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Group 1. About CONGO CONGO Civil War Intervention of IOs *PKO *MONUSCO *ICC Influence of IOs.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 1. About CONGO CONGO Civil War Intervention of IOs *PKO *MONUSCO *ICC Influence of IOs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 1

2 About CONGO CONGO Civil War Intervention of IOs *PKO *MONUSCO *ICC Influence of IOs

3 In Africa Population is more than 66million About 23 times the area of Korea Independence from Belgium in 1960 Kinsash a

4 Be came a colony of Belgium in 1908 But, a colonial administration was difficult Maintained public peace by using colonial military & Prohibited political activity Stimulated from independent of other countries In 1959, opposing Belgium riot broke out Establishment of government by the first general election


6 (1996~1997) 1st Congo War Laurent Desire Kabila vs Mobuto ⇒ Kabila won! ⇒ president! ⇒ Zaire → the democratic republic of Congo.

7 (1998~2003) 2nd Congo War VSVS




11 MONUC (UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo)




15 PKO(Peace Keeping Operation) Peacekeeping is one among a range of activities undertaken by the United Nations and other international actors to maintain international peace and security throughout the world Their Operations monitoring and observing peace processes in post-conflict areas assisting comes in many forms, including confidence-building measures, power-sharing arrangements, electoral support, strengthening the rule of law, and economic and social development

16 a United Nations peace keeping forc e in the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC) which was established in 1999. they monitor the peace process of the Second Congo War, though muc h of its focus subsequently turned t o the Ituri conflict, the Kivu conflict and the Dongo conflict Mission Facts LocationDRC and the subregion HeadquartersKinshasa (DRC) Liaison officesPretoria (South Africa), Kigali (Rwanda) and Kampala (Uganda) Logistics baseEntebbe (Uganda) DurationJuly 2010 to present

17 MONUSCO Protect civilians and consolidate peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC)

18 Joseph Kabila 2011, 11 Joseph Kabila vs Jean-Pierre Bemba was a most powerful candidates with Joseph Kabila but he was accused of crimes against humanity, war crimes So, for stabilizing the politics, Jean-Pierre Bemba was brought to ICC Finally, Joseph Kabila was elected again as a president of DRC( Congo) Jean-Pierre Bemba

19 What is ICC? The International Criminal Court(ICC) a permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression Location: The Hague, Netherlands.


21 If UN didn’t intervene CONGO WAR



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