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SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED Exercise Specifications Conference (ESC) 23-27 Sep 2013 Zagreb, Croatia Co-Chairs Technical Working Group (TWG) CPT Zoran Hemetek.

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Presentation on theme: "SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED Exercise Specifications Conference (ESC) 23-27 Sep 2013 Zagreb, Croatia Co-Chairs Technical Working Group (TWG) CPT Zoran Hemetek."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED Exercise Specifications Conference (ESC) 23-27 Sep 2013 Zagreb, Croatia Co-Chairs Technical Working Group (TWG) CPT Zoran Hemetek COL Krasimir Andreev 22 CFR 126.4A APPLICABLE

2 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 2 Introductions Technical Working Group Please add your name and contact information to the TWG contact list on the presentation PC

3 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 3 Technical Working Group Composition –Co-chaired by Croatia and Bulgaria –Representatives from each participating nation, SEEBRIG HQ, supporting nations, observer nations.

4 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 4 ESC TWG Objectives Introduce SEESIM 14 technical objectives Discuss TWG Responsibilities and Tasks Review SEESIM 12 technical recommendations Review Proposed Technical Planning and Execution Dates Introduce Technical Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) Introduce Exercise Design and Basic Network Diagram Introduce Windsor Diagram (VISIO)

5 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 5 ESC TWG Objectives continued Introduce Resource Requirements Matrix Discuss locations of Exercise Control (EXCON) Forward and Training Audience for nations Discuss proposed EXCON Forward site capabilities Discuss Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation (JCATS) Database Workshop and JCATS Operator Requirements Discuss Technical Manning Issues

6 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED ESC TWG Objectives continued Discuss JCATS remote site requirements Provide technical inputs to the Exercise Specification (EXSPEC) Discuss Technical Training Identify Outstanding Technical Issues Determine TWG Objectives for the IPC Draft Technical Working Group minutes 6

7 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 7 Technical Working Group Responsibilities –Identify issues and provide recommendations to the Steering Group regarding technical aspects of the Exercise design –Provide a report of discussions and issues requiring Steering Group guidance –Provide technical solutions for requirements provided by the Operational Working Group

8 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 8 Technical Working Group Specified Tasks –Provide a technical solution that supports EXCON requirements for managing the exercise –Provide communications between the EXCON and Training Audience (TA) though means normally available to the TA –Insure technical requirements for the Exercise (assets, information system services, support, etc) designated by the Operational Working Group are met

9 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 9 Technical Working Group Specified Tasks (cont) –Examine methods to improve upon past technical solutions –Send unresolved issues to the Steering Group for resolution –Provide Technical Working Group input to all Conference Minutes

10 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED SEESIM 12 Technical Recommendations Technical Working Group 10

11 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED SEESIM 12 Technical Recommendations Source of SEESIM 12 Recommendations After-Action Review (AAR) Final Exercise Report (FER) National Lessions Lerned 11

12 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED SEESIM 12 Technical Recommendations 12 Use of VTC communications also amongst national EOCs could facilitate the exchange of information and coordination activity.

13 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 13 Questions ? Technical Working Group

14 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 14 Proposed Technical Planning and Execution Dates Technical Working Group

15 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 15 SEESIM 14 Timeline JanFebMarAprMayJun Bilateral 19-21 Croatia JulAugSepOctNovDec ESC 24-27 Croatia JanFebMarAprMayJun MPC 1-4 Croatia JulAugSepOctNovDec Execution 23-26 Croatia FCC 3-5 Croatia Setup/Trg 1-19 Croatia 2013 2014 IPC 21-24 Croatia EPC 25-27 Bulgaria CMC 27-29 Bulgaria EPC = Exercise Planners Course CMC = Crisis Management Course Tech Trg 3-5 Croatia

16 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED MONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUN 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 2930 Execution DV Day JCATS Training Final Setup and Testing Opening SM & AAR Training AAR Closing SEESIM 14 Execution Schedule (Sep 14) All side HOT EXCON Main Training

17 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 17 Technical Working Group Technical Inputs to POA&M

18 UNCLASSIFIED SEESIM 14 18 DatesTaskPOCStatus 28 Aug 13Draft EXSPEC DocumentOps Group 24-27 Sep 13Exercise Specifications Conference (ESC)All 21-24 Jan 14Initial Planning Conference (IPC)All 1-4 Apr 14Main Planning Conference (MPC)All Jun 14Draft Exercise Manning DocumentAll 3-5 Jun 14Final Coordination Conference (FCC)All 3-5 Jun 14Technical Training in CroatiaTech Group 1 Sep 14Comms Hot to All SitesTech Group 15-31 Aug 14Equipment Installation in CroatiaTech Group 8-12 Sep 14Remote Site Instalation and TestingTech Group 15-17 Sep 14Remote Site Final Setup and TestingTech Group POA&M (draft)

