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Chapter 8- MHC’s & Antigen Presentation

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1 Chapter 8- MHC’s & Antigen Presentation
Where we’re going in this MHC I and II functions review Genes for these proteins Structure in detail, and how that relates to Ag presentation MHC’s and disease Antigen presentation- some details, plus learning about processing in the Golgi

2 We need to be able to present lots of different peptides
We need to be able to present lots of different peptides. For this we need a somewhat generic binding, and much diversity.

3 More details in to come!

4 More details in to come!

5 “the nomenclature is somewhat confusing” HA!! MASSIVE UNDERSTATEMENT!!
2 MB! 2 copies of each! 4 MB! Classical MHC’s- there are others as well What we need to know: three, not 2 classes; functions of the three classes; and the existence of other, non-classical MHC’s.

6 A digression into mouse genetics
The MHC genes typically are a package deal- Haplotypes We have inbred strains of mice- these are homozygous at the MHC’s, and have sets of MHC’s.






12 Mouse MHC terms Syngeneic- identical- a mouse strain
Congenic- the same except at one location- for our purposes, the same MHC haplotype- E.g., B10.A: a B10 mouse with a type A haplotype These terms will come into play later!

13 Strains are produce by breeding; useful in determining the effects of MHC’s on immune response

14 OK- back to MHCs- structure of MHC I


16 MHC I structure

17 Ends are closed; holds peptide of 8-10 AA’s

18 MHCII- not only a dimer, but a dimer of dimers
Open cleft- hold AA peptides





23 Different MHCI’s Very interesting study. It shows that 1) different MHC I’s bind different peptides and 2) the peptides bound by a particular MHCI will have certain characteristics.

24 With MHC I, the peptide can bulge; not so with MHCII


26 Diversity! Multiple genes, now MANY alleles!
MHC genes are polymorphic: Human MHC I- HLA A: 370 HLA B: 660 HLA C: 190 Lots of diversity in MHC II as well- DP, DQ, DR genes, and among the alpha and beta subunits. Total theoretical diversity of 4 X 1019 !

27 Linkage disequilibrium
The diversity isn’t as great as theoretically expected Some alleles are found together more than you would expect: HLA-A ; HLA B ; Expecte 0.16X 0.09= 0.014; actual is they are found together >6X as often as expected.

28 Diversity- so what? Differences in immune responsiveness
Some MHC’s linked to disease susceptibility


30 Many are autoimmune

31 So a completely heterozygous mouse would have 8 different MHC II molecules and six different MHC I molecules on its cell surfaces.


33 What to know I won’t test on this, but it’ll be helpful to know
- H2 D,L,&K are MHC I’s in mice HLA A,B,C are MHC I’s in people Three MCH I genes in mice and people Three MCH II genes in people, 2 in mice. They are polygenic and polymorphic Structure of I and II’s- effect on size and types of peptides bound. Effects on immune response and disease susceptibility, and why that might be.

34 MHC Restriction Tough concept
Fundamentally, T cells only recognize Ag presented by the MHC’s that they were trained to recognize in the thymus.

35 These do exogenous Ag presentation
Th cells Uptake of 3[H]thymidine

36 For this experiment, the Ag that’s presented is not seen- wrong MHC!
These are seen as self

37 Antigen Processing and Presentation

38 Processing: Breaking up the antigen into pieces that fit into the MHC I or II groove.
Presentation: putting the peptides on the groove. Again, endogenous and exogenous antigens

39 These are MHC II APC’s Non-pro’s get activated by inflammation!



42 TAP= transporter for antigen processing

43 LMP’s- induced by infection, make production of MHC I peptides more likely


45 ERp57- ER protease, mw 57K- exoprotease, trims down to ~8 AA’s!
These are Chaperone proteins

46 Now- onto exogenous- receptor- mediated endocytosis, OR phagocytosis


48 HLA-DM- non-classical MHC- catalyst for exchange of CLIP for peptide

49 What to know Definitions- processing, presentation, MHC restriction- evidence for the latter. Tell the story of antigen presentation, beginning with the antigen until it’s on the surface of the cell- MHCI- roles of ubiquitin, LMP’s, proteasome, TAP, tapasin, calreticulin, calnexin (chaperones) MHC II- roles of invariant chain, CLIP, MHC DM, endocytic processing.

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