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Main Injector Particle Production (MIPP) Experiment (FNAL-E907): Application to Cosmic Rays Colliders to Cosmic Rays (…and back) Lake Tahoe USA Feb 28.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Injector Particle Production (MIPP) Experiment (FNAL-E907): Application to Cosmic Rays Colliders to Cosmic Rays (…and back) Lake Tahoe USA Feb 28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main Injector Particle Production (MIPP) Experiment (FNAL-E907): Application to Cosmic Rays Colliders to Cosmic Rays (…and back) Lake Tahoe USA Feb 28 2007 Wayne Springer University of Utah

2 Main Injector Particle Production (MIPP) Experiment (FNAL-E907): Application to Cosmic Rays Extensive Air Showers –Determination of UHECR parameters Energy, X max and flux Measurement Techniques –Modeling of EAS Hadronic Interaction Models and Corsika Dependence on particle physics MIPP Experiment –Description –Measurements applicable to better understanding of EAS

3 Extensive Air Showers Profiles: Longitudinal and Lateral Longitudinal Profile Air Fluorescence Lateral Profile Ground Arrays Only Measure effects related to Charged particle content of Extensive Air Showers !!!!

4 Determination of UHECR Parameters from EAS Charged Particle Longitudinal Profile  Energy and X max Determination  Integrate Shower profile  Correct for portion of shower not observed  Correct observed EM energy into total energy  Particle multiplicity and cross-section are influences on longitudinal profile shape and fraction correction  Need EAS models to calculate detector aperture as well as for energy determination

5 Ground Array AGASA Lateral Distribution  Energy Determination  From Local density at 600m  Particle multiplicity, Cross sections and differential cross section influence the relation between S(600) and the Energy of the UHECR E=2.13x10 20 eV M. Teshima Muon/Neutrino Ele. Mag

6 Externsive Air Shower Modeling Corsika Simulated 10 15 eV proton EAS J. Oehlsclaeger and R. Engel  Well developed EAS models exist High Energy DPMJET neXus QGSJET SIBYLL Low/Intermediate Energy GHEISHA Hillas’ Splitting Algorithm FLUKA UrQMD TARGET HADRIN/NUCRIN SOPHIA  Questions  Neutral particles  EAS Muon Content  How close to reality?

7 Hadronic Interaction Models Inputs Particle Data Group Hadronic production Cross-sections Multiplicities Compare to measurements Extrapolation at high energies R. Engel

8 Example of Model Variability Model Predictions: proton-proton at the LHC – Totem Expt- S.Lami Predictions in the forward region within the CMS/TOTEM acceptance (T1 + T2 + CASTOR) MultiplicityTotal Energy

9 Main Injector Particle Production Experiment MIPP (FNAL E907) D.Isenhower,M.Sadler,R.Towell,S.Watson Abilene Christian University R.J.Peterson University of Colorado, Boulder W.Baker,D.Carey, D.Christian,M.Demarteau,D.Jensen,C.Johnstone,H.Meyer, R.Raja,A.Ronzhin,N.Solomey,W.Wester Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory H.Gutbrod,K.Peters, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany G. Feldman, Harvard University Y.Torun, Illinois Institute of Technology M. Messier,J.Paley Indiana University U.Akgun,G.Aydin,F.Duru,E.Gülmez,Y.Gunaydin,Y.Onel, A.Penzo University of Iowa V.Avdeichicov,R.Leitner,J.Manjavidze,V.Nikitin,I.Rufanov,A.Sissakian,T.Topuria Joint Institute for Nuclear Researah, Dubna, Russia D.M.Manley, Kent State University H.Löhner, J.Messchendorp, KVI, Groningen, Netherlands H.R.Gustafson,M.Longo,T.Nigmanov, D.Rajaram University of Michigan S.P.Kruglov,I.V.Lopatin,N.G.Kozlenko,A.A.Kulbardis,D.V.Nowinsky, A.K.Radkov,V.V.Sumachev Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia A.Bujak, L.Gutay, Purdue University A.Godley,S.R.Mishra,C.Rosenfeld University of South Carolina C.Dukes,C.Materniak,K.Nelson,A.Norman University of Virginia P.Desiati, F.Halzen, T.Montaruli, University of Wisconsin, Madison Livermore dropped out. Rest still on proposal. 7 new institutions have joined. More inegotiaitions. Previous collaboration built MIPP up from ground level. Less to do this time round. More data.

