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Technische Universität München Master Lab Course Web Applications: Exercise 2 – Project presentation Team 4 Markus Fensterer Kamil Neczaj Peter Retzer.

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Presentation on theme: "Technische Universität München Master Lab Course Web Applications: Exercise 2 – Project presentation Team 4 Markus Fensterer Kamil Neczaj Peter Retzer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technische Universität München Master Lab Course Web Applications: Exercise 2 – Project presentation Team 4 Markus Fensterer Kamil Neczaj Peter Retzer Michael Schätzlein 19.11.2012

2 Technische Universität München Idea – ARWars Massive multiplayer browser game Utilization of Google Maps to display the game world Optimized for Desktop-PCs and Smartphones/Tablets 19.11.2012Master Lab Course Web Applications2 Creation of an augmented reality overlay Players have to meet at real life places to progress in the game Features

3 Technische Universität München Rules Two factions struggle for supremacy Players assemble into teams Players capture buildings available in Google Places Captured buildings yield resources Resources can be used to build troops or are necessary to capture special places Troops aid in capturing or defending places The number and type of places hold translate into a score 19.11.2012Master Lab Course Web Applications3

4 Technische Universität München Data Model 19.11.2012Master Lab Course Web Applications4

5 Technische Universität München Use Case – Display stats & scores 19.11.2012Master Lab Course Web Applications5

6 Technische Universität München Use Case – Initiate conquering attempt 19.11.2012Master Lab Course Web Applications6

7 Technische Universität München Use Case – Manage team 19.11.2012Master Lab Course Web Applications7

8 Technische Universität München Technologies Client HTML5 GeoLocation API, WebSockets, jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap. 19.11.2012Master Lab Course Web Applications8 Server Java, Play! framework, Akka, WebSockets, Neo4J, MongoDB.

9 Technische Universität München Architecture Client location map interaction client-side game logic communication 05.11.2012Master Lab Course Web Applications9 Server controllers access services and render views services operate on data objects game logic (e.g. event generator)

10 Technische Universität München Business Model Advertisments Selling decorative objects Selling organisational services 19.11.2012Master Lab Course Web Applications10

11 Technische Universität München Competitors Traditional browser games (Ogame, Droidwars) Persistent mobile multiplayer games (Mobile Mafia, Kriegs Spiel [sic!]) Location based social networks (Foursquare, Google Latitude) Ingress by Niantic Labs (closed beta) 05.11.2012Master Lab Course Web Applications11

12 Technische Universität München Unique selling proposition Mixture of real-life exploration and traditional browser games Players have to meet in person Imposing of a virtual world over the known material world 05.11.2012Master Lab Course Web Applications12

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