aware of noise and lighting in your filming space Always keep the camera in the vertical position Use tripod for steady filming You MUST use the special filming hallway pass All voice over image or video will be done last in library Special Notes on Filming

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