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The Baroreceptor Reflex 1. Aortic bodies 2. Carotid bodies Sensory Receptors Detect Changes in BP Specifically - Mechanoreceptors detect changes in BP.

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Presentation on theme: "The Baroreceptor Reflex 1. Aortic bodies 2. Carotid bodies Sensory Receptors Detect Changes in BP Specifically - Mechanoreceptors detect changes in BP."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Baroreceptor Reflex 1. Aortic bodies 2. Carotid bodies Sensory Receptors Detect Changes in BP Specifically - Mechanoreceptors detect changes in BP Located in blood vessel walls:

2 Baroreceptors (aortic arch & carotid a.a.) If  BP, then  freq of Action Potential firing to M.O > changes to  BP. If  BP, then  freq of Action Potential firing to M.O > changes to  BP. M.O. ∆’s to ↓BP ∆’s to ↑BP ↓ ↑ BP The Baroreceptor Reflex

3 Modulation of the Heart by the ANS At rest, heart has Parasympathetic modulation (slows it from 90-100 down to 70-80 beats/min). When excited, Para dissipates and Sym takes over. When heart has Sympathetic modulation (increases to ~120 beats/min).

4 To SA node Parasympathetic (Vagus n.) Sympathetic (accelerator n.)

5 The Medulla Oblongata the ANS and the Cardiovascular System Parasympathetic Stimulation Lowers BP Sympathetic Stimulation Elevates BP

6 Modulation of the Heart the Endocrine System Hormones, such as E stimulate the heart rate and force of contraction (S.V.) via  receptors. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) is released from the atria when the heart is over-stretched. ANP Causes: 1) vasodilation and 2)  Na + excretion

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