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“How do I analyze the data?” -- everyone who’s ever analyzed data “How do I access the data?” Analysis Framework.

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3 “How do I analyze the data?” -- everyone who’s ever analyzed data “How do I access the data?” Analysis Framework

4 Analysis Framework Defines how packages: Access data needed for input Publish data for output Read in and write out events Access calibration constants (database) Event Level Run Level

5 PID Tracks FCAL Showers BCAL Showers Cherenkov TOF CDC FDC FCAL Hits BCAL Hits

6 PIDTracks Cherenkov CDCFDC FCAL Showers TOF BCAL Showers DANA FCAL HitsBcal Hits

7 DEventLoopDEvent DEventProcessor (called every event) DFactory (data on demand) C++: Object Oriented Framework keeps track of run number and calls “brun” routinesAll Analysis Software is Implemented in DFactory Objects

8 Data Access and Storage in DANA Use STL vector STL=Standard Template Library vector = “smart” array Use const pointers Factories deliver read-only data eliminating cross-factory data corruption Use templates Provides type safety removing need to “cast” pointers which can lead to difficult errors.

9 Important Goal: The analysis framework should be designed to provide a very shallow learning curve for new users. One should NOT need to be a C++ expert to analyze Hall-D data!

10 A Real Life Example: vector cdchits; eventLoop->Get(cdchits); for(int i=0; i<cdchits.size(); i++){ float x = cdchits[i].x; float y = cdchits[i].y; }

11 BMS: Build Management System Benefits of using a central Make system Reduces maintenance of individual Makefiles Encourages better maintenance of source directories Consistent use of compiler options GlueX-doc-473

12 Summary DANA exists in repository and continues to be refined, but is ready for use. Several programs currently use it (hdview, hd_ana, patfind, hd_dump) BMS makefile system provides standardization of software builds Software group is committed to a shallow learning curve.

13 Other Active, General Use Software Projects Package Management Ed Brash Online (CMsg) Elliott Wolin 3D Event Viewer Matt Bellis UPV simulation Alexander Ostrovidov FCAL Reconstruction Craig Bookwalter BCAL Reconstruction Chucheng Xu Openshop Framework Richard Jones Nightly Builds (+ doxygen) David Lawrence

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