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The OAI: technical overview OAI Open Meeting – Washington DC – January 23 rd 2001 Herbert Van de Sompel & Carl Lagoze Cornell University -- Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "The OAI: technical overview OAI Open Meeting – Washington DC – January 23 rd 2001 Herbert Van de Sompel & Carl Lagoze Cornell University -- Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 the OAI: technical overview OAI Open Meeting – Washington DC – January 23 rd 2001 Herbert Van de Sompel & Carl Lagoze Cornell University -- Computer Science

2 protocol specification definitions & concepts –repository –record –identifier –datestamp –set protocol features –HTTP encoding –metadata prefix & schema –flow control protocol requests –supporting requests –harvesting requests

3 repository repositoryrepository oai protocol harvesterharvester support data harvesting data items

4 record oai:eg:001 1999-01-01 My Example No restrictions protocol support format-specific metadata community-specific record data

5 identifiers oai-identifier = oai:archive-identifier:record-identifier Registered URI Scheme Archive Idendifier: Registered within OAI Unique ID within archive: (syntax is archive- specific) example = oai:ncstrl:ncstrl.cornellcs/TR94-1418 locally unique key for extracting a record from a repository

6 selective harvesting - datestamps repositoryrepository harvest within date range record

7 selective harvesting - sets repositoryrepository harvest within set S1 record S2

8 set specifics repositories define hierarchical organization each item in a repository may be organized in one set, several sets, or no sets at all meaning of sets or of set hierarchy is not defined in protocol individual communities may formulate common set configurations

9 HTTP encoding - requests BASE-URL -----------> keyword arguments -->verb=ListIdentifers&set=S1 GET POST POST HTTP/1.0 Content-Length: 78 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded verb=ListIdentifers&set=S1

10 HTTP encoding - responses 2000-19-01T19:30:30-04:00 &identifier=oai%3AarXiv%3A0001 &metadataPrefix=oai_dc record contents response header xml namespaces response data

11 metadata prefix and schema support for harvesting multiple metadata formats –metadata schema: each format must have a validating XML schema at a publicly accessible URL (communities may define shared formats and schema. –metadata prefix: each repository maps a prefix to the schema it supports, which is used in protocol requests. support for unqualified Dublin Core mandatory –reserved schema URL at –reserved prefix oai_dc.

12 flow control protocol request harvesterharvester repositoryrepository

13 flow control specifics applies to all protocol requests that return lists: ListRecords, ListIdentifiers, ListSets resumptionToken is opaque semantics of partitioning of responses within resumption requests is undefined time-to-live of resumptionToken is not defined by the protocol

14 OAI harvesting tools Supporting protocol requests: Identify ListMetadataFormats ListSets Harvesting protocol requests: ListRecords ListIdentifiers GetRecord repositoryrepository harvesterharvester service providerdata provider

15 supporting protocol requests Identify Repository name Base-URL Admin e-mail OAI protocol version Description Container repositoryrepository harvesterharvester service providerdata provider

16 supporting protocol requests ListMetadataFormats REPEAT Format prefix Format XML schema /REPEAT repositoryrepository harvesterharvester service providerdata provider

17 supporting protocol requests ListSets REPEAT Set Specification Set Name /REPEAT repositoryrepository harvesterharvester service providerdata provider

18 harvesting requests * from=a * until=b * set=klm ListRecords * metadataPrefix=oai_dc REPEAT Identifier Datestamp Metadata About Container /REPEAT repositoryrepository harvesterharvester service providerdata provider

19 harvesting requests REPEAT Identifier Datestamp /REPEAT repositoryrepository * from=a * until=b ListIdentifiers * set=klm harvesterharvester service providerdata provider

20 harvesting requests * identifier=oai:mlib:123a GetRecord * metadataPrefix=oai_dc Identifier Datestamp Metadata About repositoryrepository harvesterharvester service providerdata provider

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