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Opened in Sept, 1964 380 boys and girls 7-11 years old.

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2 Opened in Sept, 1964 380 boys and girls 7-11 years old

3 School uniform Woodlands Junior School Lyceum # 10

4 Dear Chef, We’d like to eat chocolate cake and chocolate sauce. I’d like to have fish dishes as starters in our school cafeteria because fish is very yummy! For the main course it would be a nice idea to eat meat balls in tomato sauce, steamed rice and sausages. Fruit are good for your health so apples, pineapples and bananas would be great. They are rich in vitamins! Finally, desserts. We’d be absolutely happy if you make pancakes with syrop and jam doughnuts. Yours sincerely, 6 “a” formers.

5 Subjects and clubs Woodlands Junior School Lyceum # 10 They have Maths, English, ICT, Art, History, RE, PE, Geography, History, Science, French, Music, DT, PHSCE In their free time they have Chess, Film, Art, Choir, Card games, Recorders, Ukulele We have English, Mathematics, Russian, Literature, ICT, History, Art, Geography, Biology, PE, Music, Handicrafts We go to Dance, Ushu, Art, Robotics, Photo clubs in our spare time. I’d like to join Film club!

6 I don’t mind studying in Woodlands Junior School because I like their menu! Their uniform is nice too and the clubs are interesting

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