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Mark 2:13 – 3:6.  setting  question  proverb  setting  question  proverb.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark 2:13 – 3:6.  setting  question  proverb  setting  question  proverb."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark 2:13 – 3:6

2  setting  question  proverb

3  setting  question  proverb

4  setting  question  proverb

5  setting  question  proverb

6 Jesus responds to controversy  It’s not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.  No one pours new wine into old wineskins.  The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.  Which is lawful to do on the Sabbath, to do good or to do evil?

7 Religion or Jesus?  Do you think that God loves you more when you’ve done something good?  Do you feel guilty when you fail to keep a tradition or meet a spiritual goal?  Do you notice that we tend to “default” to religion or performance?  Do you convey to your kids that keeping rules is the way to win your love?

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