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Recommitting to the Harvest Becoming a Transformational and Multiplying Church.

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Presentation on theme: "Recommitting to the Harvest Becoming a Transformational and Multiplying Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recommitting to the Harvest Becoming a Transformational and Multiplying Church

2 Stewardship is for both disciple and church - individual and corporate. Matthew 25:29 “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But, from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.” (NLT).

3 Sardis and Philadelphia had little (life and energy). Their stewardship determined their reward. Laodicea had much. Their stewardship reflected their reward as well. (Revelation 3).

4 Transformational and multiplying churches are maximizing stewards of what God has given.

5 They see transformation taking place on at least four levels : from animosity or indifference to openness and interest from death to life (conversion) from observer to participant from passionate disciple to passionate disciple maker

6 The result is multiplication.

7 Transformational and multiplying churches get more people in the game, rely more on the Holy Spirit and take seriously their call to reach the world for Jesus.

8 Some visible differences between transformational and multiplying churches; and those that are not transformational or multiplying … Transformational Multiplying Church Non-transformational Non- multiplying Church UnityDisunity or casual commonality Engaging and compelling loveFondness or appreciation “Cannot-help-it”; sharing, loving, giving (Acts 4:20; 1 Thes. 3:12; Luke 6:38) “Hard-to-do-it”; sharing, loving, giving

9 Transformational Multiplying Church Non-transformational Non- multiplying Church Practice all “one anothers”Practice some “one anothers” Enthusiastic and excited A contagious buzz Civil and friendly A polite community Outside ministry celebrated and promoted most Inside ministry celebrated and promoted most Pray withPray for Most prayer is spontaneousMost prayer is planned Little time with prayer request Much time in prayer Much time with prayer request Little time in prayer

10 Transformational Multiplying Church Non-transformational Non- multiplying Church Leaders engaged in communityLeaders focused on church Teams and interdependenceIndividuals and independence Pre-Christian groups using facilities Only Christian groups using facilities Bible application stressedBible study stressed Passion highest for Jesus and people Passion highest for vision or program

11 Transformational Multiplying Church Non-transformational Non- multiplying Church Most people can answer, “Who are you reaching?” Faith activity is prevalent Ministry based training, “how to live and do” Obedience is an end Obedience is a means to an end Few people can answer, “Who are you reaching?” Faith activity is rare Include many in significant ministry Include few in significant ministry Academic/intellectual based training, “how to think and know”

12 Transformational Multiplying Church Non-transformational Non- multiplying Church Preaching and teaching is true, relevant, interesting, clear and applicable Preaching and teaching is correct, cliché, manipulative, disingenuous or uninspired


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