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867 vs. AMS data comparison Don Tucker AMS Data Workshop IV November 17, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "867 vs. AMS data comparison Don Tucker AMS Data Workshop IV November 17, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 867 vs. AMS data comparison Don Tucker AMS Data Workshop IV November 17, 2014

2 AMS Data Workshop IV 11/17/2014 2 Contents –Process and Assumptions –Comparison of data for three months in 2014: July, August and September –Reports… AMS Data Transparency Reporting

3 AMS Data Workshop IV 11/17/2014 3 Process & Assumptions –Data with 867 reads ending in July, August or September 2014 selected. –Data selected from database for analysis on October 27, 2014. –Selected all AMS reads with start times within 60 days of the first of the reporting month to the last day of the reporting month. –Both estimated and actual 867 and AMS reads were selected. –Select 867 records that have AMS reads. If a record has an 867 but no AMS reads then the record is dropped. –Sum up AMS totals for the period of the coinciding 867 read. –Calculate the delta between 867 and AMS kWh. (Delta kWh) = [(867 kWh) – round(AMS kWh)] / (867 kWh) If both the 867 kWh and AMS kWh are zero then Delta kWh = 0. If 867 kWh is zero and AMS kWh is non-zero then the comparison cannot be performed and the record is removed from further reporting analysis. Disconnect Type Breakout –Data broken into three groups based on disconnect type. AMSR – Remote disconnect type, thought to have a meter multiplier of 1. AMSM – Manual disconnect type, may not have a meter multiplier of 1. Unknown – Remote designation type not designated AMS Data Transparency Reporting

4 AMS Data Workshop IV 11/17/2014 4 AMS Data Transparency Reporting Read statistics: JulyAugustSeptemberData Description 7,111,155 6,489,299 7,434,052Starting Reads 7,196 6,678 6,780Removed due to zero kWh 867 and non-zero AMS total 7,103,959 6,482,621 7,427,272All analyzed reads 6,983,663 6,395,122 7,333,601Removed due to AMS reads being within (inclusive) 2kWh or 2% of 867 120,296 87,499 93,671Analyzed reads (subset with deltas greater than 2kWh and 2%)

5 5 Analyzed Reads: AMSM, AMSR & Unknown

6 6 Analyzed Reads: AMSM

7 7 Analyzed Reads: AMSR

8 8 Analyzed Reads: Unknown Disconnect

9 AMS Data Workshop IV 11/17/2014 9 AMS Data Transparency Reporting AMSM JulAugSept 23,405 18,904 21,858AMSM - Analyzed Reads 19,069 15,663 18,231AMSM - Cycle Read 2,885 2,414 2,690AMSM - Move In/Out 1,451 827 937AMSM - Switch JulAugSept 96,160 67,930 71,014AMSR - Analyzed Reads 58,356 35,789 35,648AMSR - Cycle Read 29,634 25,302 27,857AMSR - Move In/Out 8,170 6,839 7,509AMSR - Switch AMSR JulAugSept 731 665 799Unknown - Analyzed Reads 352 316 393Unknown - Cycle Read 374 347 400Unknown - Move In/Out 5 2 6Unknown - Switch Unknown disconnect type Analyzed reads by service order:

10 10 AMSM Cycle Reads - Delta greater than 2kWh and 2% 867 kWh less than AMS kWh % Delta July August September (2)-(10%) 5,467 4,747 5,808 (10)-(50%) 1,687 1,567 1,842 <(50%) 472 506 703 kWh Delta July August September (2)-(10) kWh 605 508 572 (10)-(50) kWh 3,421 3,023 3,458 <(50) kWh 3,600 3,289 4,323

11 11 AMSM Cycle Reads - Delta greater than 2kWh and 2% 867 kWh greater than AMS kWh kWh Delta July August September 2-10 kWh 1,059 675 787 10-50 kWh 4,303 3,334 3,771 >50 kWh 6,081 4,834 5,320 % Delta July August September 2-10% 8,566 6,282 6,852 10-50% 2,273 2,010 2,384 >50% 604 551 642

12 12 AMSR Cycle Reads - Delta greater than 2kWh and 2% 867 kWh less than AMS kWh % Delta July August September (2)-(10%) 7,998 5,112 10,743 (10)-(50%) 3,041 1,947 2,123 <(50%) 1,644 1,752 1,792 kWh Delta July August September (2)-(10) kWh 1,625 758 919 (10)-(50) kWh 4,553 3,077 6,798 <(50) kWh 6,505 4,976 6,941

13 13 AMSR Cycle Reads - Delta greater than 2kWh and 2% 867 kWh greater than AMS kWh kWh Delta July August September 2-10 kWh 3,902 1,534 1,267 10-50 kWh 17,988 9,695 5,626 >50 kWh 23,783 15,749 14,097 % Delta July August September 2-10% 32,856 16,308 10,211 10-50% 8,238 6,698 6,485 >50% 4,579 3,972 4,294

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