10 Main Injector Particle Production Experiment MIPP (FNAL E907)  Beamline  Targets  Detector  Data  Physics Topics

11 MIPP Secondary Beam Line  120GeV Main Injector Primary protons  secondary beams of   K  p  from 5 GeV/c to 85 GeV/c  Measure particle production cross sections on various nuclei including nitrogen.

12 MIPP Targets  Target inserted into TPC  Surrounded by Crystal Ball Recoil detector (in upgrade)  Cryogenic Target Will allow Liquid N2 Target  Nuclear Targets  The A-List  H2,D2,Li,Be,B,C,N2,O2,Mg,Al, Si,P,S,Ar,K,Ca,,Fe,Ni,Cu,Zn,Nb, Ag,Sn,W,Pt,Au,Hg,Pb,Bi,U  The B-List  Na, Ti,V, Cr,Mn,Mo,I, Cd, Cs, Ba

13 MIPP Detector  Open Geometry Spectrometer  “Jolly Green Giant” Magnet  Time Projection Chamber(TPC) Momentum and dE/dx meaasurement  Time-of-Flight (TOF)  Cerenkov Detector  Beam Cerenkov  Ring Imaging CHerenkov  Tracking Chambers  Calorimeters  Electromagnetic  Hadronic  “Crystal Ball” (in proposed upgrade)  Excellent  Particle ID  momentum resolution  Measure differential production cross-sections for inclusive hadrons

14 Time Projection Chamber (TPC)  Located inside the JGG magnet  3D tracking  dE/dx particle identification for particles with low momentum.  Current DAQ rate limited to 30Hz upgrade to 3000 Hz

15 Time Projection Chamber Particle ID Number of tracks vs dEdx in arbitrary units for a momentum slice ranging from 150 MeV.c to 250 MeV/c. Data is from a 20 GeV p-C run. Number of tracks vs. dEdx in arbitrary units vs. momentum in GeV/c for 20 GeV p-C data

16 Beam Cherenkov Detectors  Two differential Beam Cerenkov detectors  Long radiator (>30 meters total)  Separate p  for beam momenta above 10 GeV/c  Beam TOF for beam momenta below 10 GeV/c  Provides beam particle id at the trigger level.

17 Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector  Rings are imaged onto an array of 32x96 1/2 inch diameter pmts.  Many hits per ring -> good particle id. Provides Particle ID for particles produced in collision

18 Overall MIPP Particle ID Performance  Good Particle ID over most of p v pt parameter space

19 The recoil detector Detect recoil protons, neutrons, neutral and charged pions, kaons

20 Comparison of model predictions for observable distributions Preliminary NUMI target to FLUKA predictions Multiplicty Momentum

21 Transverse Momentum vs Momentum Distributions  Differential Cross-Sections for particle production will be measured  Need input from model builders as to how to best present the data

22 Data Taken

23 Other MIPP Physics Topics  Non-perturbative QCD physics  Scaling law of particle fragmentation  provide new, precise data to theorists so they can test new models  Nuclear physics  y scaling  propagation of flavor through nuclei  strangeness production in nuclei  Searches  Missing baryon resonances predicted by SU(3)  Search for glue balls  Charged Kaon mass measurement  Service measurements  neutrino experiments  Pion and kaon production on NuMI target for MINOS to understand the neutrino flux (energy spectrum)  Cross sections on N2 (air) for atmospheric neutrino experiment flux  Proton Radiography (homeland security, etc.)

24 Summary  UHECR measurements are dependent upon particle physics models  Measurements from MIPP can provide input to those models  Current MIPP data set useful. Work ongoing. Physics DSTs available soon..  MIPP upgrade should be designed with needs of EAS models in mind

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