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The Good Parent: Mentorship in the Jungle Presented by: Dr. Chris Harper.

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Presentation on theme: "The Good Parent: Mentorship in the Jungle Presented by: Dr. Chris Harper."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Good Parent: Mentorship in the Jungle Presented by: Dr. Chris Harper


3  What is the Zoo Revolution

4  The Power of a Cage

5  1. Clinical Depression 2. Learned Helplessness The Results of Cages

6 The History of Organizations

7 This company runs like a “well oiled machine” This company runs like a “well oiled machine” Efficient, Effective, Productive

8 The workers within an organization are simply viewed as “parts” that can be replaced or upgraded as needed. “You are replaceable”

9 1927….. The year that we discovered people 1927….. The year that we discovered people

10 A group consisting of parent/parents and children living in a household A group of people related to one another by blood or marriage

11 “These definitions are based on how you are related, not based on how you relate” -Dr. Chris harper “They are based on groupings not functions within the group!” -Me “Functional or Dysfunctional” -You

12 Latin: Famulus…..familia……. Family “A household of servants”

13 Moving from cages to jungles! You can be a “family” in a zoo! You must be a “Famulia” in a jungle

14 Hans the Horse and the Super Rats The Blue/Brown Studies and Pygmalion in the classroom

15 The Theory of the Looking Glass Self The Stanford Prison Guards Stanley Milgrim

16 Knowing – Doing - Believing

17 It does no good to pour new wine into old wineskins, for they shall break and the wine be wasted. -Jesus

18 I Matter – The lesson of identity You Matter – The lesson of relationship I Can – The lesson of creativity I Should – The lesson of morality We is Greater Than Me – The lesson of collaboration

19 “A house divided against itself can not stand” -Jesus

20 People are inherently lazy, unproductive, and avoid work Leadership Tools: The Carrot and The Stick

21 Work is as natural as play Leadership Tools: Relationship and Vision

22 Ich – Es Ich – Du Those really are people you are sending emails to!

23 To reproduce healthy, mature, responsible, productive members of the jungle!

24 I am not simply responsible FOR those on my team…….. I am responsible TO those on my team -Dr. Chris Harper

25 They practice the habit of intentionality They practice the habit of present presence They practice the habit of seeing potentiality They practice the habit of communicating expectation They practice the habit of constant kindness They practice the habit of authentic appreciation They practice the habit of loving honesty

26 “How can I help you?” “What do you need” “How can I make your job easier?” “How can I make your job more fun?”

27 “Better Sheep make better shepherds” -Dr. Chris Harper

28 “A great sheep is part child, part thief, and part artist” - Me

29 The Child: Follow the leader Open your eyes to the world around you Close your mouth, except when it should be open Listen to your teacher

30 The Thief: Takes constructive criticism Takes responsibility

31 The Artist: Make moral choices Make creative choices Make the world they inhabit beautiful

32 Their ability to grow is related to the cages in which they are placed! True growth is always deep before it is tall

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