19 UNCLASSIFIED SEESIM 14 19 DatesTaskPOCStatus 18-19 Sep 14End-to-End TestTech Group 18-19 Sep 14JCATS TrainingTech Group 22 Sep 14EXCON MINIEXAll 22 Sep 14EXCON TrainingAll 23 Sep 14Opening CeremonyAll 23-25 Sep 14Exercise ExecutionAll 26 Sep 14Distinguished Visitor (DV) DayAll 26 Sep 14Facilitated After Action Review (FAAR)AAR, Techs 26 Sep 14Closing CeremonyAll POA&M (draft)

20 UNCLASSIFIED SEESIM 14 20 POA&M Technical items to add to POA&M 3-5 Jun 14Technical Training in CroatiaTech Group

21 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 21 Technical Working Group Exercise Design and Basic Network Architecture

22 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED EOC EXCON Main Exercise Director EXCON Director Operations Control Scenario Manager AAR Manager Information Manager Remote Site EXCON Forward Site Manager AAR Analyst Role Players International Response Cell (Role Players) Other EOCs MEL/MIL Injects JCATS Information Messages & Coordination Messages & Coordination Information RFIs Guidance RFIs TRAINING AUDIENCE Coordination Exercise Architecture National Response Cell Liaison Officer MEL/MIL Tracker JCATS Operator SEESIM 14 Exercise Design

23 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 23 SEESIM 14 Exercise Design VTC, VOIP, Portal, Email, JCATS Croatia EXCON Main

24 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 24 Technical Working Group SEESIM 2002-2006 –ISDN –Sites: 256 kbps dedicated VTC, 512 kbps data –Weak encryption of data –Expensive, complicated TELCO agreements SEESIM 2008-Present –Internet via local ISP –Sites: 1-2 mbps –Strong point to point encryption –Nations fund their internet connection

25 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 25 Basic Network Architecture (draft) Croatia EXCON Main Croatia EXCON Main IM PC VPN for Exercise Network (VTC, VOIP, Portal, Mail, JCATS) TELCO (POTS/FAX) EXCON MAIN EXCON Fwd ISP 1 of 8 Proposed Sites Internet PC JCATS Client VOIP Tool VTC Tool Virtualized Services (Email, Portal, VOIP Call Mgr, DNS, DC, JCATS) EXCON Fwd EXCON Fwd IM PC Firewall Internet Firewall TELCO Phone/Fax InternetInternet JCATS Technical Control DMZ (OWA) VTC Tool VOIP Tool 2-3 mbps 10 mbps Printer DMZ (Webmail access for Training Audience) Mobile Phones Training Audience Training Audience JCATS Client

26 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 26 Technical Working Group Windsor Diagram and Resource Requirements Matrix (RRM)

27 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED Windsor Diagram 27 Why is it produced? To simplify the exercise communication architecture What is it? Network drawing, including communication lines and assets What is important? Who provides equipment (nations) What is provided (specific numbers) Where the equipment resides (sites) Compliments the Resource Requirements Matrix (RRM) Draft

28 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 28 RRM Detailed equipment list for each site Who provides equipment Quantities of equipment Site technical personnel Site communication requirements Draft

29 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 29 Technical Working Group Locations of EXCON Forward and Training Audience

30 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 30 Technical Working Group Identify Proposed Locations of EXCON Forward, Training Audience (TA) and National Response Cell for each site –May be co-located in same facility, but not same rooms –It is best if TA uses its everyday communication and information systems –TA location requires internet capability to access SEESIM 14 webmail –Need to work with counterpart in Operational Working Group to determine locations no later than MPC –National Response Cell for nations without JCATS may be located at other EXCON Forward sides.

31 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 31 Technical Working Group EXCON Forward Site Capabilities

32 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 32 Technical Working Group EXCON Forward Site –Internet Connection Requirements 2-3 Mbit/sec symmetrical bandwidth (minimum of 2 Mbps) No firewalls or filtered ports on the circuit RJ-45 Twisted Pair end-point Minimum of 1 usable (real-world) IP address provided by your ISP No Network Address Translation (NAT) of the IP address DNS addresses and default gateway provided by your ISP –Power 220-240V AC 50 Hertz, Schuko European plug Amperage – sufficient power for equipment used UPS or backup power recommended

33 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 33 Technical Working Group EXCON Forward Site continued –National exercise equipment assets Ethernet network switches Network laser printers UPS Network Firewall and network cabling VTC Suite Projector Information Management PCs VOIP Phones JCATS client computers (Nations with JCATS license) –POTS – Two or three Telephones with International Capability –FAX – One with International Capability –Furniture – To be determined by the number of participants

34 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 34 Questions ? Technical Working Group

35 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 35 Technical Working Group Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation (JCATS)

36 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 36 Technical Working Group JCATS Database Requirements –Nations use national scenarios and MEL/MIL to build JCATS database. –all nations have to provide detailed draft of ORBAT at the IPC for review and discussion. –Example: Eng Bn – NBC Coy – MP Plt...

