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Ethics in University Teaching Vi Maeers Director, Teaching and Learning University of Regina.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics in University Teaching Vi Maeers Director, Teaching and Learning University of Regina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics in University Teaching Vi Maeers Director, Teaching and Learning University of Regina

2 Ethical Principles 1.Content Competence 2.Pedagogical Competence 3.Dealing With Sensitive Topics 4.Student Development 5.Dual Relationships With Students 6.Confidentiality 7.Respect for Colleagues 8.Valid Assessment of Students 9.Respect for Institution

3 ACTIVITY There are 9 principles You will need to organize yourselves into 9 different groups You will get a folder with information about one of the principles Your task, in your group, is to do the following:

4 1.Read your section of the paper and answer the following questions: I.What does your principle mean/imply etc? II.What would serve as evidence that you had achieved your principle? III.What would serve as evidence that you had failed to achieve your principle? 2.Create a slide for this presentation with an outline of your principle (do it on paper—I will type it in later— this presentation will be posted to the wiki) 3.‘Present’ your slide to the whole group. Each group is the expert on its principle. Be prepared to answer questions.

5 1. Content Competence Description Evidence Failure

6 2. Pedagogical Competence Description Evidence Failure

7 3. Dealing With Sensitive Topics Description Evidence Failure

8 4. Student Development Description Evidence Failure

9 5. Dual Relationships With Students Description Evidence Failure

10 6. Confidentiality Description Evidence Failure

11 7. Respect for Colleagues Description Evidence Failure

12 8. Valid Assessment of Students Description Evidence Failure

13 9. Respect for Institution Description Evidence Failure

14 ACTIVITY The University of Guelph has some ethical dilemmas in its TA handbook—-an excellent resource x.html x.html Each group will get one scenario—either from this site or one that I have encountered at the U of R. Discuss your scenario. What would you do if you were in this situation?

15 Activity Have you ever been in, or can you think of, additional ethical dilemmas—please share some with your small group? Please appoint someone in your group to write out your dilemma—this will be added to the powerpoint to be posted to the TDC site. Please—no names or identifying information if this indeed is an actual event.

16 ACTIVITY ROLES you play as a TA –Go around your small group and describe all the different roles each of you has in your position as TA (e.g., lab instructor, co-op student supervisor, graduate student, teaching assistant, football coach, etc). Appoint someone to create a chart and check off on the chart the different roles that each person has. –We will share the information from each chart. –How do you balance these responsibilities? –How can CTL help you?

17 LINKS Queens University has a good link to information on the rights and responsibilities of a TA. Go to CTL has a handbook for TAs, based on some of the information in the Queens TA Handbook. Go here to see our handbook ndex.html ndex.html The University of Guelph also has an excellent TA handbook located at tml tml

18 Contact Information Vi Maeers LY 610 Tel: 337-2402; Fax: 337-2401 E-mail: Website:

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