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The DARK AGES - REVISION Wks 1-5. CONTENT Week 1  Fall of the Roman Empire  Barbarian Invasions of Rome Week 2  Barbarian Kingdoms  The Celts  Clovis.

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Presentation on theme: "The DARK AGES - REVISION Wks 1-5. CONTENT Week 1  Fall of the Roman Empire  Barbarian Invasions of Rome Week 2  Barbarian Kingdoms  The Celts  Clovis."— Presentation transcript:


2 CONTENT Week 1  Fall of the Roman Empire  Barbarian Invasions of Rome Week 2  Barbarian Kingdoms  The Celts  Clovis I King of the Salic Franks - introduction Week 3  Post Roman Britain  Anglo-Saxons  Alfred the Great - Start Week 4  Alfred the Great – Finish  The Catholic Church – Foundations  Importance of the monasteries Week 5  Monasteries study – in class  Spread of Christianity and Revision

3 Week 1 – Fall of the Roman Empire In week 1 we began by looking at the fall of the Roman Empire and the reasons for collapse:  Economic  Political  Social  Military Please review PowerPoint: ‘The Fall of the Roman Empire’

4 Week 1 – Barbarian Invasions Also in week 1 we began to look at the impact of the Barbarian invasions/migrations on the collapse of Rome.  Invasion of Italy by the Goths (AD 408-410) – Alleric, Ataulf  Invasion of the Huns under Attila (AD 451, Battle of Chalons)  Invasion of the Vandals under Genseric (AD 455 occupied Carthage, sacked Rome)  Occupation of Britain by the Saxons and Jutes (AD 449)  Ricimer and the Last Days of the Empire (AD 455-472)  Odoacer deposes Romulus Augustulus (AD 476) Review question: Were the Barbarian invasions the sole cause of the Roman Empire’s collapse? Explain.

5 Week 2 – barbarian Kingdoms Also in week 2 we started to look at the Barbarian Kingdoms in Europe. (Please review ‘Germanic Kingdoms’ PowerPoint)

6 Week 2 – The Celts In week 2 we also learnt about the Celts and their origins in Europe. Please review handout and information from our lesson on the Celts.

7 Week 3 – Post Roman Britain We looked at Post Roman Britain in week 3. Watched a BBC documentary 'A History of Britain - Beginnings' with Simon Schama. We learnt about the migration of Anglo- Saxons to Britain. Review question: What were the main Anglo- Saxon areas of Britain?

8 Week 3 - Anglo-Saxons Also in week 3 we learnt about Anglo-Saxons. Please review PowerPoint ‘Anglo-Saxons’ Also, make a list of key words associated with Anglo-Saxon culture, i.e. Scops, Polytheistic, Wyrd etc... Influence of Bede on English Impact and spread of Christianity in Britain.

9 Week 3 and 4 - Alfred the Great We started looking at Alfred the Great and his influence on Anglo-Saxon society. Alfred the Great and his establishment of; a standing army, a domboc (law book), a national Christian identity, and the unification of Anglo-Saxon culture under Christianity. Study the PowerPoint ‘Alfred the Great’ - particularly his main reforms: domboc, fyrd, burhs, navy etc and how they assisted in the victory over the Danes. Review question: What was the Domboc and why was it important?

10 Week 4 – The Catholic Church The rise of Christianity from Constantine to the Papacy. The importance of Monasteries and their origins. Connection between Christianity and leaders: Clovis I, Alfred the Great conversion to Christianity, why was this important and how did it help spread Christianity throughout Europe.

11 Week 4 – 5 Monasteries You worked in pairs on topics related to monasteries and the spread of Christianity in Europe:  The Venerable Bede and his influence on Europe – Alex and Marco  Benedict of Nursia and the Rule of Saint Benedict  Asceticism and the different levels of monks – Tom and Isabel  Monastic schools and the rise of universities – Kieran and Lenna  Dark Age monastery; the buildings – Kate and Kathy  Daily life of a nun and monk in a Monastery – Sophie and Bryana  The Abbey and the role of the Abbot – Peter and Isabella  Saint Catherine of Siena – Lauren and Nicola  Early Abbots of Cluny – Zeb and Stephen  Columba: Monk – Brodie and Sarah  Anselm of Canterbury – Te Whenua and Sam Perhaps use these topics to help you study for the test. Use them as examples of the spread of Christianity. Why were monasteries important to the spread of Christianity?

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