37 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 37 Technical Working Group JCATS Operator Requirements –If possible JCATS Operators will be provided by JCATS licensee nations –Minimum one JCATS operator for each EXCON Forward site –A 2 day familiarization course will be held prior to the event execution –Each nation and SEEBRIG HQ will confirm the number of operators available at the MPC

38 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 38 Questions ? Technical Working Group

39 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 39 Technical Working Group Technical Manning

40 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED Exercise Architecture - cont. Exercise Director Deputy Exercise Director EXCON Director EXCON Admin Visitor Observers Bureau (VOB) Public Information Center (PIC) Operations Group Operations Officer Information Manager Liaison Officers International Organizations Site Mgrs / Role Players AAR Analysts Scenario Manager After Action Review Mgr (One per Exercise site) (TBD) (One per Exercise site, plus EXCON Main techs) (One per Exercise site, plus EXCON Main techs) (One per Exercise site, all located in Croatia) Systems Technicians Comm Technicians JCATS Tech Controller Database Manager Technical Coordinator VTC Operators VTC Bridge Operator (One per Exercise site) Technical Group JCATS Operators Sr Model Controller Personnel located in Croatia and remote sites (One per Exercise site, all located in Croatia) MEL/MIL Trackers EXCON Organizational Chart

41 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 41 Technical Working Group Proposed Technical Manning Requirements for EXCON Forward sites –Communications/Network Technician –Information System (IS) Administrator –VTC Operator/Technician –JCATS system administrator –JCATS Operator Note: These are recommended positions. If one person can fill multiple positions that is acceptable. We recommend that a minimum of two are used to provide adequate coverage.

42 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 42 Technical Working Group All technical manning inputs need to be provided to the Operational Working Group Please use your nation’s representative as a single point of contact to provide that information Positions need to be Provided No Later Than (NLT) Initial Planning Conference (IPC) Positions need to be Confirmed NLT Main Planning Conference (MPC) Names need to be Provided NLT Final Coordination Conference (FCC)

43 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 43 Technical Working Group Provide Technical Inputs to the Exercise Specification (EXSPEC)

44 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 44 Technical Working Group Technical Training

45 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 45 Technical Working Group Technical Training will be conducted in Croatia – “hands on”. Scheduled for June 2014 in Croatia (FCC) Areas that will be addressed –System diagrams and internet connectivity –Site setup –Firewall management –Information Management PC and JCATS client –VOIP Tool –VTC Tool and operation Areas that need to be added or modified?

46 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 46 Questions ? Technical Working Group

47 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 47 Technical Working Group Technical Issues that have not been addressed? -Terrain database -Joint Planning, Execution and Coordination Tools (JPECT) – not mandatory -Network topology

48 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 48 Technical Working Group Technical Issues that have not been resolved? -JEMM administration/compatibility -JEMM trainer/training during MPC (mr. Thomas Lasch) -VTC – no equipement on all side (VTC, Skype, Adobe Connect) -JCATS – national response cell – where for nations without JCATS -VOIP – no equipement on all side (BGR, MNE, BIH, MAC,ALB) -Traffic bandwith – 10Mbps EXCON Main – 2-3Mbps EXCON Forward

49 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED Technical Working Group TWG Objectives for the Initial Planning Conference (IPC) 49

50 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 50 TWG Objectives for the IPC Review Exercise Technical Planning and Execution dates Review equipment requirements for Exercise Control (EXCON) Review and Approve Basic Network Architecture Review, discuss and update Windsor Diagram Develop and review Resource Requirement Matrix (RRM) Identify and confirm locations of EXCON Forward and Training Audience Discuss and determine site capabilities

51 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED TWG Objectives for the IPC Discuss technical training schedule and requirements Review participating nations’ technical responsibilities Review technical manning requirements Discuss Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation (JCATS) operator requirements Conduct JCATS database workshop Update technical input to the Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) Determine TWG objectives for the MPC Identify and discuss any remaining technical Issues Draft Technical Working Group minutes 51

52 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED TWG ESC Minutes Draft, Review and Approve TWG Minutes Identify outstanding Technical Working Group Issues Brief Final ESC TWG minutes to Steering Group 52

53 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 53 Questions ? Technical Working Group

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