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Welcome to House 8-2 Dane Cordes – Science Nici Hilby – Social Studies Justine Kilgore – House Teacher Amy Palm – Math Pam Schwendinger – House Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to House 8-2 Dane Cordes – Science Nici Hilby – Social Studies Justine Kilgore – House Teacher Amy Palm – Math Pam Schwendinger – House Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to House 8-2 Dane Cordes – Science Nici Hilby – Social Studies Justine Kilgore – House Teacher Amy Palm – Math Pam Schwendinger – House Teacher Tracee Wellik – Language Arts

2 House Policies  See student handbook  Highlights:  Dress code  Homework  Purple tickets  Tardies  IDM

3 House Policies Continued  Infractions  Reward days  Wiki  http://house82.pbworks.c om http://house82.pbworks.c om http://house82.pbworks.c om

4 Social Studies w/ Mrs. Nici Hilby  History Alive! The United States through Industrialism  Interactive  Social  Multiple Intelligences  Writing  Tests

5 Social Studies (Cont.)  Materials  Agenda  Paper OR notebook  Folder OR binder  Textbook  ISN  Grading  ISN  Tests  Projects  Weighted grades

6 Social Studies (Cont.)  Websites  l/nhilby   Cellphones will be used in class   http://house82.pbworks.c om http://house82.pbworks.c om http://house82.pbworks.c om

7 Physical Science w/ Mr. Dane Cordes  Physical Science: Chemistry & Physics  Inquiry-Based Learning  Engage  Explore  Explain  Elaborate  Evaluate

8 Physical Science (Cont.)  Materials  Agenda  Notebook  Writing Utensil(s)  Science Book  Grading  Tests ~ 50%  Labs ~ 25%  Assignments ~25%

9 Physical Science (Cont.)  Applying Science  Hands-on  Possible Careers  Critical Thinking

10 Physical Science (Cont.)  Understanding Our World  Examples:  Pressure (Air & Water)  Water Chemistry  Conservation of Mass  Technology  Student-Response System  NASA Links  Wiki’s

11 Math with Mrs. Palm  Algebra  Use Discovering Algebra text, lots of worksheets, class notes & graphing calculators Pre-algebra Use CMP series, lots of worksheets, class notes & scientific calculators  (Periods 6 & 7 Pre-alg. are co-taught with Mrs. Schwendinger)

12 Math  Materials  Textbook  Calculator  Spiral notebook for notes and homework  Pencil  Red pen  Grading  40%--Tests  30%--Quizzes  30%--Homework

13 Math  Tips for a good year  Homework Mon-Thurs.  Problem of the Week given each week  Use class time wisely & do math first in study hall  Take notes & use them  Realize frustration will occur & that’s okay

14 Language Arts with Mrs. Wellik  Language Arts Rotations  Three week rotations  Writing  Anthology  Novels  Weekly Assignments  Spelling  Journal  Vocab

15 Language Arts cont.  Writing  Focus on the six traits  They include:  Ideas  Organization  Voice  Word Choice  Sentence Fluency  Conventions

16 Language Arts cont.  Anthology  Short stories where they will continue to improve on the six strategies that make them good readers  Predict  Visualize  Connect  Question  Clarify  Evaluate

17 Language Arts Cont.  Novels  Conversation circles

18 Language Arts cont.  Materials  Binder with spelling, journal, vocabulary  Notebook  Pencil  Grading  Tests 40%  Projects/Writings 40%  Homework 20%  Co-teach with Ms. Kilgore third, sixth, and seventh hour.

19 Exploratory Classes  Careers: Mrs. Landis Career exploration Career exploration 4-year High school plan 4-year High school plan Employability skills Employability skills How to get a job How to get a job  Financial Literacy Financial planning (Goal setting) Financial planning (Goal setting) Spending plans (Budgeting) Spending plans (Budgeting) Use of Debit and Credit cards Use of Debit and Credit cards Investing and saving options Investing and saving options Personal Banking Personal Banking

20 Exploratory Classes  Technology Modules: Mr. Dodd Computer Graphics and Animation Computer Graphics and Animation Energy and Power Energy and Power Environment and Ecology Environment and Ecology Flight Technology Flight Technology Robotics Robotics Structural Engineering Structural Engineering Virtual Architecture and Laser Technology Virtual Architecture and Laser Technology

21 Exploratory Classes  Digital Technology: Mrs. Stanner Managing Personal files Managing Personal files Analyzing websites for research Analyzing websites for research PowerPoint tools for presentations PowerPoint tools for presentations Addressing technology and teens Addressing technology and teens Cyber bulling Cyber bulling Sexting Sexting Email etiquette Email etiquette Google Docs Google Docs Digital photos Digital photos

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