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JPI - A HEALTHY DIET FOR A HEALTHY LIFE. EUROPE: diversity and fragmentation.

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Presentation on theme: "JPI - A HEALTHY DIET FOR A HEALTHY LIFE. EUROPE: diversity and fragmentation."— Presentation transcript:


2 EUROPE: diversity and fragmentation

3 JPI a healthy diet for a healthy life a healthy diet for a healthy life JPI a healthy diet for a healthy life a healthy diet for a healthy life

4 Joint Programing a necessity to strengthen EU R&D efforts

5 It´s (not) ALL about money! € 1.900 billion food, agriculture, fisheries & technology € 2.021 billion investment of Nestlé in R&D

6 Journal of Food Science Volume 76, Issue 2, pages R62–R68, March 2011 Helmut Traitler, Heribert J. Watzke, I. Sam Saguy Investment of Nestlé in R&D = CHF 2.021 billion per annum. Its R&D includes approximately 5.000 people (3700 in R&D and 1300 in application groups). Partnerships and alignments, both downstream and upstream, are paramount for cross-fertilization and synergy. To survive—and thrive—in today's world of global innovation, seeking alliances based on compatible differences is a must. Like “innovate or die”, “partner or perish” has become the new mantra. Effectiveness and speed are the operative and overriding principles of any innovation partnership. Sustainable co–development and innovation becomes feasible with a change in mindset from “attempting to do everything within” to “seeking out the most appropriate partners for success,” an integral part of the “Sharing is Winning”.

7 Need for Joint Programming in Food, Nutrition and Health

8 Address common challenges, develop common solutions by working together! Avoid duplication and leave no gaps! Combine and promote scientific excellence (joint calls, peer review)! Use public resources and research funds more efficiently and effectively! Pool data, increase impact of research outcomes Exploit better data from clinical trials and cohorts Develop new technologies, approaches and methods Achieve breakthroughs and have critical mass! Obtain better data to base decisions on and achieve a vision! Need for Joint Programming in Food, Nutrition and Health

9 25 countries involved; 19 full members and 6 observers

10 Joint Programming … HOW? GOVERNANCE

11 SAB SHAB + MB Joint Actions Joint Programming … HOW?

12 Horizontal Activities Structure of the SRA

13 Joint Programming THE SAB

14 Joint Programming THE SHAB


16 Launched on March 28 th 2014 in Brussels @ the 2 nd JPI HDHL Conference Second Edition SRA based on input from Management Board, Advisory Boards and Foresight Study

17 Joint Actions – 2012 - 2014 Determinants of Diet & Physical Activity Started dec 2013 47 partners – from 12 MS €17m invested; Aim: understand the determinants of dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours and to translate this knowledge into a more effective promotion of a healthy diet and physical activity. European Nutritional Phenotype Data Sharing Initiative Started dec 2014 51 partners – from 9 MS Aim: open access research infrastructure – data from wide variety of studies ranging from mechanistic/ interventions to epidemiological studies including a multitude of. phenotypic outcomes Roadmap Initiative for Biomarkers of Nutritional / Health Claims Started dec 2014 FOODBALL – 11 countries – 20 organisations Aim: a systematic exploration and validation of biomarkers to obtain a good coverage of the food intake in different population groups within Europe MIRDIET – 3 MS – Aim: identify differential responses of specific circulating mRNAs that occur during assessed dietary interventions in individuals with various metabolic status.

18 Second Implementation Plan 2016 – 2018 New Joint Activities Paper on Nutrition Security Focus on Alignment Research Infrastructures International Collaboration Engagement with Industry Second Implementation Plan 2016 – 2018 New Joint Activities Paper on Nutrition Security Focus on Alignment Research Infrastructures International Collaboration Engagement with Industry Application Second CSA ERA-HDHL Cofunded call on Biomarkers Activities Three new Joint Actions Joint Paper on Food and Nutrition Security with JPI FACCE  implementation Application Second CSA ERA-HDHL Cofunded call on Biomarkers Activities Three new Joint Actions Joint Paper on Food and Nutrition Security with JPI FACCE  implementation The Future

19 Alignment of National Research Policies & Programmes Strategic Collaboration Communication Joint Activities Underpinning Sectoral Policies

20 Effectiveness of existing policies for lifestyle interventions Biomarkers in Nutrition and Health (BioNH) Knowledge platform for intestinal microbiomics Food processing and modelling European Nutritional Phenotype Assessment DAta Sharing Initiative (ENPADASI) Nutrition and cognitive function Identification, prevention and treatment of malnutrition New Joint Research Activities defined as of highest priority by SAB & SHAB New Joint Actions

21 Effectiveness of existing policies for lifestyle interventions

22 Danes had been taxing 16 Danish kroner per kilogram of saturated fat in foods with a saturated fat content that exceeds 2.3%. Effectiveness of existing policies for lifestyle interventions

23 Knowledge platform for intestinal microbiomics


25 Knowledge platform for intestinal microbiota


27 Food processing and modelling


29 Nutrition and cognitive function


31 Identification, prevention & treatment of malnutrition


33 Malnutrition in older adults - urgent need for action: a plea for improving the nutritionalsituation of older adults. Volkert D 1. Gerontology. 2013;59(4):328-33. Dietary needs of healthy and frail older people Identification, prevention & treatment of malnutrition

34 ERANet Biomarkers Co-ordination and Support Action EXPO 2015 Milano Other Activities

35 Collaboration with other initiatives Sustainability of the JPI Alignment with Horizon 2020 Other Activities

36 2010 – the beginning 2012 – SRA: research objectives in 3 research areas 2012 – 2014: Early Phase Implementation 2014 – 2015: Implementation Plan 2015: Update SRA European Research Area – Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life


38 Thank you

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